Title: Journey. (very original title...)Genre: angst, school life, family life and slight-romance.Rating: PG-13 (There’s nothing that bad, but I haven’t finished writing so I’m not sure what will happen later. PG just to be safe?).Pairing: TaeKai, Broken-EunHae.Characters: Lee Taemin, Kim Jongin, Kim Heechul, Lee Hyukjae and Lee Donghae. (SHINee, EXO, Super Junior - some minor characters from the groups)Notes: It’s my first time writing something like this, and I’ve never written Jongin or Taemin so I’m sorry that it’s really awkward. Ages: Taemin: 17, Jongin: 16, Hyukjae: 37, Dongahe: 36, Heechul: 40. I got the idea after seeing this gif. Taemin had been adopted when he was just a week old. To him Donghae and Hyukjae were his real parents and he didnt care about his bioloigical ones. That all changed though when Donghae walked out on him and his home life had been unstable for over a year.Wanting stability he makes the decision to find his biological parents and try to make contact.He got more than he bargained for though on his first day of school when he finds who hes looking for and even discovers he has a brother.Now that hes found them, a conflicted Taemin tries to work out what he should do. ForewordLee Taemin walked into his new classroom, timetable in hand and a blank stare on his face, that was until teacher Kim Heechul turned around and faced him, that blank look turned into one of surprise. He never expected to be face to face with this man on the first morning of his first day at his new school. The teacher in front of him mirrored his shocked face perfectly, both sets of full lips forming almost perfectly round o’s.The stare only held for a few seconds before Heechul remembered where they were, he broke the gaze, clapped his hands together and turned to the rest of the class.“Right this is, Lee Taemin” it was as if he choked the surname out, unsure of what he was saying, whether he wanted to believe it. He then turned to Taemin without meeting his eyes and beckoned him forward.Taemin bowed “Hello, my name is Lee Taemin. Please look after me” and with the pleasantries over, Taemin was directed to a spare seat where he spent the rest of the lesson gawking at his teacher.