Piece of Cheesecake (1/1)

Our Story elfrainmoore 54810K 11 month ago

I stared at the clock showing it was 9:59 my eyes followed the seconds hand ticking, 57. . .58. . .59. . ."And I'm done for the day!" I shouted and swiped my card to clock out."It doesn't look like it, you're still full of energy miss" Yooa commented as she passed by."Yeah, I don't know why but I'm so pumped today!" I pumped my hands to the air feeling a rush of energy going through my body."Maybe you're in sugar rush. I just saw the amount of tanghulu you consumed. Very sinful Miss Moon. Very Sinful!" Exy said wagging a finger at me."Well watching the security cams got me bored. Where's the new guard we hired? I've been looking like a zombie for days now!""He starts on Monday. Go home already" Yooa suggested."Later, I think I'm gonna stay here for a little while. Get back to work guys." I shooed Exy away and then turned  to Yooa. "Can you tell Somi to make me some soy latte?""Are you sure? You shouldn't take in more sugar--""Ah, no no, I shouldn't but I want to. So tell her. And call me out as Batman when she finishes OK?""Yes ma'am" Yooa said halfheartedly."Hey, that's not how my employees respond. Smile, remember that""Yes ma'am!" Yooa repeated in a more cheery way."Better. Now go make me some latte"I looked for a seat at the far side of the shop and found my little booth empty. I sat and turned my attention outside, looked out the window watching cars passing by, wondering. . . I let my mind drift for a second, a picture of a sleeping girl crouched in the passenger seat, flashed in my mind.The third and last time I saw her, I volunteered to be in the drive thru register. I waited and there was the familiar blue Camry Sandeul drives but she wasn't beside him. She was at the back of the car, I couldn't see her clearly through the tinted window but I knew it was her. I also knew she was with someone. I saw them kissing, well heard, more like. How cruel, Why are the good ones always unavailable? Always unobtainable? I shook my head unable to accept my faith am I going to be single all my life?" . . . for Batgirl!" I heard Somi shout breaking me from my thoughts. Thank God for you Somi! I quickly went to get my drink afraid I would go to that place again. But why did she call me bat girl?"Its batman you know" I told  her and got the latte from the counter."Its batgirl, it says so in the cup Yooa gave me" Somi pointed. It was, there's scribbled text at the side, batgirl ."Oh, thats not for you miss, that's a vanilla latte" Yooa said noticing us."Where's mine then?" "I sent it out already. Batman right? That girl outside took it" Somi pointed. What are the chances? Another batman fan. Though in this case batgirls'.I turned towards where Somi was pointing and holy hell!"Must have mixed it up" Yooa chuckled. She told Somi to get it. "No, I'll get it." My voice came out like a squeak, but I couldn't care less. I couldn't take my eyes off her! A smile was now plastered on my face and without turning, "Somi, remember the last box of cheesecake I said to save for tomorrow?""Yeah""Take two big slices please, I'll pay later" I said and saw from the corner of my eye the amused look Yooa and Somi shared. My feet moved on their own walking outside to the sleeping beauty no more.The girl, Hyejin, I reminded myself, was staring at the road watching. I carefully approached her, she then took a swig from her drink. It took a second then she spat it out."Yeeeeah I get that expression a lot" I chuckled towering over her.I watched as she quickly dabbed her chin with napkin, she looked frazzled as she looked up at me and stared for a moment. Her long lashes fluttering softly as she blinked.I bit my lip to stop myself from giggling, she is so cute!"Hi" I greeted, surprised that my voice was cooperating with me this time.Hyejin blinked once again. ". . . , . . . Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi." she said while her eyes slowly travelled up my body.I raised my brow, "I have to admit that was the first time someone said hi to my toes, my knees and my shoulder"The girl in front of me shook her head and tried to compose herself, she went a bit scarlet as she cleared her throat. ". . . I-- um well, May I help you?""Actually, I will help you. Miss Batgirl." I winked. "I believe you got my Soy latte cup. I'm batman by the way."I saw the sudden realisation from her face. Her mouth made a perfectly 'o' shape that match her wide eyed stare."Oh no, that was why the service was too fast. I wasn't paying enough attention. I'm so sorry" She said and started fidgeting then she stood up. She was a little bit smaller than me, and I'm glad for that. "I'll go buy you another. That was Soy latte right?""Hey, don't worry. Sit back down, I got you yours" I set the cup down on the table. She quickly resumed her seat.I know I shouldn't. Employees are not allowed to interact with customers except for business but I just clocked out. Right now, I'm just Moon Byulyi. "Are you with someone else? Can I join you?" Please say yes. "Sure. Sit anywhere you like. I don't have anyone with me." She mumbled, peering at me from her lowered eyes. I took a seat across her. She looked away from me and sat like a child being disciplined. The situation couldn't get much cuter than that. I bit my lip again before I creep her out from my giggle fits.I reach for the batman labelled cup and swirl it in my hands."You don't have any contagious disease, do you?" I said. And then mentally face palmed, that's once again creepy. But I can't help myself. She's a complete stranger yet I felt like teasing her."No, I'm clean. . . I mean I don't.""Good" I said and drank. I could see the scrunched up face she made, from the corner of my eyes. "So, you don't like soy very much.""It's not my taste. . . I'm Hyejin by the way" she said offering her hand."Really? I thought your name was Batgirl. . ." I teased. "My names Byulyi"She grinned and I could see her bright perfect set of teeth. We shook hands and I felt a tingle climbing up my spine. Her grip was tight as she shook mine twice. It felt like a thousand volts electrified me. I feel so bold right now it feels like I could do anything!"I'm sorry for getting your cup. It was an accident.""No need to be sorry. I'm actually glad you did." I said as I stared at her for her reaction. Our eyes meet for a brief second then she looked away."R-really? Why so?""Cause I got to meet you" Still gazing at her, I could see as a new shade of red crept on her cheek.She made a nervous laugh. "Yeah, now I'm glad too." She said as she stared into the pavement avoiding eye contact. Then her attention was caught by something from behind me.Yooa came towards us holding 2 plates of cheesecake."Here is your cheesecake ma'am enjoy." Yooa set the plates on the table. Hyejin stared at them."But you said you ran out of it." Hyejin said frowning."My apologies ma'am. . .""Its OK, go back. I'll take care of it." Yooa nodded and went back inside."What about this?" Hyejin had just rummage for money on her pocket."Its on the house. I told them to sell the cheesecakes tomorrow so she told you we ran out." I pushed the plate in her way. Maybe she'll think its creepy or may--."You own the place?!" She said almost shouting, completely surprised.That reaction was gold."Technically my grandad does. I manage the place" I couldn't help but smile. "Eat up."She took a bite of her cake. A look of satisfaction filled her face."This is so delicious you don't even know. I have to pay you." She insisted. This time she looked me in the eye."No, really. Consider it a gift to our new loyal customer." "Loyal? But I only come here every Saturday night.""Yes, for the past 3 months." I said then covered my mouth. I just sounded like a stalker of some sort. "Oops."She raised an eyebrow."I've been seeing you with your boyfriend in the drive thru." I explained."Hold up. He's not my boyfriend. He's my assistant and driver." She said, not taking her eyes off me.I put on a shock face although Sandeul already told me about that. "Oh sorry, I just assumed.""No worries. He's gay actually. And I would never touch him.""Oh. . . why? He's cute even if he's gay." She groaned."You think so? Well everyone thinks I'm cuter." She said and winked. She loosened up a bit and I could tell that. She kept her eyes set on me and I'm glad for it."Does 'everyone' only includes yourself?" I winked back."No. . . " She pouted. "My mom and dad is in it too." I laughed, a hearty one. And Hyejin looked pleased with her self. Then suddenly her eyes went wide."Oh, you're the manager!" She said pointing."Yah, I already told you that" I said, taking another drink."I know. But you're the manager! The one that Sandeul oppa said, who was checking me out while I sleep!"I almost choked on my drink. Busted!"Are you okay?""O--okay, I guess" I weakly replied, for the first time in a long time I felt like my face was on fire with embarrassment. "I wasn't checking you out.""Were you stalking me then?" Her tone had some suspicion."No, I just happen get attracted . . . no that's not the word. I just, well, I memorised your face the first time you came here cause you were drooling on your sleep" I said before I could stop my mouth. This time she was the one who blushed. Her face got bright red than it ever was!"That was a joke! Ha I had you." Moon Byulyi please, stop talking. I mentally slapped myself over and over again.Hyejin made a nervous laugh looking at me. I face palmed again, I just made things more awkward. I have to fix this and quick!"Sorry, that's not really the reason. You see I thought you were beautiful the first time I saw you on that passenger seat, sleeping. You seemed totally at peace" I confessed. I was looking at her, surprisingly she was gazing back at me. Both our faces bright red."Damn it lady, you know how to flatter someone." She said then finally looked away. "Thank you""You're blushing like a teenager" I chuckled, trying to lighten the situation. What a first meeting."Don't point it out. Anyway, oppa said he only saw you 3 times. He thought you quit or something.""I had to fill in on the guy who manages the drive thru for 3 Saturdays that's why I was there.""Oh . . ."Hyejin took the last bite of her cake then looked at her watch."Oh no, he's gonna be mad.""Who, your boyfriend?""Again lady, he's not my boyfriend. He's gay and even if he wasn't, I don't really swing his way." Hyejin corrected with mouth full of cake."You mean you're not into guys?" My curiosity peaked."I mean that I'm into girls" Hyejin grinned and winked. "So be careful" "Why? Are you gonna bite?" I leaned forward across the table bringing our face closer together."N-no" Her confident demeanour extinguished immediately. She looked away which made me frown.Just then Somi came and gave me a phone."Your mom, miss." He glanced at the both of us.I excused myself and walked a few paces away. I kept my eyes on Hyejin as I get scolded for being late by my mom. But I couldn't help the smile on my face. Hyejin became fidgety on her seat, trying to finish her drink.I handed over the phone and went back to our table."So, Hyejin. . . ""Ye-yeah?""Do you find me attractive?" Maybe it was because of the high energy today that made me braver. I couldn't understand why I was acting like this now but this dominating feeling may have awaken something!Hyejin suddenly gulped a large amount of her hot latte. She coughed it out."Hot! Oh God."I handed her some napkins."Be careful there. . . " While she's dabbing her chin her phone rang."Oh no its Sandeul oppa. I think I better get going""Suddenly?"She said a reason that I couldn't make sense of. ". . . So yeah, I have to go""Ok" I heard the disappointment tone of my voice and hoped she didn't notice it.Hyejin stood and said her thanks. "Thank you, I really appreciate your company tonight. And the cake was delicious.""You're welcome. A-and thanks. Take care."Hyejin turned and continued to walk away without a second glance.It might be the last time I'll see her. I mean, I have probably weird her out. She won't ever come back again. Nice going Byul! I scolded myself. Look at how she walks though. Her hips swayed with every step she took. How am I gonna find another like her? I only wish I could see her face one last time. Stare at her eyes one more time. Suddenly she turned. Her eyes the definition of determination. "Hey miss manager! I wasn't talking about the coffee. I think you're HOT!!! AND ATTRACTIVE!!! YOU'RE VERY BEAUTIFUL . . . I REALLY LIKE YOUR VOICE, IT'S SEXY" People began stopping for her. She looked around her suddenly conscious. "I'M GONNA GO NOW CAUSE PEOPLE ARE STARING. I'M REALLY EMBARRASSED RIGHT NOW. BUT I MEANT WHAT I SAID. I'LL COME BY NEXT SATURDAY SO PLEASE LEAVE ME A PIECE OF CHEESECAKE." She suddenly bowed at me and turned to the curious on lookers. "THAT'S ALL PEOPLE." Hyejin, with her face bright as the morning sun, quickly turned her back again and ran.I felt my cheeks hurting from the wide grin on my face. I watched Hyejin ran farther and finally reached her blue camry, Sandeul was waiting there and it sped up almost immediately. I made a mental note not to forget, a piece of cheesecake.