Is It Free? (1/1)

Our Story elfrainmoore 79320K 11 month ago

"So Hyejin . . . " said Byul, suddenly leaning closer, her face only inches away from Hyejin's. She could smell the coffee, and a slight hint of something else, like the scent that only belongs to a sexy mature woman."Ye-yeah?" Hyejin stammered completely startled by the sudden attack."Do you find me attractive?" The deep singsong voice echoed in Hyejin's ears.It repeated a thousand times, each one provoking a different emotion from the last. It went on until she dropped her head down on her desk and groaned, frustrated at how she was taken completely aback by the gesture. Why did you sink? She asked herself for the hundredth time. Whether it was answered or not, it didn't matter. She wanted more.Hyejin surfaced from her desk remembering her task, it was nearing the end of the lunch break and all of her employees are slowly returning from their breaks. She turned to her newly hired assistant. "Chungha how many more deliveries do we have today?""Only three Miss Ahn""Please call me Hyejin. If there are drivers available tell them to go right after lunch""Yes, miss Ahn" Hyejin gave Chungha the side eye but the assistant was turned to her computer unperturbed. Hyejin had been trying to get the girl to call her by her name as with her other employees but she was stubborn."You're unusually hard working today" Sandeul commented, he was on his desk not taking his eyes off his computer."I'm like this every day""You're only doing this so you can visit Miss manager early""Oppa please focus on your work" Hyejin blushed. She saw him smirk but did not argued further.It was true. Except for the times her mind drifts back to that conversation Hyejin had been like a machine trying to finish up all their paper works and deliveries since early this morning. It was like something a determination like no other had possessed her."Miss Manager? It's the first time I'm hearing of this, who's she?" It was Seojung, her secretary, who spoke."This girl who manages the coffee shop in the free way""How about Kei?""What about her?" There was a certain incredulity and annoyance in Sandeul's voice that made the three woman around look at him. He sighed. "Sorry, I must have been influenced by Hyejin's friends, they always get annoyed if someone mentions the ex. And they always chew me out whenever Hyejin hooks up with her again, as if I'm the one who encouraged them together.""Can you guys stop discussing my relationships in front of me?"Sandeul continued, acting as if he didn't hear his boss."Anyway, this girl is miles away from your expectation"Seojung was intrigued. She raised her brow as if to ask how?"After Hyejin met the girl, she just melted in her seat and smiled the whole drive back to Jeonju"Hyejin who was listening felt her ears getting hot but did not battle the smile that crept on her lips. "So that explains her being weirdly cheerful on mornings this week. And she was never a morning person.""Shut up" Hyejin said, her employees laughed and continued to tease her. She rolled her eyes and continued to work.***They closed at exactly five thirty that afternoon and an hour later they were on the road to Jeonju."What are you planning to do? Hang out in the rest stop all evening?" Sandeul said as he turned the car towards the rest stop. Hyejin's insides started to tingle."If I can, yes." Sandeul shook his head in disbelief."I just want to see her, is that bad?""I didn't say anything, I'm just surprise you're making an effort for a change. You know your friends told me to be your wingman? I'm not about to let them down.""Did you tell them about her?""No, my lips are sealed" He smiled at her as he pulled up to a parking spot near Moonbeans. Hyejin stepped out of the car, Sandeul followed soon after."I'll eat dinner first and sleep in the car. That should give you enough time""You're the best oppa" Hyejin said, and without further ado they went their separate ways.Each step she took towards the shop made her heart speed up faster. It was weird, she thought, she had never felt this nervous about seeing a girl before. Her fist clenched and unclenched as she finally reached the front door. The smell of coffee wafting from inside. Hyejin walked in.It was the same cashier, Yooa, that caught Hyejin's attention, she was wide eyed and smiling cheerfully. From the looks of it, she remembers me, Hyejin thought. She stood there for a moment trying to gain confidence. What should she ask? Excuse me, is your manager available? But what if Byul is not there? Did she just come here early for nothing?"Excuse me miss" said someone from behind her, she was blocking the doorway, Hyejin apologise and moved out of the way."Look who's early" said another voice, she turned and there she was.Byul, with her green apron covering her long sleeve white blouse with the two top buttons undone, hair tied up in a high ponytail, and a sweet smile on her lips. Hyejin took a sharp breath in. How did she manage to become sexier? She heard Byul chuckle. "Like what you see?""You wish" Hyejin teased."I believe you do" said the manager, winking, and Hyejin felt her ears grow hot, suddenly remembering the whole scene she made before leaving the last time."I don't know what you're talking about" she walked away from the manager and her smug face making a straight line towards the counter.It was hotter inside than she expected so Hyejin decided to get frappe this time. As she waited for her turn she got her card from her pocket."Next please" said the familiar voice, when she looked up Byul was in the opposite side of the counter standing in front of the register."Where's the other girl?""She had to take care of an order. Don't you want me as your barista? I'm the best here you know" "Let's see about that" Hyejin challenged."The usual?" Hyejin's ears perked up, the usual, she liked the sound of that."Ok" she said forgetting her previous decision."Grande vanilla latte and a cheesecake coming up!" Byul said as she punch in the order but stopped midway and hesitated. "It seems we've run out of Cheesecake today"Hyejin pouted. "But I thought I told you to save me some""Oh so you remember now?" Byul teased, then she bit her lip "I forgot, sorry . . . However, we have a new product, the Gotham cake, serve hot within 15 minutes. Would you like that?""Is it free?" Hyejin joked feeling a bit down. . . she didn't remember."It comes free if you order it with a soy latte" came the quick reply."Then I'll pay for it" she said handing her card. Byul laughed and printed out the receipt. "Name?""Batgirl"As soon as Byul finished Hyejin's order she let another staff take over her position and made the drink herself. Hyejin must have seen hundreds of baristas make her coffee but this was the first time she really payed attention and felt awed. Byul's movements were fast and elegant. Long and slim fingers expertly handling the dishes. It was sexy."Can I also have the Gotham cake?" Hyejin overheard a customer saying to her right. The girl that took over for Byul looked confused and said they don't have that."Grande vanilla latte for batgirl" said Byul, the cup labelled batgirl was pushed to her direction. Hyejin took it carefully. "Oh, wait a sec" Byul opened a drawer behind the counter and got a cup sleeve. She gently took the cup from Hyejin, their fingers brushing slightly, she set it in place and handed it back."Look for a seat, I'll serve the cake when it's done" Hyejin did as she was told noting the nervousness in Byul's voice. She found a lone booth on the corner near the serving station and settled there. It was strange, she looked at the finger that brushed Byul's own, how did a little touch manage to send a tingly feeling all over her body?She shook her head and sipped on her latte. It had just the right amount of sweetness, Hyejin was satisfied and laid back. She was planning to pass the time by watching her friends video, when her phone rang. It was one of them."Unnie!" she said cheerfully then she heard the soft cry on the other line. "What's the matter?""Nothing, I just missed my Hyejin suddenly.""Unnie are we going to do this?" She asked the usually playful girl."I'm sorry, it's just, Wheein. . .""Tell me""She's mad at me all of a sudden and I don't know why, I try to ask why she was like it but she ignores me. We did a live today and fans were noticing she wasn't into it. She could have told me instead of shutting up like that." Yongsun sobbed. Hyejin sighed, she thinks this is just one of those petty fights. Her unnie continued, "We were just fine yesterday but today when we talk she was different."Yongsun always takes it deeply when Wheein doesn't talk to her that much she has not learned all these years that that's just how Wheein is. She has days like that."Unnie we've talked about this.""It's different this time.""It always is." Hyejin said, then caught herself, she sounded tired and dismissive."Alright" came the dejected reply."Unnie, I didn't mean to sound like that. It's just, you guys always fight but Wheein always comes through. It's just one of those days.""No, it's ok, Hyejin.""Unnie, please, let's talk about it. Tomorrow.""Really?""Yes, we can even have a sleep over, just like old times. Just me and you. And Wheein" There was a silence on the other line. "I'll ask her if you want""No, I'll do it""That's the spirit" They talked for a bit more, Yongsun scolding her for only checking out the thumbnail of their videos and not even watching the whole thing. Hyejin telling Yongsun she was on the way back home but stopped on a coffee shop for a bit. Yongsun told her it was bad to drink so much coffee on the evenings. Hyejin wanted to argue but she saw Byul coming over with a tray in hand."Unnie, I'll talk to you tomorrow, my order is here" Hyejin said and hang up.Byul set the tray in front of Hyejin with careful and anxious movements. Hyejin peered at it curiously. It was shaped like a pudding that had a thin block of chocolate on top of it with the batman logo design. When she looked back up, Byul was biting on her bottom lip. Hyejin let out a long breath as she looked away. Is she trying to give me a heart attack?"You seem nervous" she said and stared at the cake instead."The cake is actually off the menu, and it's my own recipe, I wanted to get your feedback before pitching the idea to my grandfather.""I can't wait to try it" Hyejin replied, picking up the spoon. She picked the logo off of the cake and took a bite. She looked at Byul who's brows were furrowed in concentration."Open the cake from the middle, there's a surprise" Hyejin did. She used the spoon and guided it down the side of the chocolate cake, when she opened it steaming chocolate ooze out from the middle. Her lips formed an 'o' shaped as she look up again. "A lava cake!""Go on, try it"Hyejin scooped up some of the chocolate and drizzled it on the cake."Here goes nothing" She got a piece and took a bite.Byul watch her anxiously. Hyejin's head descended down close to the cake, shaking her head."It's that bad huh""No" Hyejin said in a low moan. The cake melted as soon as it touched her tongue, combined with the chocolate that she drizzled over it, it tasted heavenly. "This. This is the best thing I've had all my life.""You're not just saying that?" Hyejin just shook her head as she spooned another bite. Watching at how satisfied Hyejin looked, Byul did not question her any further and felt relief wash over her."I'm having this every time I come here. Do you understand?" Byul laughed. "If grandad allows it."Hyejin noticed the manager was still standing. "Won't you join me?""I'd love to" "But?"Byul looked around the buzzing cafe. "We're short on staff right now""It's alright""Believe me Hyejin, I'd really love to""Byul" Hyejin smiled, she liked saying her name. "I have a few hours""Really?" The managers eyes lit up. Hyejin nodded. "Then I will be back when it slows down.""Please enjoy the rest of the cake" and with that Byul waved goodbye.Hyejin watched her as she made her way back behind the counter and disappeared behind a door labelled authorised person only. She saw Byul darting in and out of it a few times, serving cakes and meals to customers. Hyejin's eyes followed the managers every move, like a lion stalking it's prey. In her mind, Hyejin was reflecting on what Sandeul said, is she really my type? She never given it a thought before. She was never in a serious relationship and only played around dating girls left and right never caring if they stayed or not. She used to look at one girl and immediately identify which ones she likes enough to fool around with. Only, with Byul, it was different. Hyejin knows she likes the barista and that she wants to have fun with her but she doesn't want to sleep with her, not yet anyway. Hyejin feels like she has to do something first. It was confusing and confused Hyejin is always a bad thing.You're just rusty, she reassured herself.Since she graduated from college 6 months ago she had been so busy to even think about dating. Kei was the first and last one she had been with in that time frame and that's not something to brag about.When Byul didn't come out of the kitchen for a while she decided to finally watch her friends videos.An hour and a half had gone, Hyejin is effectively getting bored, she had consumed the rest of her cake and drink as she went through all the videos Wheein and Yongsun uploaded and even had time to watch the whole live. She admitted that Wheein seemed a bit off than usual. She barely talked, only reading comments and staring off into space as their unnie entertained the audience but more than that, she looked tired and gave these weird hooded looks at the older girl, whenever Yong turns to Wheein to talk the latter would shrink, hugging her knees to her chest. She could see the frustration on Yongsun's face but it was a good thing she is the queen of patience. Taeyeon, one of their childhood friends even said the two were fighting more than usual. She felt guilty all of a sudden, she had been so busy that she barely has time to talk to her friends, maybe something happened these last few months.She slumped back into her seat. What can I do?"Is something off?" Byul came over, apron off and her hair untied."Nah" said Hyejin looking up. "Are you finally free?""Five minute break" Byul sighed taking the seat opposite Hyejin. Hyejin just nodded. "Did you enjoyed the cake?""Of course, did you make it?""Sort of, I helped Elton. I'm hoping I can make it my own someday, but for now I'll continue learning.""What brings you here early?"Hyejin froze, she didn't think of an explanation. She just wanted to see Byul."You don't have to answer that. I know you came to see me."Hyejin raised her eyebrow. "You're too confident for your own good.""Am I wrong?" Byul teased.Then Byul went on to bring out what Hyejin shouted last week, embarrassing the latter. She said it was the first time someone confessed their admiration to her while in front of a bunch of strangers."Shut up" said Hyejin blushing. Byul chuckled. "Enough of this. Shouldn't you be calling me unnie?""Unnie? I'm older than you" said Byul passively."Excuse me but I'm a 95 baby" Hyejin winked. Then the manager gave her a huge smirk."I was born in 92"Hyejin narrowed her eyes on the girl to determine if that was a lie. She looked young, she thought, but she's a whole ass three years older than me?"Why do you look so young? How is that fair?""It's in my blood" came the cheeky reply.Hyejin glared at the older girl, Byul stared back at her then they burst into laughter.But all too soon Byul had to go back to work. Thankfully, this time the customers are slowly dwindling. Byul was able to sneak to where Hyejin is while she stand watching for customers who needs service. Through this they were able to talk some more, albeit in short cut off moments.Hyejin asked how long Byul had been working. Byul said 9 months."And do you like it?""I do" said Byul with a lowered voice."Why do you sound like that""I'm scared I'm loving it too much. My grandpa expresses he wants me up top as soon as I'm ready, but I like this job, I get to interact with the customers and I like managing.""That's not bad."Byul snorted. "Tell that to my grandpa."..."So Hyejin, tell me about why I only see you on Saturday's." Hyejin told her about the situation with her dad. How it was decided she would move but her dad is doing what he can to delay it."He wants to keep me close. I'm the last of my siblings still living in our house both have married and have kids so he's trying to keep me for as long as he can. I mean not to brag but I'm the favourite child.""You're moving?""Yeah, in Seoul hopefully by the end of this month if appa can't think of ways to delay me.""Goodluck"...After that Hyejin remarked Byul must really like batman she even designed it on her cake. Byul said the first game she played on the xbox was a batman related game and that she played it for hours on end that she became attached to the character.Hyejin says she plays the xbox too.They discovered they have more things in common. They attended the same leadership training in Daegu once. Their favorite place in Seoul is anywhere where they can walk beside the Han river. They want to visit Jeju someday. Without realising it the time turned 10 o'clock.Byul went to clock out and finally she sat down across Hyejin done for the day. They had both settled in their seats ready to have uninterrupted conversation when..."Hey"It was Sandeul."Hey Sandeul" Byul waved at him."Hey Miss Byul. I'm just here to fetch my boss.""Nooooo" Hyejin gaped at how bad Sandeul's timing was "she just got off of work.""Do you really have to go?" Byul asked hopeful."Yeah, sorry, her mom just called.""I'm not a baby." Hyejin's arms were crossed glaring at Sandeul."Then stop acting like one, your mom said if you don't come quickly, I should drag you by the ear""You can't do that""I can but you shouldn't find out. I don't want to cause a scene."Byul watched the two and sighed. "Can you wait a minute? I'll go get something in the back"Sandeul nodded and Byul left the two."Really great timing oppa""You had more than 3 hours what did you do?""She was working" Hyejin pouted. When Byul came back she had tiny box wrapped in red ribbon in hand."Here" she handed it to Hyejin."What's this?""Do you really think I'd forget?"Hyejin's eyes lit up. She hug the box close to her chest. Her sudden huge smile hurting her cheek."Is it free?"Byul laughed out loud. "Yes, Hyejin, it's free.""Let's go?"Hyejin finally stood up from her seat. Sandeul took this as a yes and went on first."Someone's grumpy" Hyejin said and chuckled.Byul walked her out of the shop into the chilly night air."I guess I'll see you next week." Byul said it like it was a question."You can count on it." Hyejin stepped back taking a one last look."Well, take care"As though something possessed her, Hyejin stepped closer to Byul and gave her a swift kiss on the cheek. When she stepped back the older girl stood there dumbstruck. "As thank you f-for the cake""Sure" said the older girl still in shock. And they bid goodbye.