Soy Flavoured Whatever (1/1)

Our Story elfrainmoore 45240K 11 month ago

Ahn Hyejin sat outside her office completely out of it. The stress that the day brought, had led her to snap at one of her assistant earlier and caused her to quit. Sandeul, her secretary, had volunteered to close up."Hey, tomorrow's Saturday but if you want we can go home today so you can take a two day break""I'm fine oppa, is everything set?" She asked, standing up and dusting herself. "I just need some rest. And a new assistant I guess.""Hop inside the car then. I just need to close at the back"Hyejin went to the car collapsing on the passengers seat. Then she heard her phone ring. Its was her dad."Hey dad" she said, her voice tired."Hey Hyejin, baby, is everything OK?" Her dads sweet but worried voice asked."I'm ok, just tired.""That's good to know. But honey, did something happen?""Yeah. . ." Hyejin trailed.Sandeul entered the car, he quickly read the situation so he made to exit. Hyejin pulled on his shirt and told him to drive."What is it?" Hyejin heard from the other line."Well, I made someone quit today. . . I got angry and . . . " Hyejin faced the window and held the phone close to her left ear. She told her dad everything. By the end of it she was feeling better and less guilty."Sorry, I told him about it without telling you" Sandeul said looking apologetic "but--""It's ok oppa. There's no apology needed. I guess I needed the talk. Thanks. . ."They have arrived at their home in Seoul. It was a condo unit owned by Hyejin's parents who stays far in Jeonju. They spend their nights here on Wednesdays to Fridays before going back to the province on Saturday nights.Hyejin slumped on the bottom bunk bed, Sanduel climbed into the top bunk. They had been going back and forth to two places for 2 months now. It was getting in her head, it was stressing and the bad thing is that she's taking it all out on her job and employees. "Hey, oppa, do you think I can really be independent?" She asked. She was unsure of herself ever since the idea of being independent came to her mind. It was the only solution. And she desperately wanted the freedom. But she had been on the fence about it not sure if she could handle so much responsibility all by herself."Of course, I strongly believe you can" Sandeul said. He peeked his head from above. "If someone would go solo between you and one of your friends. I think you're the best one that will handle it cause you're, well, you. The Hyejinie I know is very well organised and very much able to be by herself""Hmm, thanks oppa. I just don't know how to tell dad you know. He got sad when I started this supervising thing. 2 months have gone by and he still ask me every time to just handle the business at home where I'm safe.""You know how your dad cares about you" Sandeul said. He retreated to his place and rolled over. "But you need to know that that's a problem for another day. Its late and you've had a stressful one. Try to balance it out.""OK" Hyejin rolled over to the side. "Thanks again. Good night."~~~~~~"Are we stopping by that coffee shop again?" Sandeul asked. It was a Saturday night, two weeks later and that means that they're on their way back to the province."Definitely, just go for the drive thru. You know I can't drive for long without my coffee.""Your dad will be so proud of you once you tell him about the good news" Sandeul said excitedly."I know, I just hope he can take the bad news." Hyejin said, worried apparent in her voice but still in high spirits. Getting their newest client was hard and the battle to get them was ugly, that's why this victory against the other businesses was so sweet. But for the bad news, after another two weeks of debating with herself, she had made a definite decision to move out and be more independent."I know you're his favorite" Sandeul started to say. Hyejin gave him a incredulous look. "Oh you know it. And your siblings do too. Anyway, he will get over it, do you think he'll stop you from getting what you want?""No he always try to spoil me" Hyejin confessed.Sandeul ease the car to the shops lined beside the expressway. He found Hyejin's favourite, the coffee shop at the far end of the stop.They ordered through the drive thru."Good evening sir, I'm Yul and I will be serving you today. Can I take your order?" They ordered the same drinks they've been having for the past 2 months and was once again back on the road."Ugh, how can you take that soy flavoured whatever" Hyejin said, disgusted by the smell."Its really good you know. Its even better back then when the girl was making it." Sandeul said and took a swig from his cup."What girl?""The friendly manager who was on the drive thru for like 2-3 times. And it doesn't help that she's pretty.""Ooh, is that why you've come to love stopping by? Cause you love the blend of that pretty girl?" Hyejin snorted. "You're not cheating on Gongchan oppa now are you?""Shut up, even you mentioning that is making me shiver. Jeez" Sandeul shivered, shaking his head. Hyejin giggled."I'm just saying, she makes really good lattes.""If you say so" Hyejin said laying back in her seat. "But wait how come I never saw her?""You were asleep at the time. It was when we began this back and forth journey. The last time I saw her was when you were canoodling with Kei in the back seat. I was going to introduce you to her. I knew she was interested in you but I guess she was turned off. It was a really bad time to hook up with your ex.""It can't be helped. . . " Hyejin said. She shifted to a more comfortable position in her seat and drank her latte. It was the first time her oppa talked about a girl, a girl for her, he usually stays in the back just letting Hyejin be when it comes to her relationships. The sudden suggestion tickled her curiosity "Was she really pretty?""Pretty and elegant, your type actually, well maybe. I don't have a concrete idea of what your type is. You dated Loco which was timid and conservative but then you dated Kei which was . . . well borderline crazy." Sandeul said shrugging."I dated Kei for like a week. I was out the door when I saw what she really is. But yeah, she's great in bed so" Hyejin chuckled. . . she went into a thinking position staring out the window, watching the lights as they go by. As much as she would like someone right now, she figured it would be better to focus on herself and her job.~~~~~~~

1 week later

~~~~~~~"What time is it?" Hyejin asked. She was on her desk checking the scheduled deliveries for next week."Its 3 in the afternoon. Is there a problem?"Hyejin sat tracing her fingers and frowning on the calendar. "What date is it?""21st. Why?"Hyejin face palmed."Oh, shit. I completely forgot. Go and tell Hector to deliver Mr. Chou's orders, we're 4 hours late dude."Sandeul stood up quickly. "He's out. Took a half day. Wife's birthday. All the other drivers are on deliveries" he picked up his bag and check the delivery list. "So I will handle this."Hyejin looked at the address. She calculated the time he will take to get back and forth."You'll take six hours to get back on rush hour. And its Saturday, we have to drive back home tonight.""No choice here Hyejin. Just take the first drive shift tonight and we're good to go""OK, take Rosa to handle the paper work then. That leaves Sujeong and me here. Take care""OK. We'll be right back."~~~~~~~Hyejin was sitting on her bunk bed staring at her room while she wait for Sandeul, she was smiling by herself, thinking by this time next month she will permanently live here. The thought excited her and made her sad at the same time. She can't forget how miserable her dad looked when she broke the news. He was reluctant at first, even going as far as not talking to Hyejin for a day, but Hyejin made him see how she really wanted to be independent, and in the end her old man conceded. Her phone rang, it was Sandeul calling, "Hey kid, we were a bit delayed but were on our way back now.""Take your time oppa. I've left the car in the office, I took a taxi to get home""Ok, get ready then, I'll text you when we get back. I'll just pick you up""You're not gonna stop here?" "We have to get you home fast kid or your mom is going to kill me" Hyejin laughed, Sandeul was like a friend and a baby sitter,  he always worries about her and is terrified with Hyejin's parents. "Relax, I'll call mom and explain""Ok kid. I'll hang up""Take care"And with that Hyejin hang up. She laid down in her bed and called her mom. She told her mom everything as promised. "That boy always worries, he's sweet Hyejin, he makes a great son-in-law you know""Mom, I've told you a thousand times, he has a boyfriend, he's gay, and he's my secretary!" She could hear her mom laughing on the other end. Hyejin rolled her eyes, grateful that her mom can't see her. She knows her mom is joking but it still annoys her to no end. "You take things too seriously darling. Just be safe, no need to hurry. I've packed most of the stuff you wanted to take anyway.""Thanks mom. See you" Hyejin hung up. She remembered she had to take the first shift in driving so she decided to sleep for a while.~~~~~~~Hyejin pulled over the rest stop near her favorite coffee shop, Moon Beans. "Here is some money." She said handing Sandeul his allowance. "Don't order for me. I'll have my dinner at my coffee shop""Your obsession to coffee is beyond me. I'll take that thanks. Please don't take long.""We're already 'late' so why not make the most time out of it." She rolled her eyes on him and walked away.Hyejin entered the shop and was greeted by the smell of brewed coffee, she got in line and prepared her bills."Grande vanilla latte and a slice of cheesecake please Miss. . ." She peered at the attendants name tag. "Yooa""I'm sorry ma'am but we just ran out of cheesecakes." Yooa said looking apologetic but ever so cheery."No dinner for me then" Hyejin pouted"Ma'am, may I suggest the lemon cake instead?" The cheerful barista look at her expectantly."No, I'm afraid my tummy doesn't quite agree with citrus fruits. I'll just take the coffee please.""OK ma'am may I ask for your name?""Batgirl" she blurted. It was the first word that came to her mind."One grande vanilla latte for batgirl" Yooa punched the order in the machine looking amused.Hyejin couldn't help her longing for the cheesecake. She had been looking forward to it all week. She handed the cash."Please wait for a moment ma'am. We will call your name once your order is ready.""Allright, Thanks"Hyejin stepped aside and waited. She took out her phone to catch up on the latest YouTube video her best friends uploaded when..."One latte for Batman. . ."That was fast, Hyejin thought, she got her coffee thanked the server and went to sit outside.It was her first time to actually stop by, as they were always rushing to get home. She's glad that she can just sit back, watch cars go by the freeway and sip her favourite vanilla latte . . . UGH!She spat out the soy flavoured drink she just tasted.Someone near her chuckled. "Yeaaaah I get that expression a lot."