found out (1/1)

Shy Innocence PierrotLuv 9410K 2023-11-03

Stupid Jessica, and Jonghyun. I hated them all. I can't be withthe one i truly love. But instead i am like a slave for those twoand getting only a quarter of treatment. He looks at me withteary eyes. "Why? why can't you?" I look away from him andtry to hold in my tears. "It's better if we never even started anus," i said coldly. He dripped down a tear, and let go of me. Helooked at me once more before turning away. If i had somethingmean, mabey he'll forget me. Why still love me Taemin? Aren'tyou even a tiny bit mad? Frustrated? Move on...~~~~~~~TaeminsPOV~~~~~~~~~~I furiously went up to my room and didn't understand.She isn't like that. We knew each other for a long time and nowsuddenly she changes her lifestyle? Just what the hell happenedwhen she broke up with me that day? There had to be a reason.I paced myself in the room. I noticed that i still had her phone withme. I opened up her inboxes. All from Jonghyun. I readsome of them. 'Come now!' 'Remember our deal.' 'Comeright on time, or the deal is off.' What were these messages?And what deal was made to this? I opened up todays. why would her name be put into this?Or tell Jessica, i kept thinking to myself. I knew it. She was deadand so was Jonghyun. I should've known better than to trustJessica suddenly comming to college into my uncles college.She did something to Byul. Blackmail? Threat? Hurt her? Themore i thought my fists were really about to hit someone. I wasfurious and angry. I would go down and tell Byul i foundout that she was obvioulsy being told to do something and thatperson was Jessica. But what could Jessica have done sotwisted that made my Byul break up with me, run away, can'tlove me, and especially listen to her. It was more, something thatprobably no human would do. She couldn't had possibly threatByul to kill any of her relatives. So it must've been somthing aroundher. Me! Jessica did like me and was obvious. It is that! Shedid something to break up with me, and i have a feeling Jonghyunhelped her. Later that night i quietly went inside her room. Shewas sleeping soudlessly. I put her phone on the ground and mabeyshe won't remember that i took it really. I kiss her forehead gentlyand look at her face. "Don't worry, i'll solve this..."