Truth Hurts (1/1)

Shy Innocence PierrotLuv 12780K 2023-11-03

I woke up with guilt. I wonder how Taemin was. I should hurry andmove out, but the contract. A promise is a promise. Why did i letHaejin help me pick out a job? I'll do 3 shifts a day, then to behere. The last thing that i ever wanted was drama. But i still hadthat problem with Jonghyun. What should i do?~~~~~~~~~~~-Taemins POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I went out today to SM building. I disguised as myself as a cameraman as a staff. *Click click.* I took shots of Jessica kissing andmaking out with another guy rather than Donghae. I smirk andgo inside her make-up room. But secretly. She came in cleaningher pants, and fixing her hair. She startled for a second, and smirked."Surprise that you're in here," she said walking up to her. "Whatdid you do the Byul?" She stops in her spot, and looks at me."I didn't do-," i hold up the pictures in my hand making her stoptalking. "Tell me or i will show this to your father and i have more,"i smirk at her. She clench her fists and bit her lip. Gottcha."Please, don't," she begged her in knees. I sighed. "Just tell mewhat you fucking did to Byul that made her break up with me,"i said looking at her with cold eyes. She hung her head down, andsighed. "If you knew then you would probably flip," she mumbled."I got someone to rape her," she smirks at me. "And that guilt shehas will probably never go away. Just move on." I grab hershoulders firmed, and push her against the wall. "You did what!"She smirks at me. "I don't care if you show those pictures becausethen i'm going to fire you." "I don't fucking care what you do,"and i let go pushing her once more. The anger, and Jonghyun!He probably did. "But you should care because Byul have beenkeeping that to herself, so now if you get kicked out, then youreally think that you and her will be happy?" Jessica threatenedme. "Just who raped her?" "Isn't obvious? Jonghyun andDonghae." Donghae! He...he. I clench my fists together. I smirkand turn to face her. I charge after her and stripping down herclothes. "W-what are you doing!" I left her neck with hickeys,and grope her body. "Do you even know what rape is?" Shestarted crying. I was even disgusted with myself. I grab her hair,and hissed, "I will let you go, but you do anything? I swear thati will first show him you making out, and this nude picture," i saidand snapped a picture. "Hurt Byul ever again, and i will killyou," and let go of her. I leave the room, and went to look forJonghyun now. Great, both Jonghyun and Donghae is in thegame room. "Yah!!!" i ran up to Jonghyun first and punched him.I grabbed Donghaes collar and punched him next. I beated theshit out of them. "Sorry," they plead but i didn't care. I kepthurting them, and nearly killed them. Until i thought of Byul.She wouldn't want me to do this. "You hurt Byul ever again, youtwo and Jessica...I swear that i will kill you guys," i threatenedthem and left. I couldn't believe them. They...they raped her.How hurt and scared she must've been. But...she wasn'tgoing to run away again right? Who knows what Jessica doesor say to threaten her. I hurriedly run to my car, and drive tomy place.