confess (1/1)
I wanted more. Her soft lips finally locked with mine. Also myfirst kiss, and i was already wanting more. I gripped onto her tight.~~~~~~~~~Byuls POV~~~~~~~~~~~~He held onto me tighter. I couldn't move from the shock. felt weird. He slid his toungue in. I closed my eyes shut, anddidn't know what to do! I grasped for some air. He leaned back."I'm Taemin. Lee Taemin. Your best friend." I starred at himblankly. L-lee Taemin? But why? He kissed me. Why was myheart feeling weird? It was beating really quick. "Shocked?"I nodded my head still confused. I touched my lips. I was stillbreathing hard. "Sorry. It's just," he blushed. So was my face, andbecomming hot. "I...I Love You," he said caressing my cheek.I didn't know if i should be shocked, scared, or happy. But myheart was pounding quicker. "Do you love me?" I touched myheart. It was beating fast.~~~~~~~Taemins POV~~~~~~~She touched her heart. He grabbed my hand shyly, and placedit her her chest. She blushed. 'Whoa! Her heart was poundinghard and fast.' "My heart. Does it mean love?" she asked shyly.I smiled. Of course. I was happy that i was the first to move herheart like this. I smiled. "Yes." She aslo smiled. "It kinda hurts,"she said rubbing her heart. I chuckled. I decided to bring her tomy place.~~~~~~Byuls POV~~~~~~~~~~Taemin brought me to his place. His place was a villa near theschool. I roamed around twirling in circles amazed. "Thisplace is amazing." "Better than my other home with my grandpa?""No. Always, that house will be my favorite. Kinda when you andi became friends, and you took me there. Now you have 3 no,5? 5 places?" He chuckled. "7," he replied. That was a lot.His first home he brought me in 2nd grade i think was a smallcondo. I liked it there because it was practically my home.My parents died when i was 10, and Taemin let me live there forawhile until i found my own place. Sadly Taemins grandpa diedwhen we were in middle school. His parents died when he wasborned in a car accident, and his grandpa mostly take cared of him.But i think he has other relatives. "I want to give yousomething," he said. He ran to the kitchen and came outwith a small box. He opened it and took out a ring!!! Sopretty! It was a small blue diamond with white colored diamondsin a pattern. He grabbed my hand and slid the ring in my rightring finger. "When i propose i'll get you a better ring, and onyour left ring finger." "Taemin. You didn't have too," i said aboutto cry. He put on his ring. "Now we're officially an couple,"he said. I wasn't happy. I slid the ring of and gave it back."What! Why?" "I like it. It's pretty but..." "Not your taste? Color?I'll change it then," he said. "No no no," i whined. "I mean...i'm kinda new to this, and giving out rings is really big for me. Andi don't have anything to give." He grabbed my hand again and slidthe ring on. "It's. I'm also new at this. Just wear it, okay?" he said.His cute bunny eyes made me melt. I smiled. "Okay," i said.We were doing our homework in the living room. "It's already10:27pm," i mumbled to myself. I packed up. "Oh yeah! Taemin!"He looked at me. Oh gosh his eyes. I had weird feelings in mystomache. What was this feeling? "Are you okay?" My stomachehurted even more. It didn't hurt. Just strange. "Taemin. Wheneveri see your eyes or smile. I get this weird feeling in my stomache."I saw him chuckle. "It's called butterflies in your stomache," he said.Butterflies? "Same thing with love," he whispered in my ear.My face turned red and hot. "I'll take you home now."He drove me to my dorm at the school. "Thanks," i said."And it was nice seeing you again," i smiled at him. I got outsideof the car and so did he. "Wait," he said holding onto my arm."Hmm?" He starred at me with a deep eye contact. Differentfeeling. He crashed his lips with mine. Holding my waist andpulling me against him. He slid his toungue in with mineagain. I clentched my fists tight. He touched his toungue withmy toungue. My toungue kept moving back, while his keptwanting mine. He gripped onto me tighter. I let my toungue out.He swirled it with his. He tasted so sweet! I held onto hischest and closed my eyes. A little bit i tried swirling my tounguewith his. He then got crazy. He was touching my body weirdlymoving around his hands in circles, and his tounguewrestling mine. A bit of drool came out of my mouth. He leanedback and looked at me. "Was i too rough?" I shook my head andwiped away the drool. He smiled and said his goodbye.I walked up to my dorm touching my lips. My first time doingsomething liking this. But i felt weird. Mabey my body wasn'tready for this kind of stuff.