Return (1/1)
Choi Byul. "Ah~ I'm so tired," i stretched out my arms in the air.History was so boring. Why did i pick this class? I walked to mynext class, but i accidently bumped into someone. "Oops. Sorry,"i said bowing. The girl pushed me. "You better slut," she said andwalked of. Again someone said that. From last week, randomgirls had been throwing things at me, and calling me mean names.I sighed and shrugged it of. I sat in my next class which was math.My last class. I only had 4 classes, though. "Did you know that heis officially enrolling to our school now?" "I know! Oh my gosh!Shinee~" Who's shiny? A sparkling person??? I over heardmany girls and throughout the whole day was a person that was shiny.I didn't listen or know any korean bands, or watch any shows.Not that interested. "Why are you sitting out here alone?"I looked up to see a tall looking guy with a dirty blonde hair that waskinda in a mohawk and down. Never seen him before.~~~~~~~~~Taemins POV~~~~~~~~~~I found Byul to be walking to a bench when classes ended. I didn'thave any classes with her though. Now was my chance to see ifshe remembers me. She sat down with one of her hand on her chinthinking hard. That's Byul for you. I walked up to her. "Why areyou sitting out here alone?" She looked up looking shocked.Probably my height. "Are you talking to me?" she asked turningback and forth. I chuckled. She's still the same innocent kid.I sat down next to her. She scooted a bit away. "Don't worry,i won't rape you." She scooted back. "Okay." Of course she'llbelieve anyone. She leaned into my face. Did she recognize me?Or was going to kiss me? I turned red at that thought. "You'resmile is really pretty," she said smiling. She leaned back in."You're eyes and smile reminds me of someone. I like it," she saidswinging her legs. So she still remembers me, but doesn't knowit's me. Thank god. Because i was gone for 3 years i thought thatshe'll forget me. "You were thinking hard. Anything wrong?""Oh! How did you know. Well actually, it's because i overheardsome of the girls in my class a shiny person is in this school.I'm curious who it is." I held in my laughter. Shiny she thought huh?And i told everyone not to talk but i can't control everyone."I'm the shiny person," i confessed. She looked at me shocked.Her face of an O turned to a big smile. "You are shiny! And reallypretty with really pretty eyes and a smile! Of course!" She clappedher hands of joy and giggled. I might need to slow things down totell her that i was in a band. But first i wanted to tell her that i wasTaemin. Her laugh, body, face made me have butterflies. A wantingfeeling that i didn't have in a long time.~~~~~~Byul POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I was happy to know who it was! Of course, this person really didlook bright and pretty. I was kinda embarassed that he was moreprettier than me. He gripped his hands on my shoulders.I looked at him in confused. His eyes turned not so innocent."Your eyes," i leaned in. He also leaned in, but kissed me!M-my first kiss...