New things (1/1)

Shy Innocence PierrotLuv 12300K 2023-11-03

I woke up and looked at the ring. I smiled and admired it. "Hegave it to me," i said bragging to myself. I squealed like a littlegirl. Lee Taemin is finally back, and we're...we're...we are.... .I hid in the covers red. "B-boyfriend and girlfriend." Hard tobelieve but right now this was my reality. But i didn't reallyknow how or what to do as an girlfriend. During my week, i'vebeen asking people if they can help me with advices. Everyonesaid that they were too busy, or not good with advices. Now myonly chance was the guy who i knew only a teasy bit. "Byul, i'vebeen noticing that girls have been harassing you, and beenbullying you. Is that true?" I shook my head. "Are you sure?"I knodded. "Okay then," he said and kissed my forehead. He hadto leave early to go somewhere. He said that he was taking extraclasses or something.~~~~~~Taemins POV~~~~~~~~I wasn't sure if i should really go along with Byuls answer. I evensaw a lot of girls actually always pushing her around. I didn'tlike it, and Byul isn't doing anything. Nowadays, she's beenkind of out of it. I caught her once in the library asking randomguys for something. I didn't ask her what it was, but i was gettingreally frustrated. I hadn't had time to check up with her much,because of my tight schedule. Now i had to go to the radiostation and take the whole 2nd shift from 5:00pm-11:00pm."Taemin ah~ When are you going to bring your girlfriend to meetus?" Key hyung whined. "You have a girlfriend!!!" Shit!!!Super Junior hyungs! I slapped Key for spoiling everything."Who is she?" "Is it that friend you were always talking about?"I pushed them aside and went into recording. Aish, Key hyung."See you guys next time~" i said ending. I stretched my arms,and was glad that it was over. Super Junior hyungs and myown members kept annoying me. "Bring her here," they whined.I sighed. "No way she will meet you guys," i said. They strangledme. "Hyungs!" "Our maknae is rebelling again." They rubbed myhead. It sucks being the maknae sometimes. "She still doesn't knowthat you're a singer and in a band right?" Jonghyun hyung i swear!"What!" they yelled. "Wait, so she just knows that your a normalperson?" I knodded. I just told them everything since i knew thatthey won't stop bothering me. "She so innocent!" they yelled in thevan. Today super junior hyungs forced me to ride with them,and tell them about Byul. They took me to my dorm. I openedthe door to see Key and Jonghyun looking through my phone."You two!" i yelled. Those two are always trouble makers."Oooh~ You have her number. But you didn't even text her yet.And why not a picture of her as your wallpaper." they keptteasing me. I scolded them, and hit them running around."Why are you guys eating chicken?!?!?!" Minho and Onew waseating chicken late around 1:00am. Aish. I really hate my hyungs.The week went by quick, and she was now seen with a guythat i never seen her with before. They were always talkingin the gym alone. I didn't like it.