chapter 16 (1/1)

Mating Mood TaeBaekLuLus_Queen 24530K 10 month ago

Mating Mood – Chapter 16Hobi stumbled around the wooded area his cheeks inflamed in reddish tent going back to the area where they had left their clothing all together. In a hurry he picked up his outfit and started putting his clothing on. They very much got caught in the mist of the act and to him it was extremely embarrassing beyond embarrassing. Hobi wondered just how much the other had seen of their mating a part of him wanted to know if he had given a erotic show and how much the other had been watching.Mating carried a peculiar sent it didn't smell nasty or anything to his knowledge it was simply the blending of alpha and omega pheromones and slick from their bodies smelling more potent from having intercourse.Hobi pulled his pants up in haste around his waist fumbling to put one leg in at a time hopping around the forest in the struggle to fasten them quickly, he then slid on his shirt as fast as he could once covered up he took a moment to put back on his shoes and exhaled deeply after he was completely dressed. Jimin on the other hand took his sweet got damn time putting on his things walking around the woods casually placing his clothes on without feeling a need to rush at all. In Jimin's mind they had already been seen, what is seen can't be unseen so why feel oddly about it,wasn't like they had got Peeped on by up bunch of cubs with innocent mind and eyes. And as far as the smell of erotic mating scent Jimin didn't really care Yoongi was his. Alpha . " Oh I can tell already that we are going to get so many dirty looks by other omega's in the dining hall " Hobi said while sniffing himself "I wonder if it's really noticeable "he also wondering if he should run back to the house to take a quick shower just in case."you can care about dirty looks but I don't give a flying fuck about carrying the scent of my Alpha it's a matter of pride Yoongi is the clan leader those other bitches wish they smelled like us right now" Jimin saidYoongi wondered what his mates were fussing about standing over to the side making sure his junk was comfortable in his pants. All this mating had an effect on Yoongi for some odd reason he was fucking hard all the time. He went to sleep with a hard on, woke up with a hard on, every time he turned around he had a hard on thinking about the past and his celibate nature this was just unnatural for him. How could he just finish doing it with two beautiful omega's and still have wood. "What's the matter alpha?" Jimin said looking at Yoongi who seemed to be having a fight with his pants."Believe it or not I'm still stiff" Yoongi said showcasing the prominent bulge in the front of his pants." We have to get going to this dinner so there's nothing that can be done about it right now""I suppose so" Jimin said "but doesn't it hurt don't you alphas get what they call blue balls if you don't fulfill your urges fully""Don't know what you mean" Yoongi said never having to deal with the issue before."Hurry up you guys are taking forever in my darling mate will blame me if the guest of honor is an even there to celebrate finding his mates" NamJoon said "Do you really think I want to have my ass handed to me by my bitching omega who I love so dearly and mean no disrespect but really have you heard SeokJin bitch.Yoongi looked at Namjoon and suddenly remembered an incident in which SeokJin cursed him out for some reason or another with little to no breathing for two minutes straight while speaking as loudly and it's fast as he possibly could. SeokJin was the queen omega of bitching even more so than his own Appa Ma. Nope Yoongi didn't want to be on the wrong and of the heated debate with his cousin SeokJin like ever."Let's hurry up and go" Yoongi said after getting an image of a fired up SeokJin in his mind.  SeokJin had been slaving over pots and pans along with some friends of his other omega that were older and more mature then the younger omega's that were spiteful about Yoongi's new mates. SeokJin could trust these omega not to spit in the food he so diligently worked on if only to insult not only his cooking but Jimin and Hobi.Jungkook had been a sweetheart along with some other alphas and track down some deer for the meal, surprisingly for someone so young and to not be the alpha leader bringing down the deer was a symbol of status, Usually only a pack master had the strength and the stamina to hunt down the deer. Jungkook may have brought down the deer but he did have help though he took down the animal himself. Yoongi would be so proud of his cousin for hunting deer but a second pack leader may bring down a deer a pack master like Yoongi can bring down the buck all by himself.Potatoes were being matched and vegetables being cooked to perfection the desserts were baking in the oven everything appeared to be on schedule now for the honored guests to arrive.SeokJin ran to an over boiling pot and hastily picked up the pot to spill out the overflowing broth nagging at one of his omega friends for not watching the soup on the stove."Be careful" SeokJin said "Make sure you bang that meat good no one wants tough deer meat it must be tender and delicious I don't fuck up food that is just not my style I'm a naturally born chef"the other omega burst into laughter at SeokJin's words and SeokJin burst into laughter as well. Someone that was happy to help and lend a hand was Taehyung because he knew his way around the kitchen it was his own little secret but he knew a thing or two about cooking a meal." Tae ! How are you doing with those meat pies? " SeokJin asked"oh they're coming along really good" Taehyung said "I would get more done if Jungkook stayed out of the kitchen" the alpha was attached to Taehyung's back with his arms wrapped around Taehyung's middle sucking soft kisses from his neck and distracting him from his kitchen duties."Alpha now how am I supposed to focus?" Taehyung said " We can't mate in the kitchen where everyone can see""why did you have to volunteer when you could've been home in b