[M] Chapter 15 (1/1)

Mating Mood TaeBaekLuLus_Queen 28550K 10 month ago

Mating moodChapter 15Yoongi was strolling through the small town with an omega on each arm Hoseok attached to his left and Jimin nuzzled into his right. Whiles walking they got glares and stares from members of the town mostly the elders, Yoongi considered elders to be anyone his Appa Ma's age and up you know starting to get there age telling gray hairs. Those same elders had bickered and brought up Yoongi's shortcomings as an alpha since he was young and not having an interest in omegas. Now their young pack leader seemed more focused on working on his legacy. Having a cub even at a young age was acceptable waiting a long time was seen as an alpha having insecurities or being weak. Every alpha is expected to act on their instincts especially the pack leader. Yoongi had only taken longer than expected by a few years give or take but had he taken any longer his right to be leader of the pack would be put to question.There were a couple of ways in which the three some was being visually inspected by the elders and other members of the town as they walked around. There were the omega elders that were just swooning over the fact that their young and handsome alpha leader had finally chosen omegas to mate with. Scoffing and inwardly wishing they were 15 or 20 years younger and they could catch the eye of the young pack leader themselves knowing they were well past their prime. There was the young omegas that fumed with jealousy towards Jimin and Hoseok giving extremely dirty looks rife with envy. Bearing the alpha leaders cub was such a privilege in wolf shifters society status rank and unique fur like Yoongi's pure white coat in wolf form was incredibly sought after, being mated or relative to the pack leader insured status and reputation spoke volumes about your descendents in certain circles.Jimin turned up his nose at the dirty looks the more omega's rolled their eyes and suck their teeth at Jimin along with whispering dirty and ignorant remarks about his family even though his family held a high status. Jimin walked upright shoulders back in a comfortable stride with dignity as he pass those who looked at him as if he was undeserving of the privilege of being with Yoongi.Hoseok just didn't particularly pay attention to the way the others were glaring at him. Hoseok was just kind spirited and easy-going only when they made a point of bumping into him on purpose did Hoseok mind. Hoseok felt it rude and petty, completely unnecessary and a childish behavior. Jimin had explained in detail why they were doing that to them it boiled down to jealousy and not being chosen by the pack leader to be his mate.Yoongi had given enough intimidating growls and glares at the omega's to warn them off of being overly insensitive jealous bitches, omegas will be omegas regardless if Yoongi flexed his status and made it obvious that he was satisfied with the mates he had chosen.Yoongi thought to himself for a moment(walking around town though necessary for making appearances is a little stressful on the omega's perhaps some playtime will lighten the mood of my mates) Yoongi then turned stop the omega's in their tracks and put to them a question. "Jimin Hoseok would you like to go for a run?"Jimin had nodded quickly enthused by the idea "I would love going on a run with you my Lord it also good weather in the perfect time of year"Hoseok was embarrassed but he had nodded as well forsaking any words Hoseok had his reasons for being embarrassed he wasn't particularly fond of his wolf form.Yoongi could pretty much smell Hoseok's nervousness it was coming off of him and waves something that an alpha with a strong sense of smell could notice and detect easily. Pheromones were of thing but Yoongi didn't pay much attention to smells they could be deceiving. Half of the time other shifters were intimidated by Yoongi and he could smell that, as an alpha leader he was supposed to take advantage of that and flex his status but Yoongi didn't walk around with a swollen chest and inflated ego which made him likable and not intimidating. People told him he had a strong powerful earthly sent, raw and manly. Yoongi smelled like his station Yoongi smelled like an alpha leader should smell and his sent could strike fear in the hearts of many even when he was a child which wasn't his intention.When it came to the omega's In his opinion Jimin smelt refreshing and perfume me he got the essence of fresh cut wildflowers from the mountains and Hoseok was sweet and citrusy every time Yoongi approached him his nose senses were overwhelmed with orange or tangerine.Hoseok's nervousness tainted his sent and made his normal citrusy smell slightly overpowering with a hint of fear which had its own smell that can't be described particularly well. You wouldn't particularly call it a foul smell because it doesn't stink to a wolf fear smells sweet like sugar and heightens the senses and it's different kind of sweet tempting it feeds a primal nature to take advantage of those that smell that way. A true tyrant of an alpha leader would take advantage smelling fear on an omega but that was not the kind of alpha leader Yoongi was. Yoongi didn't know exactly why Hoseok was nervous or frightened. Yoongi paid no mind to his wolfs baser instincts that told him now was a good time to dominate the omega. Yoongi just asked the question."What's bothering you?" Yoongi asked"Nothing really alpha my Lord... I.. I.. I am just shy about my form"They were already walking towards the woods and finding a good spot to settle somewhere where Yoongi could leave their clothing so that they wouldn't have to walk through the town naked. Being werewolves or wolf shifters as some would say made you not think about nakedness the same way, it wasn't embarrassing it was natural. Occasionally you would catch a person walking around town naked it wasn't like they were streaking purposely they probably only had shifted from being a wolf not long ago. They were already settled into an area of the woods behind Yoongi's house where there was a large stream in a waterfall further back .Hoseok timidly took off his clothes in the wilderness he pulled his shirt over his head and dropped his pants and boxers and stood there. Personally He would rather be naked then be in his wolf form which made him feel more exposed. Jimin stripped out of his clothing without a second thought and placed them behind the rock where Hoseok had laid his clothes and drop-down into his wolf form quickly shaking his body with the transformation happening rather quickly. Jimin was a pretty midtone gray wolf darkened areas but also light gray in areas with piercing green eyes. Yoongi transformed into his wolf form after stripping down naked as well his very rare all white coat and bright red eyes that were unique to an alpha leader. Hoseok was the only one standing around in his human form as both of the two of the wolv