[M] Chapter 17 (1/1)

Mating Mood TaeBaekLuLus_Queen 26790K 10 month ago

Mating moodChapter – 17Taehyung's Queen exclusive Jimin stretched out his body without thinking twice about it, while he was stretching his fingers arms and legs collided with the other people that were in the bed with him. It had become a thing the three of them were pretty much inseparable. Simply because they were just doing it all the time together as a three some. They had their individual moments like in the shower or when one or the other was sleeping Yoongi would find a quiet area for Hobi or Jimin in the house, one time he did it with Hoseok on the stair case and another time he did it with Jimin on the kitchen counter.Jimin's arms reached out and became entangled with Hoseok's arms all while laying over Yoongi's body in the bed both of them were deeply sleeping the alpha was sleeping peacefully too.Morning rays of light from the sun beaming stretched across their bodies, Jimin tossed and turned sunlight getting into Jimin's face coming from the window. Alpha made a rumbling grumbling sound with his throat in annoyance as the sunlight beams directly hit his resting face and eyes, Yoongi turned over completely and quickly and with the majority of the loose sheet that was around him in the bed, trying to avoid the beams of sunlight as if they where the plague."Alpha" Hoseok muttered partly sleeping at his covers being stripped away because of the alphas turning motion. noticing this Yoongi reached out a arm Hoseok struggled and pulled at the covers being offered to him slightly until they were on top of himself once again. He shimmied in wiggled next to his Alpha until he was positioned back under Yoongi's resting arm and sighed in comfort at being held. They were a peaceful mound of naked bodies in a king-size bed for the moment everything was silent just until the loud ass alarm clock way on the other side of the bed went off."Fuck you" Yoongi said directing his words to the screeching alarm clock by his bedside, his arm fumbling across Jimin's naked back to hit the alarm clocks snooze button."Mmmm Mate" Jimin wrapped an arm around Yoongi and snuggled into his chest in the process of the other stretching his arm to hit the got damn button Yoongi reached and tried not once or twice but three damn times before the thing went off, clear to say by the time he had done so he was fully awoken and realizing he was stuck in the middle of two naked omega's again which had become a daily occurrence, both holding onto him for dear life in their sleep."now isn't this some shit I got up piss" Yoongi said huffing under the warmth of the two bodies pinning him to the bed."not now later" Hoseok muttered then cleared his throat slightly."what now" Yoongi said reacting to Hoseok's " you want me to hold it oh fuck no I'm not?""Go back to sleep" Jimin said nuzzling his head into Yoongi his soft tropical smelling hair the only thing Yoongi could smell because he was across his arm."You both may not like this but I'm getting my ass up I gotta take a leak" Yoongi said sliding his arm and body from underneath Hoseok and wiggling his way from beneath Jimin's upper body laying across his chest. Both omega immediately started whimpering in displeasure at him uprooting himself from the bed and between them. Yoongi then pulled Jimin over next to Hoseok and wrapped his arm and leg around the other omega."since you want to hold on to someone so badly hold on to each other" Yoongi said.tricking the omega's into holding each other for the moment and it worked they nuzzled into each other felt each other's warm body momentarily struggled to determine who was going to be on top and after that moment went back to sleep.

"Up and Adam You three ~~~ Yoongi ~~~Jimin ~~~Hobi ~~~ wake up" Mr. Min called to the three upstairs behind the closed bedroom door of Yoongi's. Yoongi opened the door to hear the phrase repeated starting again " you three, don't you want to have breakfast before getting on with the mating" Mr. Min saidYoongi his Appa Ma could be so unreasonable he had only just woke up, wasn't it clear by all the noise and bumping and banging last night that could be heard from his room that they spent the entirety of the night doing just that. They woke up naked sticky and covered with cum all over and his Appa Ma wanted them to get right back too it after breakfast.There was the Thump of the sound of two feet hitting the floor and taking off running from Yoongi's bed room. Jimin had jumped up from his sleep his cheeks full and his eyes bulging out of the sockets, Yoongi was halfway to the bathroom to take his much desired piss when Jimin came flying pass him in a rush to get to the bathroom. Once Yoongi made it to the door of the bath room he saw Jimin on his knees in front of the toilet throwing up."What's the matter with you" Yoongi said" I feel sick " Jimin said gagging more and throwing up more. the next thing he knew Hoseok had jumped right next to Jimin and was crying while doing the same thing throwing up as guts and had nearly pushed him over trying to get there."Sorry Alpha I can't hold it .. please move over Jimin" Hoseok saidMr. Min ran upstairs with the big smirk on his face. " YES their throwing up"" You are celebrating this why?""At the same time this is amazing I bet you both pregnant" Mr. Min said clapping while both omega's were holding their stomachs throwing up and crying into the toilet together."Pregnant" Yoongi said as if he had never heard the word before in his life."come on It was bound to happen son" Mr. Min said the way you three have been going at it like horny little rabbits for the last few weeks, yes I knew this would happen" he squeaked "I'm going to be a GrandUmma I can't wait to start telling everyone."" maybe it was just something they ate" Yoongi said" There is nothing wrong with my food or my cooking I have been feeding you your whole damn life and not once have you gotten sick. don't you dare blame this on my food it's so painfully clear that its morning sickness, every omega goes through it in the first few weeks of carrying a cub." Mr Min said "suck it up son it's called responsibilities"------------------------------Jimin looked at the toast eggs and bacon and his cheeks filled up again."no no no no I can't fucking eat" Jimin said, the thought of food made him feel even sicker then he already was even if the food looked really good."Neither can I my apologies Mr. Min" Hoseok said"just call me Umma child, and you don't need to force yourself if you both like I can make you some nice steaming hot cups of calming