Chapter 3 (1/1)
After having been the topic of discussion for the entirety of the previous week, the day had finally come on which the Abdicio students were to begin attending Agnitio High School. Despite the fact that all of the students were present in the classroom and the teacher was not, the room was silent. Nobody was willing to say anything, the anticipation of the new students causing everyone to stay absolutely silent. This silence remained as the Home Room teacher entered the room, however, confusion flickered across the students faces as they saw that there were no students accompanying him even though there were extra desks brought into the room last week. “Alright, for announcements today your Biology teacher wanted me to remind you that you have a test on Thursday. Other than that the only thing I have to tell you is that the students from Abdicio High School will be joining you around third period, they are currently getting their uniforms.” Finishing up the announcements, the Home Room teacher swiftly left the room, beginning to make their way to their first period class. A few minutes later the bell indicating the start of the first period rang, followed closely by the entrance of their first period teacher. A tense silence captured the classroom once again as second period ended, the anticipation of the new students arrival returned full force. Finally, a full minute after the beginning of third period the teacher entered the room, followed by several students, five girls and two boys. “Alright, introduce yourselves quickly so I can start the lesson.” Hearing the order, the students at the front of the classroom looked at each other, urging someone else to introduce themselves first. Eventually, sensing the teacher’s irritation, one of the girls elbowed a boy strongly in the side. He managed to suppress his cry of pain, stepping forward and introducing himself to avoid any more injuries. The rest of them quickly followed, giving a slight bow along with their name, the teacher paying them no attention until the introductions were complete. “Wait, where are the others?” Glancing at each other once again, one of the girls spoke up, responding to the teacher’s question. “Others? What're you talking about?” “There are supposed to be seven others as well.” “Oh, do you know what their names are?” Looking down at the list of students in their hand the teacher read out the names that had not been said earlier. “Huang Zitao, Kim Minseok, Kim Jongdae, Wu Yifan, Lu Han, Zhang Yixing, and Lee Kyung Mi.” The teacher, as well as the students in their seats, looked at the new students strangely as a few of them started laughing, and some of the others scoffed. “What is it?” One of the boys spoke up this time, a look of disinterest etched onto his face. “I wouldn’t expect to see them any time soon. If they aren’t here by second period then they won’t show up at all.” “Yeah, you’ll be lucky if they show up three times in a week.” “Figures they all get the same class though, seems too coincidental for my taste.” The others voiced their agreements before the teacher interrupted them. “Alright, that’s enough. Go sit in an empty desk somewhere.” The students shrugged and slowly made their way to the back of the room where the empty desks were located, leaving one corner empty.