Hi guys! Time for the next sequel of Behind the scenes: Standby; Behind the scenes:Cue; and Soundcheck!CLAP and THANKS era this time! hahaha! as usual, sebongs in their daily romantic life behind the spotlights, but this will showcase on how Jeonghan and his team will fight for their life, friendship, and love. Forewordsoooo! the last staaaaaaaage!i dont know, though. it depends on their activities. hahaha. lets see. but this is really the last sequel of the 3 series that ive made. aw. soooo sad. uhuhu. i will miss you... and! i should apologize to you because i told you before that i will eliminate some boys... it didnt happen because its not what their activities tells me. hahaha! sorry. hihi... i hope you forgive me. and dont kill me in this series because i might hurt you a lot. can we still be friends guys? please dont leave me? pwetty pwease?!remember what i promised you? or did i tell it in public?-sorry. hihi. im so forgetful. just remember seventeens promise to carats. okay? hahaha.and please trust me. kill me after if you want. hahaha! See you soon! I love you~ BEHIND THE SCENES: STANDBY: BEHIND THE SCENES: CUE: SOUNDCHECK: here are the links of the previous sequels. :D