세븐틴: THANKS (1/1)
세븐틴: THANKS During noon, both Jeonghan’s parents visited the boys in the hospital, bringing all the food for them; in addition, for Cheol and Mingyu to take a rest. Only in their surprise, they found people under a patched clothing, sleeping on the floor. She assumed that those were Seungcheol and Mingyu who must be really tired from work and watching over Jeonghan; however, there were 3 of them. They wondered why, since the boys would text them if they’d come. Nonetheless, she didn’t disturb the sleeping young men and covered them with a more decent fabric to serve as their blanket. As Mrs. Yoon came near to shove a shirt covering their face, she found out that the third person was not a member of Seventeen. Anyway, she assumed that he was also their friend from the way they cuddled each other on the floor. And so, the time came when Seungcheol woke up. He was surprised, seeing how Jackson clung to him like a sloth, but anyway, as soon as Sebong’s leader saw Jeonghan’s parents, he stood up and greeted them with a smile despite his tired and sleepy eyes. Mrs. Yoon smiled back at him and told him to rest more, so that after that they could eat their lunch. One knock and a visitor came. Seungcheol:Hyung! He’s talking to Minhyuk from Monsta X The boy was restless. He was panting as if he had been on a chase with his hurrying pace. His appearance was also restless, it was obvious that he’d been through a lot of stress. However, he needed to restraint himself because he expected that Jeonghan’s parents were with him too. Immediately, he fixed his posture, looked at Jeonghan’s parents, and bow his head to greet them. Minhyuk:Good day, omoni. My name is Minhyuk. Jeonghan’s Dad:Good morning! Let’s eat?(He invited the boy) Minhyuk:(He gave a blissful smile)Thank you sir, but I already ate.(He refused politely)Ummm… Minhyuk couldn’t wait any longer, so he asked about the update of his angel’s health. Minhyuk:How’s Jeonghan? Minhyuk was looking so gloomy; moreover, he’s highly anticipating about the answer, hoping that he’s getting fine; however, upon observing the people’s expression inside the room, he already predicted it was not a good news to hear. Seungcheol:He’s stable. The leader only had that information as of the moment because he didn’t know what else to tell. Minhyuk:Stable?(With his big surprised eyes)Is he good? Jeonghan’s Mom:Not that we can tell, son.(She became sad) Minhyuk:I’m sorry to hear that, ma’am.I-(Suddenly he was lost of words) Jeonghan’s dad:Have a seat. Minhyuk:Oh- I’m fine.(He smiled faintly)Please, don’t mind me. Jeonghan’s Dad:I will be leaving you shortly.I have to go to work. As much as they wanted to stay, they needed to work for their son’s medication, so they were left with no other choice but to ask the boys for their help. Jeonghan’s Mom:I am too.Seungcheol… I’m really sorry that we are bothering you from our supposed to be duties. Seungcheol:
That’s not a problem, eomoni. We are glad to help. Minhyuk:I will stay, ma’am.(He smiled charmingly)I am free today. Jeonghan’s parents:Thank you very much.My boy have such a kind and loving friends.Thank you. As soon as Jeonghan’s parents left, there was a sudden change in everyone’s expression. They all became sad and weak, all of a sudden. Of course, they couldn’t act that they were okay all the way. They needed a rest too. Their new visitor, Minhyuk, was very willing to offer his help for the boys—well, that’s one of the reasons why he went there, but of course, seeing Jeonghan was his priority. He was about to help Seungcheol with the sandwiches that’s supposed to be their breakfast or should we say early lunch when he accidentally stepped on Jackson, who’s sleeping on the floor. Jackson:Ahck!(He groaned in pain) Minhyuk jumped in surprise, making him step on the other body parts of that hyung covered in a very colourful blanket. Jackson:Yaaaaaaaa!(He woke up with not really in a good mood that morning. Who would when you are being stepped at?) Minhyuk:Omo! Omo!I’m so sorry! The Chinese idol woke up with his frowning face and foul mood. He looked sternly at the boy who did it to him and stood up to scold him with his morning breath. Too bad for a punishment early in the morning. Sorry Minhyuk. Next time, you should be cautious on what you are stepping on. Despite smelling the bits of hell, Minhyuk apologized to him. Minhyuk:Sorry.I’m sorry. I will be careful next time. Seungcheol:Aigoo. Hyungdeul. Stop fighting. We’re inside the hospital.Let’s eat breakfast. Minhyuk:I actually bought some… enough for all of us.The others (members) will come later after they finish their scheds. Seungcheol:Thanks for the visit. Minhyuk:I wanted to visit the moment I heard it but we’re in another place. I’m sorry. Seungcheol:Don’t need to apologize. I understand. Minhyuk:Will he wake up fast? Jackson:I hope so. Seungcheol:I am not yet sure of that, hyung.Let’s just hope. Not an hour past, one cute puppy came running at the corridors together with some of his owners or maybe trainers. One knock and that boy fearlessly entered the room. Again, another familiar scolding was heard not too far from the place they were seated. Rap Mon:Ya, Taehyung ah!(With his annoyed tone) As usual, he didn’t care about his leader and went to Jeonghan quickly and carefully cuddled him to the fullest he could. V:Hey, Jeonghanie~ your puppy is here. Let’s have a date again. Taehyung tried to be him; however, the sadness and worry in his eyes were clearly visible. He was about to cry… actually, he cried after preventing himself not to. He let go and asked Coups the same question he’s been answering for the past few days. V:How’s he? Seungcheol:(Again, he had to give the same answer all the time)He’s stable right at the moment. Jin:Stable?(In shock) Rap Mon:What do you mean? Jimin:Is he not waking up again? Jin:What happened? Seungcheol:Long story, but I need to keep it first. All I can give you is a little information. Rap Mon:I understand. The boys listened well to Coups’ explanation and it made V, Jackson, and Minhyuk cry. They whined like a baby and they won’t stop- maybe up until they see Jeonghan wake up. Rap Mon:He’s in bad shape then…(He sighed wishing he could do something else) Rap Mon knew how Seungcheol was feeling being the leader, so as of the moment, all he could offer Seungcheol was to give him strength and at the same time, comfort him. NamJoon talked sincerely to Cheol privately. And for that matter, Seungcheol actually cried because it’s been hard for him. Not that he’s getting tired of his responsibilities, but he’s more of feeling useless, and he’s getting angry of himself. On the other hand, Rap Mon comforted the poor Seungcheol on his stable arms. Seungcheol:I don’t know what to do anymore.I’m- I’m beginning to feel sad and useless, hyung.…Jeonghan is always by my side always. He’s the one I’m relying on, but now –I- I can’t do anything for him. RapMon:Seungcheol-ah, don’t punish yourself. I know you are doing your very best and everyone knows that.You’re strong Seungcheol.You just have to keep fighting.I know it’s not easy.You can always talk to me if you have problems, Cheol.(He smiled) Seungcheol:Thank you, hyung. Rap Mon:I hope this can make you feel better. Seungcheol:It is.Thank you so much. While they were talking, they heard an unusual panic inside Jeonghan’s room. Both of them were alerted and it felt like the time stops for a matter of seconds. Inside the room, the boys who were inside the room were scared seeing Jeonghan opened his eyes in daze. And what scared them the most was the manner of the boy breathed deeply and slowly as if he’s out of breathe. The next thing happen was, Jeonghan’s complexion was getting paler, and upon touching him, it felt cold. As soon as those scary sign shows, Mingyu together with Jimin immediately called the nurses and the doctors. Some stayed and they were those who couldn’t move in shock. One of them was V. The boy was looking terribly at daze. He couldn’t move. And later on, he’s becoming more confused and hurt seeing Jeonghan freeze to death. It was the first time everyone witnessed the true face of Jeonghan’s sickness. It was painful to see, especially to the soft hearted once. One of them was V. While the others were confused and scared, V was the first one who broke in tears. Unfortunately, no one was there to embrace him tight and comfort him until he’s calm because everyone was as same boat as him. On the other hand, since Seungcheol and Rap Mon saw Jimin and Mingyu rushing to get help from the doctors, they responded quickly. -INSIDE THE ROOM- Mingyu was holding Jeonghan tightly in order to give some heat on Jeonghan’s cold hands. Unfortunately, it won’t help, instead, Jeonghan’s hand was getting colder as ever. What made it more frightening was the way Jeonghan dazed lifelessly on the ceiling like he’s in pain but wasn’t able to speak or to tell them what was hurting him. Mingyu, despite he wanted to break down, he kept his heart strong as he was fighting along with Jeonghan. V:Jeonghan-ah.(He murmured while shedding his tears endlessly)Jeonghan-ah, you need to fight alright.(He shouted and ran towards the poor angel) Taehyung held Jeonghan’s hand until the nurses and the doctors successfully connects all the apparatuses they needed to check their patient. Since, there’s nothing more they could do to help Jeonghan, they injected a tranquillizer and pain killer to lessen the possible pain he’s experiencing. Soon after, the beauty was put to sleep once more. Apart from the medications the other doctors gave Jeonghan, Doctor Eric immediately proceeded on the therapy. He gave the boy an electric based medication, so his body would somehow stop from reacting for a while; although, it won’t kill his coldness. V was being comforted by Seungcheol in his arms. He knew V was that innocent to handle things well, especially when that instance happens- when the one he admires the most was in pain. Rap Mon was, on the other hand, in charge of taking care of his hurt hyung too. Jin looked terrible witnessing Jeonghan in that condition for the first time. Actually, it shocked everybody else in the room including Sebongs. It was terrifying to see someone you love in that seizure. Especially to those who were fragile that needs some protection like Jeonghan. The others made a strong stance despite the pain in their heart and decided to walk through the difficulties altogether. Comfort those who are weak, and fight for Jeonghan. In a while, the Bang Tan Boys needed to go because of their schedules, but Taehyung insisted to stay. The boy told them that he was sick as an excuse. Well, the boys know so well how Taehyung deal with things. He gave a lame excuse, but then, they thought it was the best to leave him for a while. Taehyung wouldn’t improve his feeling, but at least, he’d be stable for a while. NamJoon and the other members agreed of leaving him than making a mess in their conference. More to that, it might affect Jeonghan and Seventeen’s privacy if he would accidentally spill the beans to the media. Rap Mon:I apologize Seungcheol, but could you please look after him for a while?(Looked at their dazed V) Seungcheol:No problem.I’m sure he will help us. Rap Mon:Thank you.We’ll get going.I don’t think he would act normal if we force him to go with us.It’s better not to cause trouble and scene in the crowd. Seungcheol:I understand. Rap Mon:Thank you. Jin:Seungcheol, please update us. Jimin:Taehyung, don’t fool around.Don’t give them stress, alright? Jungkook:Hyung.Hyung!(Trying to wake up the lost soul)I think he will be like that until we come fetching him again.…(Looked at Jeonghan)Poor hyung.I pray that he would recover soon.(He sighed)Please take care, hyungdeul.(He bowed.) On the other side, a member called Jackson and asked him to be back at their apartment the soonest due to their project. Unfortunately, Jackson had to go. Suga:Take care. J-Hope:We are leaving now.Don’t forget to eat. Seungcheol:Thank you, hyung. Rap Mon:We’re going. Seungcheol and Mingyu:Take care.Thank you for visiting. The others smiled. And now they were alone inside the room again, hoping for Jeonghan to wake up the soonest and to get well quickly. V was there to clean Jeonghan’s body with a wet towel, but then, while cleaning, he he noticed the bruises all over his body. The boys warned him not to touch those red spots because that would truly sting him, so Taehyung went very gentle on wiping Jeonghan’s skin. Taehyung was still crying, feeling bad that he couldn’t help any better than that. Good thing, Cheol was comforting him well. On the other hand, Sebongs were suffering too, since Jeonghan was their most treasured one. It won’t stop worrying them until they heard a good news from the doctor. As of the moment, all those who love Jeonghan needed to be strong.