세븐틴: That’s it? That’s it (1/1)

Action eros17 91960K 2023-11-03

세븐틴: That’s it? That’s it!         Their comeback was fast approaching; however, two of their members were still resting inside the hospital. Seungkwan, on the other hand, was getting better. He just have to take a good rest because he still has a high fever. As for Jeonghan, he wasn’t able to open his eyes yet. He’s still weak; moreover, he needed to be confined in order for his doctors to monitor him properly. Back again in wearing his dextrose; in addition, he needed to take tests once again. Knowing that everything with Jeonghan was not getting better, it worried the boys so much, that they couldn’t focus on their upcoming comeback.  -SEBONG’S DORM- Meanwhile, Seungkwan was with Mingyu and Vernon, who were taking care of him inside their bedroom. He’s still sick, but his fever was already subsiding- slowly. Vernon:Ya… what happened?(He scolded with concerned and frowning face) Seungkwan:I don’t know.Sorry, I make you worry.(Curving himself inside the blanket covering his whole body in shame)         Mingyu checked their Boo’s temperature while bringing him his food. Mingyu:You still have fever.Seungkwan-ah, just tell us what you need and how you feel. Seungkwan:I’m getting better, hyung.Thank you.Where are the others? Mingyu:Some are attending the show you are supposed to be in.Some are hosting an event.And some are with Jeonghan hyung. Seungkwan:Why?Something happened? Vernon:He’s in the hospital with Shua hyung and DK hyung.  Seungkwan:(He became worried and guilty that he wasn’t able to save his hyung from having a fever.)Why?What happened?(He pretend that he didn’t know about anything) Mingyu:You both have high fever.(He became sad explaining things to the boy)Jeonghanie hyung had to be confined because he’s not waking up again. Besides, he’s weak said Doctor Eric.         Later on, Vernon diverted his attention to Seungkwan because he suspected that he knew something and he’s just hiding them; though, he wasn’t sure of what exactly it is. Vernon:You know something? Seungkwan:No!(Of course he’d lie. He lied because he didn’t want them to be bothered about something when they were busy preparing for their comeback. Besides, it was only between him and Jeonghan- for now)Is he gonna be okay?(He said in his sad tone) Mingyu:He will be okay. Seungkwan:He’s getting weaker, isn’t he? Vernon:Yeah.I am worried. Mingyu:(He sighed)If only I can do magic like a prince. Seungkwan:I think you can do that.(He widened his eyes remembering his little experiment from the last time he tried to wake Jeonghan from his long sleep; moreover, from his investigation upon reading his hyung’s journal; though, he wasn’t able to read everything.)Mingyu hyung… be honest!Ha-have you tried kissing Jeonghanie hyung?         Okay… with that question, three of them blushed all at the same time. They’re being guilty of what they all had committed secretly.         It was supposed to be personal. Why bother ask? This Diva never know how to shut his mouth, even in times of an awkward moment. Seungkwan:Ya… ya… c’mon guys…I mean I know… ehem!(He was really awkward)I know the possibility from the start and I am sure that y-you all… you know-(He blushed and cut his sentence.) Mingyu:You know? How? I mean…Did you do it (Kiss) too?(With his surprised face, same with memesol beside him, while accidentally exposing himself.)         The question was quite confidential, and they couldn’t answer right away. Of course, it’s private! Seungkwan:Okay… listen.I know what you all did.I mean… we all did.…(He sighed)Okay… let’s all admit it.(He coughed intentionally)Be- ummm… be proud!(With a large awkward voice) Vernon:How sure you are? Seungkwan:(He was startled at his friend’s question)I-I just assume.What do expect from all of us?We are all boys here… and Jeonghan hyung is our only…(Realized that Jeonghan is a boy too)Oh-I mean his beauty is just- Is just unjust!(He talked with his soft voice but with lively eyes)Okay listen…Don’t you think…A kiss will help him? Vernon:How come you think of that? Seungkwan:Because… look!Baby Hansol did it, right?Then, right after, he woke up. Right? Right? Vernon:But that doesn’t mean if we do that, it will- Seungkwan:No! No!I did it!(He intentionally confessed, so the boys would reveal theirs too; although, he had a feeling that they did it already. He just want them to admit and confirm it themselves.)         The two others were surprised upon hearing Boo’s confession. Mingyu and Vernon:You did what?! Seungwkan:I did what baby Hansol did!Step by step.And- and it works!(He blushed)I mean…(He cleared his throat because he’s so embarrassed with what he just did.)Yeah.I did it. I will admit it.(Looked shy on his seat with his blushing like peach cheeks)Have you noticed that when you-(Coughed heavily on purpose)Kiss… or when you do the, you know, kissing…Is there something happening? Like, have you kissed him when he’s feeling cold?Try to remember. Mingyu:Omona…(He was blushing all over his face.) Vernon:How can we think of that?(He was blushing too, despite being fearless of doing such things.)         Upon seeing both of his friend’s blushing reaction, Detective Boo concluded that they already kissed. He wasn’t so sure for how long, but he was pretty sure, they kissed. And so, all of those written in Jeonghan’s diary was far beyond what he had plainly written with his cute reactions. He wasn’t able to read all Jeonghan’s diary, so he couldn’t tell yet if they all kissed him already; though, he read an account where Seungcheol and Wonwoo, and Soon Young stole numerous kisses already.  But of course, our Boo was jealous. Anyway, that was not the main problem right now. At the moment, they needed to know if a kiss would heal or at least help Jeonghan from his sickness; though, it was kinda absurd and magical.          Back to Mingyu and Vernon, they were currently thinking back from their sweet- in Mingyu’s case, strong and sexy- memories with Jeonghan. Their kisses and touches in particular. Upon reminiscing that very scandalous yet sweet scene, the boys could hear their heart beats growing and pumping faster, making their cheeks flushed into reddish one. Once again, they float in their own private paradise. They could feel every sensation, every anxiety, and happiness they felt from that moment. It keeps coming back like it’s still fresh and new.  They almost explode by just thinking about their lips linked to each other. Oh god! Heaven!          Mingyu almost faint as he remembered that he did it twice with all the intensity that got him drunk in love. Aigoo, poor heart. Mingyu was currently having a heart attack, but it helped him remembered something important. Mingyu:Ah! Seungkwan and Vernon:What? What?(With a curious voice) Mingyu:Well… ummm…Don’t (Cleared his throat)Okay… just relax.…After our kiss… I mean-Omo! Sesangaaaae~(He was blushing all over his body. He was shy revealing it and it’s obvious with him cupping his cheeks.)How should I say this… Seungkwan:C’mon, hyung! You must tell us. This is important, you know. Mingyu:But-(He was a little hesitant) Vernon:Why?(He was a bit confused because all he knew was, the kiss that they could only do was just a peck on the lips- max.! Indeed, Hansol is still an innocent baby)Is it-(He blushed)Yaaaaa!(He panicked and thought of how outrageous it could be)Long?! Mingyu:UmmmWell, it last forever for me but…Ummm… we were currently… you know…(With his anxious eyes, avoiding the others. And so, he continued his words with another topic)I feel his hands cold, but it fades away.I mean it stopped occurring… t-that’s what I remembered. If! I remembered it correctly. I-I am not sure if the coldness was because of him taking a shower or what but…(He stuttered)         Two deadly gazes were locking his neck that time.  Mingyu was on hot seat. Seungkwan:This makes me angry! I-AM-ANGRY!(The cute Boo was fuming with jealousy)When did that happen?! When?!Tell me! Mingyu:Ya! You make me do this! Because you said it may help Jeonghanie hyung!Why ask?!This is embarrassing!(He covered his reddened face) Seungkwan:Anyway!Ehem!(Tried to cool down his boiling head, unfortunately, he couldn’t)You perv! Mingyu:Ya! I’m not… it’s unavoidable! Vernon:I agree.(He giggled his frustration out.)         Later on, the three boys began to accept it rather than fight over it. They agreed that it was unavoidable, but it still bothered them. Seungkwan was regretting what he asked but maybe it could help. Seungkwan:Vernon!Let’s go to Jeonghan hyung’s doctor… Doctor Eric and tell him what we found out.         Later on, Vernon remembered when they were in Singapore, he remembered kissing Jeonghan’s lips in the crowd. And yeah, he was cold but his attacks, none of his attacks came after the kiss and he was just totally fine.         Mr. Di Caprio was slightly convinced with Mr. Boo’s investigative conclusion; however, it still appeared absurd to him. Well, he couldn’t take the possibility that it may- hopefully- heal their angel. But how? It’s somehow ridiculous when you think of it as a solution in a very scientific established study regarding the sickness.         O well, Miracles do happen. Right?         Anyway, Vernon had told them what he experienced. On the while, Seungkwan and Mingyu seemed totally convinced by it; though, it doesn’t seem feasible. It’s still like a fantasy. Mingyu:Do you think, Doctor Eric will believe us? Seungkwan:It looks magical but he can consider it. But how should we explain this? Mingyu:Up to Vernon then.(He passed the responsibility to his innocent dongsaeng)         The boy was looking serious about the suggestion. Vernon:Why me?How can I explain that- that……That pleasure is an option?          Three of them were surprised with his sudden answer, even Vernon was surprised with his own statement. Vernon:I mean, romance?(He cleared everything before anything else) Mingyu:Ya… this kid, really! Seungkwan:That means… he needs to be in love? Mingyu:Hmmm… that sounds a hope and a heartbreak to me. Vernon:But… his disease is neurological not psychological. Mingyu:The feeling of delighted maybe? Like… he’s happy or relax? I think it has some relations in it. No?         One by one, they took a good digging about their possible cure. Vernon:With pleasure?(He said innocently; though, the other boys take it to the next level. He noticed it and change the term)I mean… being in love? The happiness of being in love, I mean.  Seungkwan:Can you consult Doctor Eric?         Right away, Vernon texted Jeonghan’s doctor saying that they wanted to consult something about their hyung’s sickness. Then, the doctor just said that they would just meet instead, so they would have a clearer conversation.         Seungkwan was forced up from bed because he wanted to go and see Doctor Eric with Vernon and Mingyu. He didn’t want to be left alone and besides, he wanted to know more about his hyung’s sickness, because lately, he’s not coming with any of their members whenever he’s having his check-up. He’d usually go with his parents; in addition, they already hired a private interpreter instead of asking Joshua or Vernon to translate. It was somehow making them sad, that they were keeping it a secret; though, Jeonghan has the right to do that- who knows it was his parent’s idea. They had absolutely no right to go against it. -CAFÉ-         As said, Doctor Eric and the boys met at a café. Their conversation started with Vernon being their interpreter.  The boys were shy at first- of course, they would be- but they gotta be brave on telling their observations, in order to help. Uh- right? Was it proper to open that up- that very sensitive topic? Well, they had no idea that before Jeonghan would give his diary, he advised his doctor not to judge all of them because of their complicated relationship. Aigoo, poor boys. So anyway, back to being brave… the Sebongs took the risk- risk of revealing their secret affair to someone outside their family- in order to clear things, if it (the kissing) could indeed help in curing Jeonghan’s disease. Vernon:(He was hesitant with his blushing cheeks)Doctor?I think it’s a bit odd for us to tell you this… but I think this is something to do with hyung’s sickness. Doctor Eric:Go ahead.(With a smiled after sipping on his hot latte.)         While Vernon was having a talk with Doctor Eric in English, the two boys waiting for Vernon’s interpretation got bored and chose to have their own world too by chatting about different topic. Seungkwan:(He whispered to Mingyu)This doctor really is handsome, don’t you think? Mingyu:Yeah. I agree.He looked like a Hollywood Star to me.         Well, the two other boys chose not to meddle between Vernon and the doctor’s conversation because they would probably just mix things up and would make their two foreigners confused. Besides, they don’t know how to express themselves really well in English. Better be quiet than causing headaches and blood lost upon themselves.  Let Vernon do the talking.         Meanwhile, Vernon was done summarizing everything in a manner that it would not appear weird and disgusting on the other party. He chose his words well because it’s quite a complicated or rather the most complicated relationship status recorded on earth.          On the contrary, while Vernon was being so nervous and all, the doctor was relaxed and amused. He let out a soft giggle as he was amused of how they investigated things on their own.         After noticing Doctor Eric’s unusual reaction, they became confused; though, they were still shy about the things they just confessed.         The boys blushed. Vernon:Doc, I know it’s absurd but- Doctor Eric:What you had examined is the same thing of what I also –or rather continuously investigating.His psychological participation is, I think, a big factor to his sickness. Like if he’s getting depressed, he’s getting weaker; however, on the other side, if he’s delighted, he’s healthy. That’s why I asked him to write journals of his everyday life. – in detail.(He added)Well, I know about your little love that’s going on and don’t worry, your secrets are safe with me.(He smiled)Anyway, I found out that Jeonghan is not a very confident person.I figured out that he likes people showing affection, and on the other side, he wants to confirm it too. Vernon:He’s like that, but we keep on reminding him that he’s good as any of us. Doctor Eric:Good!…(He showed a bothered expression)But lately, he’s having troubles about something. I know he’s skipping his journals, nowadays. If you have any information, please tell me right away.  Vernon:Then, let me write what I observe about him too. Doctor Eric:Sure. That’s a big help.(He smiled)Thank you. Vernon:Doctor, any development?Did we help?(He asked shyly)         Doctor found him so adorable and innocent. He looked at him with a very light face.  Doctor Eric:Yes, you helped!And let me share you something that I’ve researched.…         Vernon became serious, while upon observing the two foreigners talk, Boo and Mingoo became quiet because they seemed talking about something important. Doctor Eric:As you know, we are researching… we’ve visited those who are experiencing Jacob-Wilhelm disease and observed their daily lives.Among all who survived are all married. (He smiled as he started seated in a more relax position)No- at least they have children. And some are sexually active- I mean they have partners… you know… (He still continued explaining without any pause)The heat they produced when they intercourse might have helped them to kill those unwanted cells inside their bodies.…I am thinki-         The foreign doctor halted his words as he saw Vernon blushing and embarrassed all throughout his beautiful face. He thought he’s explaining something that an innocent child couldn’t comprehend yet.          Vernon looked innocently cute, frozen in his seat with the red blush already conquered his ears.         The doctor giggled and apologize. And then, he started rephrasing his words into a much acceptable and maybe scientific one. Doctor Eric:I- I mean, the heat the body produces can, you know, help the body fight the coldness from the inside.         When Vernon was still at daze… the doctor couldn’t help but to feel guilty saying those words that would strip down their innocence; nevertheless, his vision of the Hansol who’s at lost was really adorable and it made him chuckle a little. Doctor:What I am saying is… a heat from the inside or produced by their body might help them.That’s how our theory goes, but still no assurance that it would completely cure the sickness.         Eric couldn’t help but to sigh when he thought that the boy he’s talking too turned out a statue with a totally flushed face; moreover, he looked disturbed. He suddenly remembered that the problem was not only about being a boy, but also, their cultures are different. Eric felt sorry for him. Good thing, the two other boys had no clue about a thing they’ve been talking about.         Doctor Eric:I’m sorry.I went too far, but it doesn’t mean that Jeonghan should do that.(He laughed)There are many ways. Like the feeling of enthusiasm, or flutter…. Exercise or…I mean- Vernon:Yeah- I-I-it’s okay…(With his blank surprised stares- still)I understand, doctor. Doctor Eric:You sure, kid?         Hansol’s expression intrigued their two audience at the sides.  Mingyu:Are you okay? Seungkwan:Aigoo!(Noticed that Hansol was spilling his drinks on his face absentmindedly.)Ya… you are soaking your face with your drinks.(He wiped it for the dumbfounded Vernon)         On the meantime, the statue Vernon was thinking if he had to translate everything he learned to them. He was so scared revealing that kind of thing to them when he just learned that Mingyu did something longer- the, you know, kiss- It’s dangerous! Like they said it’s unavoidable. Better be cautious because they won’t know if they could do such things out of impulse too. Hope they would not… they should be cautious and they need to respect one another. And as for Vernon, he has now a job as he assigned himself to watch over Jeonghan and protect him at all cost.  Jeonghan must be protected. But somehow, Vernon was kind of scared of himself too. Anyway… as long as their hearts are pure and sincere, respect would always come first- right? Vernon:How am I supposed to explain that to them?(He murmured in English wearing his problematic expression) Seungkwan:What? Doctor Eric:(He giggled)What at cute boy.You don’t have too, since we are not yet sure… but we consider it as one factor that could help.There’s a married man with this disease, but until now he’s still being attacked; though, not as frequent and painful as before.I’ll just let you know.Okay? Vernon:Did Jeonghan hyung knew about this? Doctor Eric:Not yet.(He giggled)Just protect him. His body might give up any time… I can tell. So please have patience and let him live a happy day every day.I know he doesn’t want you to be bothered… but as I’ve said before… his body is giving up. But trust Jeonghan. I believe in his will power too.(He winked)We are developing a treatment and an operation that I think could do a little help.I hope. Vernon:(Still blank)Sure.I-I hope that treatment will be successful.(With his monotone voice) Mingyu:What’s he says?(He was being impatient) Vernon:(With his memesol expression)Mmm?(He seemed like a lost soul)He said… that…Um, thank you for the information.And they are developing a treatment, hoping that it will be the cure…aaaaaand that we should take good care of hyung. Seungkwan:(With a doubtful face)That’s it?That’s it?!(He complained)

You talked for so long, Vernon.And that’s it?! Mingyu:Yeah.Ya… tell us the truth! Vernon:Well, ummm-He said that, they have patients that are already married without having an attack, except one.And…and…(His explanation seemed weird because he’s mixing his words and some were unclear)Anyway… it’s all just about the study and what I told you was the summary. And we have to write what we observed about Jeonghan hyung and give it to Doctor Eric. Seungkwan:You are hiding something. Vernon:No!I have nothing to hide.         Hansol’s hands were getting cold as the interrogation continued, but he had to keep the secret first- for safety purposes. Mingyu:(With his interrogative eyes)Sure? Vernon:Yeah.And his feelings might have to do with the attacks too.(He said briefly) Mingyu:Then why are you so surprised? Vernon:Because Doctor said, Jeonghan hyung’s body is failing.(With an abrupt tone making the others surprised.)         With that short sentence, the two other boys became silent learning how bad their hyung was. They were quiet until they said goodbye to Doctor Eric.          Getting back to the dorm, Seungkwan fell on his knees as he started shaking after getting exhausted from their meeting; moreover, he was so stressed with the fact that Jeonghan was getting weaker. Then, he thought of the diary he read. It made him sad and became more ill.         By the time their leader went back to their house, the three received scolding for letting Boo go outside that made him more sick. Aigoo. These boys never learn.