Seventeen 90K Active
Author: yeppeoso
Latest: 014
Time: 2023-11-03

S N O W F L A K EDEEP INSIDE, WHERE NOTHINGS FELT RIGHT, IVE LOST MY MIND "Just what the point of my life now?"  When everyone else just building their way to their dreams, the eighteen years old Yuna must let her dream slipped away just like that. Broken and despair, now she has no choice beside faking a happy life for the sake of her mother. When she about to end her tiring life, a strange smile stopped her to do so. "You have so much things left to do." he said, as if he know all these pains that Yuna endured this whole time.       ForewordA/N: So here is it! My very first story in this account that the main pair isnt about IU. Actually, im only interested writing IUs story but lately ive slipped into diamond life and navillera, and yeah im becoming a svtfriend trash now because Seokmin and Yuju! (Im a Seokjus trash yeah) Seriously these two are too adorable, what a great pair made from heaven! But Im greatly disappointed since Seokjus story is so rare and I dont get why?? So thats why Im crossing the line from my own rules;; This story will centered to Yuju/Yuna, and the progress willl kinda....slow? I hope you bear with it xD Honestly i want to write a funny and fluffy stories since both of them have unique and funny personality, but Im trying and I dont know why am I always failed?? Ah, whatever happened, I hope you guys enjoy this story! But guys, dont ever hope Ill update fast. Im sososos bad at making chaptered story, and this story has a very long way to an end, although Im still unsure about the ending. This story might left unfinished too, since next month my college life will be starting and itll be hard to find internet connection. But Ill be trying my best to update during this remaining holiday. But I dont promise you guys anything, ok ;; (and have you guys check my seokjus thread on twitter?? go check it, although Im not finishing it yet haha) START:— JULY 27, 2016 — END:— mm/dd/yy —
