Infinite lifes
Kai is a vampire that lived hundreds of years ago .People thought that being a vampire is cool and fun, but Kai think differently. Being a vampire sucks when various obstacles multiplies one by one and he have to solve it without revealing his identity.He met a human girl that charms his heart.He wants to grow old with her....but resisting the urge to suck the hell out of her, or transforming her into his kind.Is it impossible for a vampire to love a human? ForewordSORRY I PROBABLY HAVE TONS OF GRAMMAR MISTAKES CUZ IM TOO LAZY TO CHECK. AND MY ENGLISH SUCKS. THANKS FOR YOUR COOPERATION....? LOL=+++++++++++++++++=I have lived for hundreds of years. Until now, everything had changed...except for me.Lived to watch my love ones get old and die and left me one by one.Thats why i am bound to not fall in love and interfere in anyone i meet and thats why....I have always been alone.[Year 2015]" Sumimasen (excuse me in japenese), would you like to be a celebrity?" Such a straight forward human.Ah, this happen to me a lot thanks to my most seductive and handsome face due to me being a fabulous vampire. I look like a 18 year old human What ? Jealous? Dont be, you wont like it if you were me.Why not give it a try, i thought to myself.Its been boring without nothing to do, not even having a proper job because of all the money i saved during the past hundreds of years.Im practically a billionare now."Okay." I replied with a genuine smile to the manager of SM entertainment." Great! This is the address of our company. Please come tomorrow!"Ish..another boring day until tomorrow.Youre probaly wondering where are my parents, or so called vampires that transformed me into a vampire at the age of 18. Meh..they bit me for fun and left me alone..striving for survival in a place full of humans.I learned how to be a human so i dont look suspicious. But honestly, the food sucks after i became a good for nothing blood sucker.I moved to different places every ten years and i almost ran out of places to go. Now im in japan and im going to be a celebrity here? What was i thinking.. probaly trying to enchant my life as a dried out lonely vampire.My learning and physical skills improved ( my looks became more handsome too)thanks to being a mythical creature. So being a solo celeb wont be hard for me right? What could possibly go wrong.----------------------I dont need sleep. So i have double the time to spend my day. I watched all those news and videos of singers in japan and i practically learnt how to be one already.After some nice scrumptious packets of blood , i went to the company for an interview."Hi, my name is Kai " thats what i only said and i got a spot ( expectedly). Thay brought me to a room full of teenage boys, not as good looking as me. I scoffed in my mind so they dont hear it."Welcome your new member of EXO , Kai."My heart immediately sank ten levels below. Wait..WHAT . ITS A BOY BAND? ARENT I SOLO- ING????" i want to quit this band.""Sorry to say this but you already signed a contract for this."A rather cute boy named chanyeol came to me and said "from today onwards, you are one of us , and you are going to the same school we r attending. Isnt that great?"This is the first time i talked to strangers for such a long time since onnichans ( brother ) death."Im chanyeol. These are the other members of Exo, d.o, Baekhyun, Luhan and Kris! " he continued."Hehe, nice to meet you ." Said luhan cheerfully."Take good care of yourself so you dont give us troubles." Glared Kris. It gave me goosebumps eventhough im a living dead myself. God..are humans that scary too? They mustnt know my true identify, yet."Dont be scared of him, hes kind hearted eventhough nothing of him shows it. Welcome and have fun with us ." chuckled D.o ."Hope you dont get bullied on the first day of school tomorrow." Said Baekhyun in a stern but heart warming voice.Are you kidding me.. I have to attend school eventhough im 480 years old?! Im a vampire for draculas sake, and im going through a hell with things i learnt over ten times for years? I guess i will have to skip as many classes possible, maybe using my charming vampire looks...haha.....who am i kidding...that school must be rich , high discipline, and filled with other bunch of high school celebs.Good to know...-------Thats when my life becomes more interesting.....