Call It Magic, Call It True

Fluff 00K Active
Time: 2023-11-01

Under the cover of night, they are one in body. After it all, they remain that way in love. Pairing!OT12, Whimsical!Fluff, Canon, Sliceoflife!AU ForewordI had this idea randomly when I woke up this morning. Its kind of flowy and light and definitely new for me, but I just couldnt help it. For those of you freaked out by the idea of OT12, this isnt anything graphic, so dont worry; but I look at pictures/vids of all of EXO together, and see that the pairs I ship are fluid and constantly changing, so this isnt too much of a stretch—fingers crossed.Disclaimer: I only own the fic.So enjoy, and if you do, please let me know. Subscriptions, upvotes, and ESPECIALLY comments are always appreciated!
