Final (1/1)

Kiss Me MilesLee 19690K 2023-11-03

Eli grunted and threw the plate on the floor. Amelie ran to the kitchen as soon as she heard the noise. She stared at Eli with wide eyes. “What happened?” she asked as she looked at Bae’s food thrown on the ground. She looked from Bae’s angry pout to Eli’s frustrated face.“It’s happening again.” Eli sighed as he sat down. “Bae is being reluctant to eating. I don’t know why he keeps doing this. He can’t just go a whole day on just juice and milk.”Amelie approached Bae slowly. She smiled and ruffled his hair softly. “Hey, aren’t you hungry? Do you want to eat something other than what daddy just gave you? If you do, you have to tell him if not he’ll get frustrated.”Bae furrowed his brows, “I want to eat fruit punch.”Amelie laughed, “You can’t eat that.” She looked at him sternly, “Either you eat the food I prepared for you or you’ll go to bed hungry. It’s your choice, tell us which you prefer.” Bae looked at her as if initiating a challenge before getting up and going to his room.“Are you really going to let this end like that?” Eli looked at her in confusion. He leaned back in his seat and looked into space, “Doesn’t seem like you.”“What else can I do?” Amelie threw herself on a seat. “I’m tired of fighting with him. He hasn’t eaten anything solid for days. I’m feeling tempted to calling my mom. She’ll be able to scare him into eating.”“We’ll figure something out.” Amelie twisted her lips and slightly nodded. Eli smiled when he suddenly came up with an idea, “I bet he’ll eat lunch tomorrow.”“Who called?” Minji asked as she flipped through the pages of a magazine.“It was Eli.” he answered. “He invited us over for lunch. I’m going to give Junghee a bath.”Soohyun walked into Junghee’s room and smiled at her. “Let’s go get cleaned up.” Junghee made a face and shook her head. “It seems like you’re having a lot of fun playing with your toys. You also have bathtub toys. Let’s go play with those.”“Later.” she laughed.“What if I told you we’re going to see your good friend, Bae?” Soohyun smirked. Junghee smiled cutely.“Okay~” Soohyun sang as he walked out the room. “I guess we’ll go without you.” Junghee’s eyes widened and she ran after Soohyun.Soohyun looked around the apartment in disappointment when they arrived. “Where’s the food? I came over to eat not to wait for one of you to cook. Is this how you treat your guests? I want lunch, not dinner. Food should be served already. You invite everyone and don’t offer some appetizers at least?”Kiseop laughed, “Calm down. Eli thought it would be a good idea for us to cook with the kids. Having them help us will be cute.”“You should have told me that.” Soohyun sighed. “I would have sent Minji with Junghee while I got ready.”AJ picked Junhee up, “Bae might eat if he sees how much fun food can be.” Soohyun looked at AJ, not believing the words he just said.Soohyun got on his knees and grabbed Bae’s shoulder, looking into his eyes, “Eating is a great joy. Why would anyone not like food? Everyone should love food!”“Stop harassing my boy!” Amelie made Soohyun stand up.“So, what are we making?” Hoon asked, looking around the pantry.“We should make something easy since we’re cooking with the kids.” Dongho suggested.Soohyun laughed, “You’re a kid yourself.”“Let’s make noodles!” Kevin grinned and threw his hands in the air. He grabbed Bae on his waist and started dancing and jumping around.Kiseop grabbed Junghee and held her close, protectively, “You’re going to break something before we even start if you keep acting like a savage.”“I’m starving~” Amelie grunted and held her stomach. “Let’s just cook already.”“I’ll get the food.” Eli said as he searched for a stove.“Mention the word food one more time and I’ll bite someone’s head off!” Amelie furrowed her brows.“Look Bae!” Kevin said as he poured himself a bowl. “Yummy!”Bae opened his mouth and smiled when Kevin fed him. Eli danced in victory as Bae chewed. “Thank you.” Amelie kissed Kevin’s cheek.Eli made a face, “Why are you thanking him? I’m the one who came up with the idea.” Amelie laughed before kissing him. Soohyun grabbed the book in Minji’s hand and closed it. “Are you still awake?” he asked as he sat on the bed, next to her.She opened her eyes and sat up. “Yeah.” she rubbed her eyes. “Junghee wore me out a little before I put her to sleep. We played a few games before she felt like going to bed.”“She seems to always be full of energy.” Soohyun nodded. He pulled on her arm and made her head rest on his shoulder. He intertwined their fingers, “I love our family. I don’t just mean Junghee and you. I love AJ, Eli, Amelie and the others, too.”Minji smiled, “I don’t think there’s anything else we could ask for. There might be times where we want to choke one of them, but they’re great.”