What have we here? (1/1)
Now a little bit up the road someone takes your hand. "Wah what!?" You look up to see Luhan smiling happily looking ahead. "Lu....Luhan what are you doing?" Luhan glances down at you and gives you an eye smlie. "Me... I'm merly just holding hands with my special girl."Shocked, your eyes get big. "Special girl!? What are you saying?" You now stop walking and stare at him waiting for an answer. Without the smile leaving his face he tells you. "Well actually your not my special girl.... your my pretty special flower that I hold very dear to me. Do you hold me very dear to you Sae?" Blushing like crazy you try to get out an answer when a voice brakes threw the clam air. "OH SO WHAT HAVE WE HERE!? Sae Rin and Luhan walking together? Holding HANDS even!!!!" You freeze up. "OH CRAP!!!!" You yell in your head. "Eun Chae it's not what you think!!" You say quickly taking your hand away from Luhan's. "We were just.... umm well we were... it's just not what you think okay!!!"Luhan smile goes away when your hand is no longer in his. "Aish!!! why did Eun Chae have to show up right when I wanted to be only with you just a bit longer..." He whispers to himself. Eun Chae get's an evil smerk. "Sae my dear you don't have to explain anything to me. I know what's going on." "Eun Chae you aren't thinking what I think your thinking are you?" You question in fear? "Heh heh heh.... What I'm thinking is about to be the cutest new couple in the school ever!!!!" With that Eun Chae races off. "Dang it Eun Chae!!!" You quickly say as you run after her. Not knowing what is going on Luhan runs to try and catch up with you. "Y...YAH!!! SAE WAIT UP!!!!" Eun Chae's P.O.V: Running at top speed towards the school's front gates, I can here a faint voice calling after me."EUN CHAE STOP PLEASE DON'T DO THIS!!!!!!" Shouts Sae Rin as she tries to catch up with me."MUHAHAHAHA!!!! This is going to be the talk of the school!! I yell back with glee. Busting threw the gates then the doors to the main hall way, I rush in. But to my dismay when I'm about to announce the new couple. A hand goes over my mouth and I'm pulled into a empting class room. Right when they let me go without looking at them, I cry out. "Hey what's the big idea!? I had very important news to announce. "We know" the person replied.I look over to see Kai, Baekhyun, D.O, Chanyeol, Sehun, and Suho."Oh it's just you guys..... hold up how do you already know?" I asks confused.Suho sighs. "We know because Sae Rin told us you were about to stir up drama telling ever one that um..... well she didn't really tell us what you were going to say. She mostly said stop you when she called me." He saids now wondering a little bit on what it might of been. "Yeah your right hyung!! She never told us what it was." Sehun says while secreting wanting to find out what was so bad that she didn't want anyone to know. Laughing at all of their now curious faces, I lean in towards them and whisper. "Hey do you really want to know what it is?"Without out a thought they all chime. "YES!!"I giggle with evil. "Ke ke ke!!! Excellent!!!!"All 6 stand there egarly awaiting on what I'm about to tell them. End of P.O.V________ This one is extremely small o___o; but I hope you all enjoyed it!!! Will be updating again soon!!!!