Here You Are Again
You are a girl named Sae Rin who lost both parents in an explosion at your fathers company.Now under the care of your older brother, things seem to be going well.... well until the guy of your dreams retruns and also imformation about how your parents died comes up to the surfuse.What would happen if you meet your first love again for the first time in 13 years.Will your love for him be forever, or will the so called mute or kingka of the school win your heart instead?Plus finding out the truth behind closed doors at the newly rebuilt company building your father use to own. Jung Sae Rin17 | Is very shy| Kind and sweet, but can have a temper when annoyed | Loves flowers and animals | Very Passionate about singing | Both parents died in and explosion | Lives with older brother Jung Jinyoung23 | Your brother plus your only family | Sings also | does his best to provied for you and for you to have a good life | Loving and caring Kim Eun Chae17 | Bubbly and loud | Your bestfriend who also loves singing, but mostly raps | Always got your back | A bit crazy and weird | Has a thing for Gongchan one of your bothers friends Xi Luhan17 | Your first love | Arrogant | A bit of a jerk, but he does have a sweet soft caring side | Becomes the cute new guy of the school | Baby faced | Likes to be looked at as manly Kim Joon Myeon17| Goes by Suho | Is also popular with the ladys, but doesnt really notice | In a band with his friends | Stays to himself | Mostly all the time quiet | only opens up to people he knows or likes | always cheerful Kim Myungsoo18 | Likes to be called L | Kingka of the school | Gang Leader | Cocky and a smart alec | His father might be reasposible for your parents death | In love with you | Sees your brother and your father as worthless humans Lee Hye Sun17 | Queenka of the school | The girl all the guy wish they had | Might look sweet, but she is the total opposite | Likes only Suho until she means Luhan | Hates you espeacial your friend EXO - MLuhans Bestfriends EXO - KSuhos Bestfriends/Band B1A4Jinyoungs Bestfriends Infinite Myungsoos Friends/Gang Foreword"Oppa!! OPPA!!!! Slow down why are you running so fast?" You say as your older brother drags you along. "Youll know when we get there." He said with out looking back at you. You just nod. "But Oppa my feet are hurting." You say with a pouty face. He stops and bends down. "Fine get on my back and I will carry you." Your eyes beem then you run and leap on his back wrapping your arms around his neck. "Mush Oppa!! Mush!!" He just laughs. "Yah Sae Rin!! Im not a dog!!!" Soon you and your brother reach a small, colorful, beautiful building with lot of different flowers every where. "Oppa what is this place? Its so pretty." He looks down at you its a flower shop Sae Rin." He bends down to be eye level with you. "Its your 4th birth day coming up right? And I know you love flowers, so Im going to let you pick out what ever pretty one you want." You smile widely and hug him. "Thank you Jinyoung Oppa!! I love you soooo much!!!" You lean over to kiss his cheek then hug him. "No problem baby sis." He says with a eye smile. "Now lets hurry and go in before they close." You nod and run in. "Annyeonghaseyo young miss!! How may I help you today?" A gorgeous young woman says at the counter. "Annyeong Unnie!! Im looking for the most perttiest flower here!!!" You say with a cute smile. "Oh well then let me show you the pink roses young miss!!" The woman says as she goes to lead you the way. While you where in the shop Jinyoung is on the phone with yalls parents. "Dad will you and mom be able to make it to Sae Rins birth day next week?" There was a long pause, until Mr. Jung spoke. "Im sorry Jinyoung, but we wouldnt be able to come. Tell Sae Rin we are really sorry." Jinyoung clenches his fist. "Why? Why cant you make it? Its your daughters 4th birth day!! Why would you not want to be part of it?" Mr. Jung sighs deeply. Jinyoung its not that we dont want to. We love you both very much, and wish we could be there. But things have come up at work, and we need to be there to settle things. You are a great brother to her, so Im counting on you to take care of her when we cant. Jinyoung still a little annoyed. "What do you mean when you cant?" "Nevermind that Jinyoung just tell Sae Rin were sorry we cant make it. And promise me you will alway be there for her." Mr Jung says with a serious tone. "Yes sir." Jinyoung says coldly then hangs up. Little did he know that will be the last time he will ever speak to them. You are now in the prettiest part in the shop. There are big and small pink roses every where you look in the room. "Wow so pretty!!" The woman just smiles. "Im going back to the counter now. Let me know if you find one you like." She then heads out the room. You walk deeper in the room admiring every rose, until your eye catches something sitting by the window. You walk closer. "Hello who are you?" The boy sitting by the window looks over. His big dough like eyes captivating you. "Im Xi Luhan. Who are you?" You now smiling. "Nice meet you Luhan!! Im Jung Sae Rin!!!" He grins. "That s cute name. You know your really pretty. Just like the flowers here." Your cheeks fluch pink. "Th-Thank you Luhan!!"You say as you look at the ground to hide your face. He gets up and walks towards you. "Hey can I show you my favorite place in this part of the shop?" You look up at him. "Su-Sure." Luhans face lights up and he takes your hand. "Come on lets go." That was the first time you meet your first crush. Author Note-Hey this is ChanChanyeol this is my second fic Im working on. Im not the best of writer, but I hope you all enjoy it. Do please check out my first one if you havent already.Warning!!!! Many many typo!! Will go back and fix all that I can when story is finished!!Please subcribe and comment!!!