Onkey "Just leave me alon (1/1)

Drabbles Jinkisbelly 20240K 11 month ago

Um this is set in my Deaf Jinki au, keyhunjunkie​ Where Kibum is hearing and they meet because the dinner Kibum works at had a very mean waitress that insulted him when she couldn’t understand what he was trying to order and Kibum went over, apologized, and used the very little rusty sign language he knows with his understanding and was really nice and paid for their bill. But anyways this is when Jinki meets Jjong, Kibum’s best friend, for the first time.  Kibum gently ran his hand across the small of Jinki’s back, causing the man to look from the soup he was stirring and up at him. “I’ll be right back baby okay?” Jinki smiled and worded Okay. His boyfriend kissed his cheek softly before disappearing down the hallway. He figured it had to be the man’s laundry, seeming as he had put in a load not too long ago. Jinki went back to cutting the onions and other vegetables for the soup they were making. Kibum told him he was better with chopping than he was, and he had to completely agree.  He was reaching for another celery when a key was put into the lock of the front door. He couldn’t hear the yelling for Kibum’s name, the loud clatter of a jacket being thrown on the dining room table, nor the footsteps coming into the kitchen. His back was toward the only exit from the room so he didn’t see the stranger standing there sizing him up.   "Hey." "Hello Who are you?" "Man Hello can you hear me?!"  The man’s volume was getting louder, and with each passing minute that Jinki didn’t react the man was getting more defensive. He stepped around the kitchen island and firmly grabbed Jinki’s arm as he said, “Hey man who are you?”  At the touch Jinki jumped. He rushed to pull his arm away, in the process knocking over the plate and bowl he was using to cute vegetables in onto the floor. They shattered as he rushed to get away from the stranger, stumbling over his own feet and ending up tumbling backwards onto the floor. He pushed off the ground and shuffled as far as he could away from the man, heart beat going a million times a hour, eyes wide with panic and fear, until his back was pressed against the lower cabinets. With shaking hands he signed, Just leave me alone The man continued to step forward, eyes worried, but Jinki was too frightened to notice. He took the approach as hostile, and looked around in a panic for something to defend himself with. His right hand found the knife he had knocked on the ground in his startled, and with shaking arms he held it out in front of him. His entire body was shaking, flashbacks from a past he tried so hard to forget appearing in his mind. His hands were bleeding from the shattered glass on the ground, but he didn’t feel it. He watched as the man looked up toward the door, and JInki was tempted to look, but he didn’t want to risk it. A moment later the stranger walked around the island and disappeared from his view. Then there was Kibum. His soft smile, gentle understanding eyes as he approached and got done on his knees. The knife clattered to the floor next to him as Jinki rushed into Kibum’s waiting arms. Kibum ran his hand through his hair, he could feel the steady beating of his heart in his chest, the rumbling of his throat and he knew the man was humming. A sob raked Jinki’s body as he clinged onto his boyfriend. Kibum gently took him into his arms and carried him back into his bedroom. He cleaned his hands up, bandaged them, and held him close until he calmed down. Kibum could feel his racing pulse, the shakes of his body, the trembling of his hands as he held onto his shirt. Jinki’s hands were shaking too much for him to attempt to sign, so Kibum just held his face softly in his hands, making sure he was looking at him as he softly explained, ” That man in there is my friend Jonghyun. I told you about him remember? He comes in at random times and he doesn’t know what you look like. I’m sorry he grabbed you like that. He never should have and he never should come in without ringing the doorbell and I’m so sorry Jinki.” With a shaking hand he signed, friend? "Yes. My best friend. I know you’re scared and I’ll understand if you don’t want to go meet him, but he feels terrible. He never meant to cause you harm." Jinki’s face was soaked, his eyes red. His hands were still shaking in Kibum’s hold as he nodded his head. and mouthed, I’ll go meet him. Jinki still hid behind Kibum’s shoulder as they walked in there, but once Jonghyun realized he could read lips, and found it so fasinating Jinki couldn’t really be mad at him. He hadn’t known better, hadn’t know he was deaf, or how to get his attention. It wasn’t his fault. They spent the next 3 hours with Jonghyun asking what something was in sign language, and Jinki carefully moving the man’s fingers from his held out hands into the sign and mouthing it’s meaning as Jonghyun vibrated in his seat everytime he learned a new word