Onminkey "I cant breathe (1/1)

Drabbles Jinkisbelly 24930K 11 month ago

Because now is a good time as any to write onminkey travel au and yea its just onho for most of it kay? kay.Minho wasn’t surprised when he heard the plate shatter. Jinki wasn’t clumsy, but just like every other person he had his moments. He expected to see the man come in to grab the dust pan and broom, but then he heard more shattering, the sound of plastic cups hitting the floor and wood against wood as if chairs were being moved. All at once, he was slowly walking out to see what was up when he heard Jinki’s gaps of his name. The quick, shuddered breaths, as his voice fought for volume. "Min-Mi- MINHO!" When he finally made it into their dining room the entirety of the table’s contents were scattered on the floor, knocked over, and the chairs weren’t in their positions. It was then he saw Jinki on the ground, one hand holding him up in a sitting position, the other clutching his chest. Minho rushed over and knelt, trying to figure out what was wrong. His hands were touching Jinki’s shoulders when the man looked up, eyes blown with panic as his chest huffed, “I can’t breathe! Mi-minho I can’t breathe,” Minho pushed one arm under Jinki’s and the other under his legs, “Come on. I’m getting you to hospital.” Jinki threw his right arm over Minho’s shoulder, as the man lifted him off the floor and through the varying rooms toward the door. He didn’t think to change shoes, to turn off the stove and the rice cooker, to even lock the door. All that matter was getting Jinki down to their car and to the hospital. Being on the 2nd floor meant they usually used the elevator, but given the choice Minho headed down the stairs. The elevator could be all the way up on the 12th floor. Jinki didn’t have that time. Jinki’s breathing was quickly getting weaker as they finally approached his car. He was carefully set in the passenger seat before Minho ran around and slid into the drivers seat. He looked over at Jinki as he turned the gear. He made sure no one was coming before pulling out, and that’s when he looked back at him. Jinki eyes were slowly getting hazy, his breathing even shallower, and his lips were starting to have a blue tint to them, “I want you to stay awake for me okay Teddy, just look at me and hold my hand okay? We’ll be there soon I promise.” Jinki’s abnormally cool fingers wrapped around Minho’s offered hand, breaths coming out as if he was trying to form words. "Save your breath Jinki." Minho was cursing at a damn red light when he felt the tapping on his hand. Their little thing they used to do all the time. I love you in morse code. Minho looked over at him and the look in Jinki’s eyes told him the i love you wasn’t just to say it. It was supposed to be taken in, if I don’t make it out of this, know I love you. He shook his head. “No. You’re going to be okay.” As he pulled into the emergency room drive and Jinki’s grasp on his hand lessened he wasn’t so sure. He left the keys in the ignition and rushed to lift Jinki out of the car. The damn car could be stolen for all he cared. Jinki was all that mattered. The sliding doors opened quickly, to reveal a line of some 6 people waiting to register. Minho glanced at Jinki, at the fact his chest wasn’t rising and falling, and when he lowered his head he didn’t hear a single breath coming from his mouth or nose. He didn’t have time for this. "Somebody help please! He’s not breathing!" At his yelling people were startled, but the lady behind the desk pushed buttons on her phone and a minute later a doctor and nurse rushed through the two wooden doors. They rushed to take Jinki from him, Minho laying him softly on the gurney. He stepped back dazed as the two people quickly worked to get him set up. A moment later he was being pushed back through the wooden doors. He numbly found a seat far away from anybody else, but close to the door if anyone came out. It was then the shock slammed into him 20 times over. He pulled his cell phone that had luckily been in his back pocket with shaking hands, and called Kibum. A moment later the call clicked over. “Where the hell are you two? I come home to an open door and the stove on and the dining room completely a mess. If this is some type of prank y’all are lame and need to work on your skills again.” "Bummie… I’m at the hos-hospital." "Haha very funny Minho. Where are you really?" Minho sucked in a shaky breath as tears fell from his cheeks. “I’m n-not kidding. Teddy s-stopped breathing.” "This isn’t funny Minho." "I’m not trying to be DAMMIT!" Minho’s heart pounded in his chest, his nose sniffling as his chest huffed. "Jinki just stopped breathing and collapsed and I rushed him here but when I walked in here he wasn’t breathing Bummie. He wasn’t breathing and and he was taken back but he wasn’t breathing." He barely was able to finish what he was trying to say, but the other man seemed to understand. All joking and teasing was gone from his voice.” Okay Minnie, I’m on my way. Just sit tight okay Baby?”  Minho sniffled, “Okies.” When Kibum jogged into the emergency room his eyes were wide in search of Minho. When he finally found him in the corner his eyes softened. He jogged over and quickly wrapped his arms around him. The man’s crying seemed to have lessened, but as his other boyfriend wrapped him up in warmth his body shook with sobs. “They g-gave me p-paper work. I couldn’t d-do it.” "Shh Baby. I’ll do it. Don’t worry." "He wasn’t b-breathing Bummie." "Teddybear is strong. He won’t leave us. He has years to troll us waiting. He wouldn’t miss that opportunity you know that." He wiped Minho’s cheeks with his sleeve and wrapped the blanket he had grabbed from the back of his car around the man. "You did great. You got him here as fast as you could. That’s all that matters Minho." Minho was shaking, and Kibum wasn’t sure if it was because of the fact the man had run out in pajama bottoms, a thin t shirt and slippers in the middle of January, or because he had witnessed the man he loved stop breathing and had no idea if he was okay, let alone alive still.