[M] Say My Name (1/1)

Our Story elfrainmoore 153980K 11 month ago

Author's note: I made it as light as possible but if anyone is uncomfortable with M scenes, please skip this chapter.     ***Byul was smiling while her hands wrapped around Hyejin, they were on a cliff over looking a vast horizon of pure blue ocean, their hair blowing in the wind. Byul giggled as Hyejin’s hair brushed her nose. She tilted her head to the side to avoid it. “Stop” she said but somehow the hair was still brushing her until a far away laugh woke her up.  Byul’s eyes opened and there was Hyejin lying on her side brushing Byul’s nose with her finger. “Good morning” Hyejin said softly. Byul blinked twice then smiled as she realise it’s the first morning of them waking up in each others presence. Hyejin looked so cuddly that Byul could not help reaching out and holding the small fluffy thing that was her girlfriend.  “Good morning” she said, nuzzling her head on Hyejin’s neck. “I dreamed of you” “So that’s why you were giggling in your sleep. Did I make you laugh?”  “Sort of” Byul laughed.  The warmth of Byul’s breath on her skin made Hyejin’s whole body tingle. “That tickles” she said, pushing Byul off of her. The older girl pulled her in tighter.  “You’re not getting away from me today.” said Byul, kissing Hyejin just below her ear.  “Oh” Hyejin said, jerking from the feeling that kiss gave her. She cleared her throat. “You’re not going to the cafe?” She glanced at the alarm clock, it was half past 6 now.  “No, I texted Yooa last night, she’s going to open up today.” came the reply. “It’s your last day here, so I’ll stay where you are, every minute and every second and you can’t do anything about it.”  “Oh?” Hyejin raised an eyebrow, she gently pushed Byul, reaching up to trace a finger along the baristas collar bone. She smirked upon hearing a small intake of breath. “Even when I have to shower?” “Especially then” whispered Byul, she rose, placing her hand in either side of Hyejin’s head, hovering over the younger girl. “Today is going to be exclusively for you and I” A thousand scenarios flashed in Hyejin’s mind, and only some were innocent. She blushed.    “So are you ready for some pampering?”  Hyejin gulped, peering from under her eye lashes then shyly looking away.  “Isn’t it too early for that?” “Too early for what?” With the most innocent voice.  Hyejin froze. Exactly, too early for what Hyejin?!, she thought. Then she saw the smirk on the baristas face. She’s teasing me! She pushed Byul off and ran to the bathroom.  “Too early for what Jinie?” she could hear Byul following.  “Go away” Hyejin said, closing the door behind her. She saw her face in the mirror, it was a deep shade of red that could put an apple to shame.  Waking up to Byul sleeping there, totally defenceless, looking like a goddess. With her peacefully closed eyes, her soft-looking nose that scrunches when she laughs and that bottom lip she bites when she’s in deep concentration. The lips that uttered those three words last night. . . The three words that sparked a fire within her. I want her. “No” she whispered, looking at her reflection, she gargled and washed her face. She had to contain this fire for now.  Somewhere in the back of her mind is a part of her shaking her head. She face palmed in frustration. Why now? It’s her first time sleeping in Byul’s place. Will she think I’ve been thirsty for it? “Come out Jinie, I miss you already!” Byul whined from the other side of the door.  Hyejin covered her mouth, almost melting at Byul’s whining voice, her heart fluttering at the unexpected clinginess of the barista this early in the morning.  “Jinie?” Byul said again.  Hyejin threw up her hands in defeat, making up her mind. Nothing else matters. I want her . . .  A smirk formed on her lips as she fixed herself. “Ok I’m coming out.” she announced.  “I can’t wait!” Byul said. Hyejin put her hand on the door handle and turned, ready to jump the barista. “Oh wait, I hear a phone ringing, just a sec.” Hyejin walked out of the bathroom only to see Byul’s back disappearing into the bedroom. She went to the kitchen, annoyed, who could be calling at this hour! Byul walked out of the bedroom with nothing but ‘yes, sirs’ to say. She had a frown on her face and sat down, defeated, when the call was over.  “It’s my grandpa.” Byul explained. “He’s making a big deal of my birthday party tomorrow.” Feeling the mood was now altered Hyejin approached her cautiously. Byul had never liked celebrating her birthday, that’s what she said when Hyejin asked her when it was. Byul never explained why, but she gets upset whenever it was brought up, and that’s why she never wants to receive gifts either.  Hyejin caressed her cheek and then kissed it. “You don’t have to think about it yet ok? You’re still here with me.” Byul smiled and kissed her back. “That reminds me, what did you get me for my birthday?” Hyejin stared in shock.  Byul reading her expression asked. “You didn’t get me anything?”  “Unnie, I thought you didn’t like birthday presents. . .” “From you, I do” The barista pouted. Hyejin raked her mind with every possible gift she could give last minute. She got Byul three things for Christmas, maybe she could give one as a birthday present. . . but her mind shut that down quickly with another better. Much better idea.  “I have one.” she smirked and straddled Byul’s lap.  “What. . .” “I’ll give you my body and soul.” The grin on Byul’s face lit up the room. She shook her head from left to right, giggling. “Your body and soul?” “I’m not joking. I’ll give you my body and soul Moon Byulyi” she winked.  Byul stared at her. “Wanna unwrap me now?” Hyejin moved in to gently nibble on Byul’s ear, the older girl gasped. “It’s ok if you mess me all up.” Byul’s heart gave a leap at the advance, her body from head to toe started to heat up, it gave her power to say the words that popped in her mind, “Then how about that shower, my lady?” Byul hooked her hands around Hyejin’s thigh. But before she could stand up, a roaring sound came from the younger girl’s tummy.  A second later, Byul was laughing.  This time it is Hyejin’s turn to blush.  “On second thought, how about we have breakfast first?” Byul suggested, laughing. “You never fail to make me smile everyday, Jinie.”  ~~~~~ Byul still had a shadow of a grin on her face even after breakfast. Hyejin pouted and kept shooting glares at her but this made it more amusing. In the back of her mind though, she was scared, was Hyejin really angry? Byul could sense something different in the air when she woke up. Like the intimacy between them was somehow upgraded over night. Maybe it was because of that that she was so anxious. She looked down at her shaking hand and made it into a fist. This feeling made losing Hyejin more terrifying now.  “Are you done?” Hyejin asked, looking at her plate.  Byul nodded meekly. Hyejin got her plate and got up. Byul, like a magnet, stood up to follow. She leaned on the counter and admired Hyejin, unbelieving that she became her girlfriend. Hers and only hers. “Miss Moon, are you done staring at me?” asked Hyejin as she finished drying the last dish, she wiped her hand on her apron and faced the barista.  “I wasn’t” Byul said nonchalantly.  Hyejin raised an eyebrow.  Byul approached and reached around her, she gasped as the baristas lips brushed her neck.  “What are you doing?” Hyejin cooed when she felt the hand on her lower back.  “Untying your apron” Hyejin could feel Byul’s breath on her shoulder, gently tickling it, sending shivers up and down her spine. She reached around and placed her hand on top of Byul’s attempting to remove it. “I- I can do it myself.” “Stay. Still.” Byul said in a sing song voice, she brushed off Hyejin’s hand and slowly untied the apron.  Dumbstruck, Hyejin laid her head on the older girls shoulder with her senses on alert. What’s gotten to her? She wondered if the barista realised she was fanning flames that soon are going to be too hot to handle.  Hyejin could feel the ties getting undone, then Byul proceeded to place her hands firmly on her waist, one stayed there and the other traced the line of her spine slowly ascending. Hyejin’s back arched, her head pulled back and the breath she hand been holding came out of her mouth. With her eyes closed she whispered, “Byulah”  Byul smirked as she took the apron off of the back of Hyejin’s neck. There was a dazed expression on the latters face. Byul watched Hyejin’s ears as they turned a shade darker. “You and I, Jinie.” She whispered. “I think it’s time for that shower, my lady.” Hyejin moved in, placing a deep kiss on Byul’s lips while her hands fumble on the buttons of Byul’s pyjamas, but her impatient nature abandoned the task. She hooked her hands under the fabric instead and slid it off quickly. She stepped back to peek only to see a white undershirt. Byul pulled her back in. She could feel the older girls hand moving up under her clothes, she noticed it was shaking slightly but it was still determined, slowly nearing it’s goal, just an inch more, Hyejin held her breath, she almost can’t stand the anticipation.  They both groaned aloud when in that moment a loud ringing echoed in Byul’s apartment.  “WHO THE FUCK IS CALLING!” Hyejin screamed.  Byul was getting pissed now as well. She quickly went to turn off the damned thing, only to realise it wasn’t her phone ringing.  “It’s yours” “Turn it off” Hyejin pleaded.  “It’s your dad” Hyejin almost teared up in frustration as she took the phone and answered. “Yes?” “We’re outside your condo right now, why aren’t you answering your door?” “Outside my. . .” Hyejin was confused. Why was her dad outside her condo? She had to think of a lie. “I went out for breakfast.” “Out for breakfast this early?” The old man, laughed. “Seoul has changed my daughter.” Hyejin laughed nervously.  “Did you change password? We can’t get inside.” “Umm yes,” she answered glancing at Byul. She told him the password.  “Come home immediately after breakfast, I wanna see you before my meeting.” “Ok dad” was the only thing she could say. Why now? she almost asked.  “I have to go” Hyejin said dejectedly.  “Must you?” Must you? Hyejin asked herself. We could do it quick, she reasoned. But another side of her wanted their first time to be especial. So with a heavy heart, she nodded. Byul picked up the top that Hyejin discarded, it made the younger girl groan. So close. “Then I’ll see you at the party tonight.” Byul sounded as downcast as her.  Hyejin gazed at Byul and realise it was not only her who really wants it.  “No worries, I’ll give you your present” Hyejin smirked. “. . . Tonight” “Tonight” Byul gulped. “Ok, tonight is umm . . . great”  It was time to say goodbye.  Byul kissed her. Hyejin kissed back then kissed her again. And again. And again. Maybe one more.  It took a few more minutes to sooth Hyejin’s injured libido and then they parted in the elevator.  “I love you.” said Byul.  “I love you too.” Hyejin said, almost shyly.  ~~~~~ Byul closed the door of her office at the cafe, effectively blocking the outside world for now. Her hand cannot keep still since this morning and she thought that going to work would get her mind off of what Hyejin promised but her nervous state made her clumsy, she kept spilling drinks and making the wrong orders, until eventually Yooa said she should rest.  The barista sighed, glancing at the suit she was going to wear tonight. Tonight. . . The possibilities are endless. Looking back she wondered where she got the courage to initiate things when she’s a wreck now. Will she be able to do it again tonight? She could feel the creeping warmth in her cheeks at the thought. It’s going to be their first time and she wants it to be good, but it’s not going to be good when she herself had minimal experience. . .  “Moon Byulyi keep it together” she said, beginning to pace back and forth, anxiously biting her lip. Then a thought popped in her mind. “What if . . .” She eyed her computer. A second later, she’s in her office chair, in front of the monitor. She gulped trying to stay calm, “I’m doing this for research”, she said and hesitated. “Moon Byulyi, we are doing this for her.” So it has to be good. No. Great! She typed in the search box, something she has not typed since she was a teenager. Sex tips for women sex. She pressed enter.  The results loaded in and images popped up in the first row, that’s when her door opened and Yooa walked in. A scream she never thought she could produce emerged from her throat. Yooa screamed with her. Byul quickly pulled the computers plug and covered her face.  It was so ridiculous and she was so miserable but the situation made her laugh.  Yooa stood there in confusion. “Miss, are you ok?” “Yooa, can you please knock next time?” she pleaded, lowering her hand to cover her mouth. “Yes, I’m sorry.” “Did you need something?” “I learned from Ricky what happened last night and I have an update.” Yooa shifted uncomfortably on her feet. “Kei went back to London cause she was fired from her job this morning.” Byul raised her brow. “How did you know?”  “A model named Dahee came here and told me. She said Kei was newly transferred from their London branch, said she didn’t know much about the girl other than she was so keen on transferring here and keeps talking about well. . . Miss Hyejin. She said that Kei has been stalking Miss Hyejin for weeks now.” Yooa pointed at the computer. “I checked our CCTV footage and recognise Kei’s car and confirmed what she said was true. She was stalking Miss Hyejin.” Byul stared dumbfounded. Hyejin’s friends were not lying at all, she was crazy.  “She also confessed that Kei manipulated her to . . . umm, well, seduce you. She said she was sorry for what happened though and asked for your forgiveness. She wanted to talk to you but I told her I’d take message instead.” “Good call” Byul nodded.  “I thought it would make you feel better miss.” “I’m ok, Yooa.”  “That’s good, I thought something was off. You’re looking a little flushed.” Yooa motioned her face, to which made Byul cover it again.  “Oh.” She swivelled her chair around in shame. “Never mind that. I’ll sleep it off. Wake me up at 3 so I can get ready for Hyejin’s party.” And with that Yooa was dismissed.  ~~~~ It was 5 minutes past three, the party isn’t till two hours but Byul was already in her car rushing towards the venue with an untied red necktie around her collar and a shirt that wasn’t buttoned all the way up. Hyejin’s text flashing on her mind.  Come early, I want you to meet my dad. That text was sent two hours ago while she was still busy sleeping. She cursed herself for putting her phone on silent after her grandpa’s call this morning. This was her time to make a good impression and what did she do?! She arrived at the venue, looked in the mirror to fix what she can. She got out and walked while fixing up her buttons then pulled off the tie around her neck.  “Aww-!” “Arg-!” She stumbled back but thankfully she got her balance before she could fall, the person she bumped into wasn’t so lucky. On the ground was a thin old man in a black suit.  “Sir I’m so sorry!” Byul said, and tried to help him. He used her as support and got up. Once he was back on his feet, Byul bowed deep to apologise.  He laughed “I guess I’m too old now eh, lost my balance there for a second and next thing you know I’m falling” “I’m really sorry for that sir, I wasn’t looking at where I was going.” “It’s no problem” the man said. “Say, aren’t you a little too early for the party?” “Yes sir, but I have to meet someone important.” “Oh hey Byul!” Said someone behind her, with a familiar voice.  “Sandeul?” “Oh” said Sandeul and eyed the man, then he grinned from ear to ear.  “There you are Sandeul, do you know this lady?” “Oh yes,” he said amused. “Mr. Ahn” Byul’s mouth opened. It was Hyejin’s dad, she stared at him dumbstruck then apologise again.  “Well, don’t let us keep you young lady, best go along now, you seemed like you were in a hurry.” “But-” she started but Sandeul cut her off.  “Next time Byul” Sandeul said almost laughing. “We’re going to be late sir.” Byul awkwardly stood there for sometime after they left trying to calm her heart. That was her first impression and she blew it!  Byul gathered herself and stepped inside the venue. She was greeted by a large space with almost 2 dozens of round tables carefully placed around an empty space in the middle. There stood Hyejin with her hands on her hips, black stilettos on her feet, a red cocktail dress hugging her perfect figure and showing her perfectly sculpted shoulders, finishing her outfit was a red Christmas hat on her head. Without even realising it, Byul had closed the gap between them, she stood in front of Hyejin admiring the stunning lady in red.  “You. Look. Hot.” She said, unbuttoning her collar.  “And you look like a hot mess” Hyejin said, glaring at her. Byul raised both of her hands in defence, one of them still holding her tie. “I’m sorry, I didn’t see my phone on time. I had it on silent.” “Sure,” said Hyejin and snatched the tie. She pulled Byul close and buttoned back her collar then proceeded to fix the tie while muttering, “the one time it matters, it’s on silent. I called your house number though.” “I was at the cafe” “You went to work?” Hyejin tightened the tie. “So much for only you and I today” “You’re the one who left” Byul muttered, and immediately regretted it. The younger girl tightened the tie again. Byul fearing for her life she said a tiny “I love you.” Hyejin stared at her for some agonising seconds before letting go. Byul huffed, feeling her neck. “I wanted you to meet him.” “Next time Jinie” Byul said, when I am more prepared. Hyejin was still pouting.  “I’ll make it up” “Fine! For the rest of today you will obey everything I say.” “Of course, like any other day?” “Don’t be cheeky” Hyejin said and grinned. “You don’t know what you’ve agreed to Moon Byulyi”  ~~~ Byul was helping Hyejin set up the venue, by instructing the caterers on where to go. Hyejin was at the floor mandating her staff about the decorations. The barista could not help but smile, this was the first time she saw Hyejin in her work being the boss that she was, it looked cute at first but became more intimidating as time went on. She was firm in her instructions and anything that’s done otherwise will get a sweet smile followed by a commanding voice to ‘listen!’. It was hard placing that personality on the girl she saw in the freeway that day, curled up in the passenger seat sleeping peacefully.  “Byul! Don’t just stand there, do something!”  Byul could only say a “Yes, ma’am.” An hour passed by and Hyejin’s employees started to arrive. Byul had gained a lot of respect for them this past hour of being Hyejin’s staff and so she greeted them kindly.  “Byulyi!” she heard the boss again near the front door. She hurried there immediately.  Hyejin was in front of two women. “Behold, ladies, this is my beautiful date for today. Moon Byulyi aka miss manager.”  Byul chuckled at the nickname. “This is Seojung, my secretary.”  “Miss Manager” The taller of the two tilted her head and nodded. “I know all about you” Huh. “This is Chungha, my assistant.” Chungha bowed. “Nice to meet you miss manager.” “Hi” said Byul and shook each of their hands.  “Your hand is so soft” Chungha commented.  “Chungha, might I remind you that she’s mine.”  Byul’s heart skipped a beat. She blushed.  “Hyejin, I wasn’t-” “Walk away before I fire you” Hyejin smiled, menacingly.

Byul’s heart skipped a beat again.   Hyejin turned to Seojung. “Rest easy kid. She’s not my type.” Seojung said and winked at Byul. Together she and Chungha went on.  “Where are you going?” “Back there, there’s still more preparation to do” “No, you stay where I need you. Ok?” Hyejin commanded. Byul gulped as she felt her heart skipped a beat again. What’s wrong with me? she thought. “I didn’t hear an answer” “Y-yes ma’am” For an hour they spent their time greeting everyone, Hyejin proudly showing Byul off like she’s the kid that had the latest toy. It embarrassed Byul to no end but her heart wouldn’t stop beating in joy. Every second she spent by this woman became the best moment of her day, she didn’t mind the embarrassment as long as the feisty lion stays by her side introducing her as ‘mine’. “Hyejin” said Byul when they were finally able to be seated. The younger girl blushed. “Hyejin?” Hyejin said, puzzled. “Why are you calling me Hyejin?” “Cause, Hyejin, I would like you to know that I, Byulyi, . . have the biggest crush on you” Hyejin grinned. “You are such a dork”  ~~~ The party is going well, and it looked more fun that Byul had expected, there were party games that Hyejin’s secretary hosted and entertainment from the employees who could sing and dance. The staff even invited Byul to participate in the games, and she was willing to join, until her girlfriend stood up and announced to everyone that.  “No, my dad took me away from her long enough today, I’m not letting you guys do it too. She’s mine all evening, get it?” And with that Hyejin sat down and clung to Byul all night. The older girl didn’t complain, she liked the attention, especially now that Hyejin was being extra clingy.  Maybe a bit too clingy, Byul thought. For when the food was gone, the desserts were being served and while Chungha was singing her rendition of ‘All I want for Christmas is you’ a hand landed on her thigh just above the knee where a finger started to slowly draw small circles on it. Byul’s head snapped at Hyejin, eyes staring with a questioning look. Hyejin ignored her and continued looking at the performer, a smirk slowly forming on her lips.  She’s teasing me, Byul gulped. She tried hard to avoid paying attention to what was happening behind the table cloth but when she focused on something else Hyejin would simply move her hand up higher. The hand was nearing a dangerous place now, Byul’s heart would not calm down, and her anxiety was rising, what if someone sees? “Jinie” she whispered. “You shouldn’t do this here” “Do what?” the younger one replied in a singsong voice.  Byul put her hand down and caged Hyejin’s in place. “Please” “Hands off.” Hyejin whispered in that same commanding voice. “or you’re not getting any present tonight.” Byul gulped and her mind flashed to her unwrapping something. . . She blushed. . . Is it worth the risk? she asked herself. Every fiber of her being screamed YES.  Hyejin whispered directly in her ear, “Do I have to repeat myself?”  For a few moments Byul left her hand there, then she lifted it up, Hyejin’s other hand reach for it and wrapped it around her back.  “Wise choice” Byul bowed her head and bit her lip, her gaze penetrating the table cloth trying to will the hand to stay in place. . . To her relief Hyejin stopped her pursuing and kept her hand where it was, where she continued circling her finger. . . Byul stared down for the rest of the night, her breath gradually becoming more ragged, her heart threatening to explode, she thought she could take it but it was too much. Just as she was about to excuse herself to go to the bathroom she heard Hyejin whisper right next to her ear.  “You’re so cute I just want to bite you” Then Hyejin made a biting sound that sent shivers up Byul’s spine. Byul coughed and stood up abruptly. “Bathroom” “Okay, go start the car after, I’m going home with you”  Byul was confused for a moment then she looked around. The venue was almost empty, the staff and the caterers was packing up for the day. They were the only ones left at their table with the exception of Seojung who was busy with her phone. She shook her head, what happened?  Byul nodded then she took off her suit and draped it around Hyejin. “I’ll be at the entrance.” “Won’t you get cold?” “I think I’m hot enough Jinie” Byul laughed, shakily.  Hyejin watched her walk away, smelling the suit that was draped on her.  “I think you should drive, your girl’s a nervous wreck.” Seojung commented when Byul was out of earshot.  Hyejin smirked. “She’s a fighter.” “Go easy on her Hyejin” Seojung advised.  “I’ll try.” Hyejin chuckled, she opened her phone, put it on silent then placed it inside the suits pocket. “Next time. . . I think it’s time for her to learn what control really looks like.” ~~~~~ Hyejin shifted uncomfortably in the passenger seat, glancing at the driver, compared to what she was expecting, the situation right now was awkward, Byul couldn’t look her in the eyes and their conversation kept reaching a dead end as they made their way home. It made her worry, did she make Byul uncomfortable? Hyejin looked out the window and pouted, doubting the possibility of doing it tonight now. It made her cry inside, she’d been so depraved for months all she wants is one uninterrupted moment with Byul. Why did the universe have to do everything to deny that?  “W-we’re home” said the shaky voice from the drivers seat. Byul got out of the car, then walked to the elevator.  Oh Hyejin, you’ve done it! Hyejin thought, Byul always opens the door for her. She got out of the car and grabbed the suit tightly around herself. She kept side glancing at Byul the whole ride up the elevator but the baristas face was turned to the side examining the elevator buttons.  What is up with her?, Hyejin asked herself getting annoyed but at the same time she was getting really worried. She adjusted the suit around her and that’s when their hands brushed against each other sending sparks through both their bodies. She heard Byul gasped. Hyejin side glanced at her unsure, then felt older girl brushed her hands against her a second time. The elevator door opened in the 22nd floor.  This was it. Hyejin nodded, if she isn’t ready then.  “Byulah” she started to say but the barista quickly held her hand.  Hyejin noticed her hand was cold and clammy. She searched for Byul’s eyes but it was staring at their intertwined fingers. It was rare for the barista to divert her eyes elsewhere.   Hyejin frowned then noticed the older girls lips, she was absentmindedly biting them. Hyejin inhaled slowly upon seeing this, her previous worries faded in the wind, something clicked in her mind. She’s nervous.  Hyejin tried to hide the smile that threatened to show. My Byulyi is nervous! Her heart sang.  Byul led the way silently, their footsteps echoing in the empty hallway, Hyejin noticed that her heart started beating faster. As Byul entered the password, Hyejin gave her hand a reassuring squeeze.  Then door opened to a dark room.  Byul reached for the switched and flicked on the lights, she saw the glint in the lions eyes before the lights switched off again a second later. The door closed, Byul was slammed into it, Hyejin pinning her in place.  Byul’s heart felt like it was about to explode but contrary to an attack she expected, the younger girl wrapped her arms around her.  “I want you” Hyejin whispered.  Byul’s heart had not calmed down for the whole evening but this hug was what it needed. Her heart, though still beating chaotically, was now enveloped in warmth. She laid her forehead against Hyejin. “I. . .” she said, breathing shallowly. “I’m afraid. . . Hyejin it’s my first time. What if I’m not enough?” “You’ll always be enough.” Hyejin smiled, she caressed the baristas cheek. “But Byulah, you know it can’t be learned over night” This is it, Hyejin thought as she began to loosen the older girls tightly knotted tie. “You know it takes time to learn how to give?” She began undoing the older girls collar, and the button under that and another. Byul inhaled deeply.  “You know it takes two to tango, right?” Byul nodded. “So watch. And learn.” Hyejin smirked. The control she has tried to earn back since meeting Moon Byulyi. The control that the barista has denied her too long. Her patience was at its breaking point. She grunted, ripping the shirt apart. It’s hers now. “You’re mine” Hyejin yelped as she felt the world rush upward. The suit that the barista draped over her fell to the ground. All of a sudden her world was upside down. She was being carried over the shoulder. She blushed realising the situation. I’m suppose to be in control! “Byulyi put me down!” she screamed slapping the baristas ass as they made their way to the bedroom.  “As you wish, my lady” Byul said and laid her down on the bed then the barista climbed on after her.  Taking no chances, Hyejin sat up, meeting the baristas lips, planting a deep kiss in them before gently nibbling on the bottom lip. The older girl moaned, her mouth opening slightly, that’s when the younger girl took her chance. She licked the bottom lip that she always long to bite then slithered in her tongue, the barista matching her rhythm in every motion.  They broke apart to breath. A strip of light escaped from the gap in the curtains and hit the older girls side, just right so Hyejin could see the smile on her lips and the eyes that looked at her lovingly. Right here is where she belongs, in front of the woman who is not afraid to share her vulnerable side, who does simple but significant things without being asked, a woman who sweeps her off her feet everyday, literally. A woman she loves.  The glow from the outside light is reflecting on the younger girls face. Byul took a deep breath in, her hand absentmindedly reaching out to tuck away the stray hair that covered her girlfriends half illuminated image, in the dark the fire within those eyes shined. What I would give to keep that burning light shining towards me, she thought, she reached around the back and slowly brought down the dresses zipper. They closed their eyes and kissed.  That night disappearing in their own world, the two started the tango, they were in a ballroom, no chairs, just a wide space with painted red walls and stained dark wooden floors. There’s the younger girl, carefully leading the clumsy trainee, basking in the thrill that control is giving her. She swayed them in every direction, experimenting and observing where the older girl was most comfortable. It did not take long for the older girl to follow along, she was a fast learner after all. Finally finding their rhythm, their movements became surer, their warm bodies grew hotter and their breaths became shallower. The dance became more intimate. They were now performing so instinctively and so passionately that it was looking rehearsed. There’s the younger girl focusing on perfectly executing the dance steps. There’s the older girl feeling the effects of their rhythmic bodies moving in that intimate place, so close to each other leaving no space for air, it was intense. It was amazing. Their eyes locked, the older girl struggling to keep up with the pace so she let go of control, closed her eyes and let the fiery woman lead her to a place where she’s been to before but never appreciated more than now. It was majestic.  They paused in the middle of the dance floor, eyes locked, feeling the warmth radiating between them. Their synchronised shallow breaths became the most dominant sound in the room.  To have someone she loves make her feel this good, Byul, in that moment felt like she has never been that lucky. She wanted her girl to feel the same. Sensing the need for attention, she gave the needy girl a kiss with a message not to worry. She placed her hands on her girlfriends waist then she carefully turned their positions around.   “Say you’re mine” Byul whispered, the sound of Hyejin’s shallow breaths was music to her ears and it fuelled her.  “I’m yours” Hyejin moaned as the hand on her waist slowly travelled up her body. She put her hand on top of it and caged it in place, she said, “Say my name” “Hyejin” Byul said. She then felt the restraint on her hand being lifted, she smiled, she was free. Letting her instincts guide her to finally the lead the dance, she took the first step . . . and made a mistake.  The younger girl gasped in surprise.  “I’m sorry” Hyejin cupped the baristas cheeks. “Slow down” she said, against her wish. She heard the older girl taking a deep breath, steadying herself, adjusting, then carefully and slowly leading the steps again. Slower than how the younger girl wished. But Hyejin patiently waited, noticing what her partner was doing, perfectly mimicking her steps when she was leading. She savoured every moment of this, surprisingly loving the momentum and in that moment it didn’t matter how she wanted to dance, as long as it was with Byul, she felt like she was on cloud nine.  “I really do love you” Hyejin whispered.  Upon hearing that a surge of passion emerged from deep inside the older girl. Suddenly, her movements became rougher, matching the rhythm that was more to her partners pace. It caught the younger girl off guard that she sing the older girls name. It was sweetest song Byul had ever heard. She picked up her pace, her ears perking up as the singers pitch climbed higher. Faster she went, higher did the tone rose, again and again she moved, increasing speed every turn. Until the singer reached the highest note . . . and then everything stopped.  The suit and dress, the high heels, the dark stained wooden floors and red painted walls faded. It was them, in their room, bodies pressed against each other, breathing deeply. Both having stupid grin on their faces, revelling in what just happened.  “What can you not do?” Hyejin asked, hoarsely.  “Let you rest.” Byul placed a kiss on her neck. “Let’s do it again.” ~~~~~ Hyejin straddled Byul’s lap when they finished their last tango, clinging to each other like there was no tomorrow, beads of cold sweat trickling down their exhausted bodies.  “I can’t-” Byul panted.  “Me too” Hyejin said, out of breath, she placed a kiss on Byul’s lips and got off of her. “I’m gonna get some water.” Head still in the clouds, Hyejin got dressed with an oversize shirt she fished out of Byul’s dresser, then headed out into the kitchen. Her mind replaying everything that happened. She grinned, still feeling Byul’s touch all over her, barely noticing the rectangular shaped light around the doorway. She stopped in her tracks and doubled back. It was her phone’s light glowing through the inside pocket of Byul’s red suit. She gulped, feeling dread washing over her as she fished out her phone and saw the name on the screen. It read ‘Sandeul’, he was calling.  “Ahn Hyejin!” Sandeul whispered, relief flooding his voice. “Do you realise how worried we are?!” “Why are you whispering?” she asked confused.  He ignored her question. “Did you forget you’re suppose to come home after the party?” “Oh. . .”  “Seojung told me you went home with Byul instead”  “That’s uh. . .” Hyejin ran to the bedroom looking for her underwear, feeling for it in the dark before Byul switched on the bed side light to see what’s going on. “That’s not true, I’m on my way home.” “Don’t lie to me kid, I saw her at the venue.” “It doesn’t mean I went home with her” Sandeul chuckled. “Ok, then just come home already and I’ll help you explain to your mom” “She knows?” Hyejin gulped.  “I had to tell her.” “Byulah I have to go.” Hyejin said frantically. With the lights help she saw the black lingerie just under the bed, she pulled the panties on.  “You’re so sexy” said Byul, head propped on her hand, watching.  “Don’t make it hard for me to leave.” said Hyejin, wanting to get into bed again but knew that if she did, she won’t have the strength to leave.  “I guess this is goodbye then” “For now” Hyejin said, bending down to place a kiss on Byul’s lips and another on her cheek. “Don’t enjoy your birthday too much without me.” “Believe me, I won’t” said Byul, pouting.  A few more minutes passed before the clingy barista allowed her to leave. They said their last goodbye and Hyejin left with fewer clothes than when she arrived. Her mind occupied on what excuse she could tell her mom for being ‘late’. She discovered she had more pressing concern sooner when she opened her door and Sandeul was standing there arms crossed, wearing a mischievous smile on his lips.  “Well well well. Look who’s here” he teased, whispering.  Hyejin glanced behind him and saw her dad fast asleep on her bed. “What?” “Seriously kid, I expected better of you and Byul too.” Sandeul whispered. He examined her from head to toe. “Have you any decency, your dads right there?” “What’s wrong?” Hyejin said, trying to act innocent. “Hyejinah, look at you. You’ve got no shoes on, no pants, your hair's a mess and on top of that you’re wearing a shirt that on backwards and what's that on the tag? M. B. Y. Byul's initials." He laughed. "Might as well yell, I just had sex.” Hyejin looked down to see that he wasn’t wrong. Busted.  “Don’t make a big deal out of it.” Hyejin said but now cannot wipe the grin on her face.  “I could tell from your face it was good.” “Please, it wasn’t good.” She said, covering her face, still in awe. “It was out of this world."***