Problem Solved (1/1)

Our Story elfrainmoore 78420K 11 month ago

“And please wear your seatbelt”Byul stepped away from Hyejin’s car as she buckled up. Hyejin rolled down her window and pouted. “You’re closing in an hour why can’t I stay with you?”Byul crossed her hands. “I told you, it’s late, you’ve spent the whole day here” It’s 9 o’clock at night and though Byul wanted to spend the rest of business hours with Hyejin it was not practical. They both have work the next day. And both already look they could use a good nights sleep. “Can I at least get your number?” “Sure you won’t lose it again?”Hyejin crossed a finger on her chest. “Cross my heart” “Your phone’s dead remember?” “That reminds me” Hyejin inched her phone out her pocket, turned it on and plugged it into the cars outlet. Byul reached for her phone and offered it to Hyejin. “Here you can register yours”Hyejin typed in the number and hovered over the name section for a while. When she decided on a name she handed it back to Byul. “Just Hyejin?” “Yeah” Hyejin smiled shyly. “If you change it, I’ll change my number” “Ok miss” Byul pocketed her phone. “Call me when you get home?”“You shouldn’t wait out you know” Byul put her hands on her back pockets rocking on the balls of her feet. “You need to rest”Hyejin gazed at her, unbelieving. This morning, just when she was about to give up her search, the barista finally showed up, in the most unexpected place. Byul gazed back meeting her eyes, the usual playful shadow in them were replaced by a look of tenderness. Then both jumped at the sudden sounds coming from Hyejin’s phone. It was a series of messages Hyejin is receiving. Hyejin tore her gaze away from Byul for a moment to put her phone on silent. “You should go” Byul advised when she look back. “Ok” Hyejin blushed. And leaned out of the window. “Come here for a second”Byul stepped closer a sudden smirk playing on her lips. Hyejin reached out with both hands . . . and pinched the baristas cheeks. “Awww!” Byul gasped, frowning, while holding her unjustly attacked cheeks. “Just wanted to make sure you’re really here”Byul advanced and hooked her hand gently on Hyejin’s neck before she could retreat. “There are far sweeter and painless way of doing that you know” She whispered onto her ear. The warmth of Byul’s breath brushing her skin sent chills down her spine. “In what way” she manage to say. Byul chuckled right next to her ear then slowly moved away to place a gentle kiss on her cheek. “Like that” Byul said retreating while biting her lip. “Oh” She felt a little bit disappointed. Is it Byul’s intention to tease her like this? Hyejin thought she was going for her lips and now they tingled like crazy, wanting. Hyejin let out a breath and retreated from her window. “Goodnight Jinie” Byul gave her a little wave. “You too” she said and put on her music, eyes avoiding Byul.Slowly Hyejin eased her car back onto the pavement questioning herself. Why did you not ask for it? Or why did you not initiate the kiss in the first place?She gave the waving barista a one last glance. She knew Byul was different from the rest since the first time they met, she was intriguing, continuously being the one who drives Hyejin against the wall. Hyejin surprisingly letting her. It was an exciting thought. But for the first time that fact scared her. ~~~~~Hyejin is approaching another cross roads with the traffic light changing from green to orange, she debated on her head whether she should floor the gas but because of that second hesitation she was too late and the light turned red again. The roads are wide and empty this time of night but the traffic lights are still on and Hyejin had to stop for most of them. She groaned at the third stop rolling her eyes, that’s when she finally saw her phone at the side. It was silently vibrating, displaying Yongsun’s name on the screen. She wondered if Yongsun had another fight with Wheein. She connected to her cars bluetooth and answered bracing herself. “Unnie!”“Where have you been Hyejin-ah?!” Contrary to what she expected, Yongsun’s voice was ecstatic. “We’ve been trying to call you all day!”“My phone was dead”“You wouldn’t believe this!” Yongsun exclaimed. “See the pictures I sent you in chat? Check them now!”Hyejin checked the light to make sure it was still red. “What’s in it?”“Don’t question it, check it now!”“Ok” she opened Yong’s chat, it was full of messages. “Don’t read the messages just check the photo”“Ok ok“ Hyejin scrolled up. There is a lone image and when it loaded it revealed a picture of Byul with the clothes she wore this morning. Hyejin’s heart raced.“Did you see it?”“Yes” “We couldn’t call you but confirmed it through Sandeul, he couldn’t believe it either. We found her!”“Yeah” Hyejin joined the celebration halfheartedly. Her suspicion was correct. “We found her!”Hyejin could hear the cheer from the other line. She could tell Yongsun has been full to bursting when she couldn’t deliver the news.  “But there’s just one thing. . .” Yong trailed. Hyejin sighed, looking at the image of Byul with an awkward laughing pose that the woman force her to do. “Let me guess, Kei sent it?”Yong gasped at the same time Hyejin noticed the lights have turned green. She put her phone down and put her car in drive. “Explain!” Yong screeched on the other end. “Take it down a notch unnie, I’m driving” Hyejin floored the gas pedal. “I was there in the parking lot when she took this photo earlier.”“How? Why- Hyejinie!”“I was backing out of Moon Beans earlier when Yooa, Byul’s employee caught up to me. So naturally I parked again and got out of the car. I saw Byul come out of the cafe, but she turned towards the opposite direction from where I was. The next thing I knew this woman was screaming. Yooa told me the guard must have chased the wrong blue car. When I listened carefully I knew those screams were coming from Kei. Apparently she got dragged out of her car.”Yong gasped. “That must have been a scene”“Well, quiet” “Did she see you?” Yong’s voice is full of anxiety knowing fully well what it would mean if Kei saw Hyejin. “No, I hid behind a car before she could see me”“Imagine if she saw you.”“Oh I don’t even want to imagine that”“That would be world war 3” Yong commented. “Maybe, between me and her” Hyejin chuckled. “But why did she send you the image?”“She watches our channel” Yong grimaced. “You know our fans thought, Wheein and I were dating right? When I uploaded the vid looking for Byul, Wheein was not there and so people assumed we broke up and I replaced her with Byul. . . Kei must have heard of that and then watched the video, for gossips sake, you know how she is.”Hyejin hummed. “She must have guessed the girl was Byul by Sandeul’s description of her”“She was not sure actually” Yong paused for a moment. “After I confirmed to Sandeul that the girl on the photo is indeed your girl, I lied to your ex that she’s not the one I’m looking for”“Good” Hyejin turned to the right entering through the back of MMM towers. Yong’s tone change into a giddy one. “Why don’t you tell me more about this barista”Hyejin smiled, she told Yongsun all about her day from seeing the barista in the morning, to the lunch date, and from the afternoon to evening they spent talking in the corner booth. She was careful not to tell Yong what a crying mess she was, her unnie doesn’t need to know that. “You’re finally dating Hyejin-ah!” Exclaimed Yong as Hyejin pulled up into her parking space in the fourth floor. “Let’s hope you can keep this one”“What does that mean unnie?”“I don’t want to offend you or anything but we know what you are or what you become when your ex is around”“What do I become?” Hyejin laid on her seat frowning.“Let’s just say, you’re not yourself when she’s around”  Hyejin pouted thinking about what Yongsun meant. “Anyway, doesn’t that demon spawn only stays a few days in Seoul when she’s in the country?”“True” Hyejin replied, finally turning off her car and unplugging her phone. Kei works as a designer in London but visits Seoul whenever she can.“When was the last time you guys met”She was getting tired of discussing Kei. All she wants is to lay down on her bed and dream of the day she had with Byul. But Yongsun is not letting up.“5-6 months ago” Hyejin got out of her car and walked the short way into the elevator. “She might not stay there very long. Heck has she even called you?”“No, she usually just-“ she paused, a finger pressing on the button of her floor. Kei doesn’t call because she. . .“She what?”“I’ll call you back unnie”“NO!” Yongsun roared as the elevator door closed. “Do not hang up on me Hyejinie. What’s going on?”“She may be in my unit”“Now?”Hyejin stood still on her spot looking up as the display numbers climbed, chanting a small prayer. “Please, please, please, dont be there” “Don’t be of—en— Hye—- but I don’t trust  — when she’s a—-und” “Yong, you’re breaking up. Hold until I reach my door” She waited for a few more seconds before she reached her floor. She turned towards the right until she reached the door on the end. She was sweating when she stood in front of her door afraid to open it. It’s been so long since they last saw each other. The memory of their last night together suddenly resurfacing. “Hyejin are you there?”“Yes”“Do not hang up on me do you hear?” Hyejin gulped. This is it. This might be her doom. She entered her password, took a deep breath and opened her door.  She turn on the lights and looked around the open space where her bed is, she crossed the hall into the small spare room, then her cramped closet and last she checked her bathroom to really make sure, all clear. . . no sign of Kei. “I don’t think she’s here” Both of them released the breath they were unconsciously holding. A sudden pang of guilt overcoming Hyejin, she half expected Kei to be there, Kei would come first to her when she’s in Seoul. Always. “Wait a minute” Yong’s tone became stern. “Why would she be in your condo?”“Uhh” she’s not ready for this conversation yet. “Look unnie, I’ll update you if I see her ok? Bye”“Hyejin you gave her your password, didn’t y-!” Hyejin hang up, face palming, yes, Kei knows her door combination, yes, she might pop in anytime. And yes, I’m an idiot.  She reminded herself to change the password. Or better yet, ban Kei from coming into the building. She was about to phone the lobby when her phone rang. The screen displaying an unknown number. Could it be? She cleared her throat and tried to compose herself and answered. “Who’s this?”“Guess” there was a certain playfulness in that tone that eased the tension a bit. “Yah” Hyejin felt her throat dry up “miss me already?”“You bet” Byul chuckled on the other line. “Are you home?”“Yeah” she said, getting a glass from its rack. “Just arrived”“Alright, just wanted to know, get some rest” “You’ll text me won’t you?”“Sure, as long as you don’t wait out” “Ok” “Goodnight, Jinie”“Goodnight”Hyejin stood in front of her fridge waiting for Byul to end the call. “Are you still there?”“Yeah, just hang up” “No, you hang up” Byul said in a commanding tone. Hyejin chuckled and opened her fridge, are they really doing this?“No you-” Hyejin gasped and froze. “Jinie?”“Hey, see tomorrow, ok” she said quickly into her phone and hang up. Sitting there on the top rack of her fridge is a huge brown box with Moonbeans logo in it. A thousand thoughts raced in her mind as she tentatively pick it up for closer inspection. On top of it was a single yellow sticky note. It read:I’m back!Let’s have some fun when I’m no longer busy, baby.P.S. Bought you your favourite.It was written in a large cursive handwriting with a kiss mark on the bottom. Hyejin traced her thumb on the red lipstick, she came after all. . . Then she caught herself. Her guilt intensified, yes Kei stopped by and so what? It should not matter now. She has Moonbyul, she have a chance to finally have the happy ending she couldn’t before. Hyejin tore the paper into bits and threw them in the trash can. It’s not fair. I just found Byul. ~~~~~~Hyejin sat in her office chair watching Chungha and Seojung snacking on the cheesecake she found on her fridge last night. The temptation was extreme but she can’t let herself succumb to Kei’s gifts. The cake would have gone straight to the trash if it weren’t made from Moonbeans. She shove her head between her hands groaning. “What is it this time?” Seojung asked, while she dug into the cake. “Are you sick again?”“No” Hyejin groaned once again.“This morning you were all smiles holding a cup of iced soy latte. Whistling.” Hyejin heard Seojung’s chair swivel. “Whistling boss. You even brought us a snack. And now suddenly you’re in a bad mood again?”“Leave me alone” Hyejin pouted. “Chungha” Seojung faced the quiet assistant busy with her own slice. “did something happen yesterday?”Chungha shrugged. “I didn’t see her after I dropped her off in that cafe.”“Why don’t you have a cake, instead of looking miserable like that.”Hyejin groaned at this. She finally surfaced from her desk and laid back on her chair. “It’s Kei” she confessed.Seojung paused on her chewing. “Is she back?” “She’s back”“Who’s that?” Chungha asked, completely clueless.“Hyejin’s ex that she’s crazy about” Seojung answered, nonchalantly picking up another bite. “Excuse me” Hyejin interrupted. “I think you meant Hyejin’s crazy ex”“I meant what I said” Seojung raised an eyebrow. “It’s like a switched is flipped when she’s around and you become this hypnotised slave.”“That’s not true” Hyejin frowned. But thinking about it this is somewhat related to what Yongsun told her last night.You’re not yourself when she’s around, it echoed on Hyejin’s mind. It seemed like everyone noticed this except her. If what they say is true. Then her relationship with Byul could be in more danger than she imagined. Hyejin almost went crazy when she couldn’t find the barista. The thought of hurting her was not an option. She needs help. “Yes, it is, boss” Seojung insisted. “But why does it matter?”“Remember the coffee shop manager I found in the free way?”“Miss manager?”Hyejin nodded. “She transferred to a branch here in Seoul, I met her yesterday. . . and now we’re dating”This took Seojung completely by surprise. Hyejin never shared her dating life before because Kei ruins it before it last long enough to make enough impact. She urged Hyejin to continue. “The problem is, Kei gets her coffee in there. She stopped there yesterday, got a cake and left it in my condo with a note telling me she’s back”In a speed of light Seojung spat the cake back out onto her plate.“That’s disgusting!”“You’re feeding me Kei’s gift for you?” “She didn’t make it” Hyejin shrugged. “I just don’t want it to go to waste”“Then why don’t you eat it?”“I’m full”“Hyejin, I’ve seen you consume half a cake after you’ve had dinner, don’t try to fool me.” She set aside her plate. “Chungha, stop eating that, it might be poisoned. Or worst it might be enhanced with love potion.”Hyejin rolled her eyes. “Excuse me” Seojung stood up. “I’m going to go and purge myself”“Unnie, come on, help me out here” Hyejin shoved her face back on to her desk. Seojung stood there for sometime hands on her hips. Her bosses relationship with her ex is complicated one meeting is enough to tell that. Hyejin talks shit about her ex but one touch from that wrecked woman would bid Hyejin down in her knees. It’s like Hyejin loses all of her inhibitions and become a drugged up prisoner. It was not her business to say anything about it back then but Hyejin is actually calling for help right now.“You can’t let her see you” she finally announced. “I know but how am I going to do that?”“Hyejin, you have to make a choice here. If you’re serious about this girl then you can’t let Kei see you ever again. Cut off all communications with her.” “I can do that” Hyejin said with dignity. Somewhere in the back of her head a voice asked. Can you? “The problem is she always finds me.”“She can’t find you if you don’t want to be found.” Seojung sat in Hyejin’s desk. “I know she knows where you live but you can simply ban her. If she comes here we’ll make sure she doesn’t see you.”“And if I chance to see her in the cafe?”“Can’t you ask miss manager to ban her as well?”“I don’t want her to ask questions”Seojung shrugged. “Then the simple solution is  don’t go to the cafe.”“I practically want to live in that cafe” Hyejin pointed out. “If I can”“Why is that? Hmm?” Seojung leaned in. “Because your girl is there. You don’t need the cafe, Hyejin. You need the girl. There’s plenty of places in Seoul that you can go to hang out. Walk around.” “I’m sorry to interject unnie” said Chungha, one hand on a fork with a bite of cake on it. Hyejin and Seojung looked at her. “But if Miss Ahn is serious enough about this girl, even if her ex is around, it shouldn’t affect her, right?”She looked at Seojung then at Hyejin and ate the cake. Seojung laughed, shaking her head. “You don’t know Kei, Chungha. She’s actually smart. And will use your words against you if you’re not careful.”Hyejin thought about what Chungha said. That’s true enough but if what they say is true, that she somewhat changes, then it would be dangerous to rely on her self control. “She’s the manager there, I can’t just take her to go strolling out each night.”“Ugh, there’s a thing called day off” Seojung rolled her eyes. “and doesn’t she have breaks in between?” “Her day off is Friday”“Who the heck have day off on Fridays”“My girl” Hyejin groaned. “And it’s common”“You don’t have to be on each others necks for a crazy amount of time you know” Seojung smirked. “Don’t linger in the cafe, make her miss you a bit.”“I looked for her for 2 months unnie. I’m not wasting time avoiding her.”Seojung threw her hands up. “Then follow Chungha’s advice man, I don’t care.” She got up and made her way back to her desk. “But make sure you have enough self control if ever Kei decides to stop by.”She had no time to let her mind rest and process that. Her phone was ringing, and showing Moonstar on the screen. Chungha and Seojung’s eyes on her, she laid back on her seat and answered.The playful voice of Byul came from the other line. “Want to have lunch together?”“Sure”  “What do you want?”“Hmm, I’m in the mood for spicy chicken”“Ok, send me the restaurant name and I’ll order delivery.”“Actually,” Hyejin glanced at Chungha then at Seojung, who was looking at her intently. “Byul-ah, can we drive there instead?”“Alright” Byul agreed. “Can I pick you up?”Hyejin gave her the address to their building. “See you, Jinie”“See you” She hang up. She felt bad, she knew that by doing as Seojung said she was indirectly accepting the fact that Kei affects on a certain way. But the fact that she’s even doing this to save her and Byul’s relationship must be something to commend. . . Right?Seojung had a smirk on her face. “What?”“Problem solved”~~~~~~   next chapter will be up in a day or two, as always, thank you for reading.