Im a Lion (1/1)

Our Story elfrainmoore 115210K 11 month ago

For Moon Byulyi, one of the best things of her day is when she sits on the outside of her cafe as closing time nears. When customers comes in a trickle, tension eases and all things cool down. When she could watch the lights of distant cars passing by in the contrasting darkness, instilling a great calmness in her very soul. The experience has not worn out on her, but tonight, the calmness was disturbed by grave anticipation. The glossy blue camry she had been waiting for is near in sight, closer and closer it came, Byul is on the edge of her seat in excitement. She's here, finally, the long wait is over. The car parked right in front of her. She stood up, heart beating faster, her shaky fingers trying to combed out her hair. The door to the passenger seat opened and out came Hyejin, her orange sundress revealing perfectly defined shoulders, she looked around and locked eyes with Byul. Her hips swayed seductively as she made her way towards Moonbyul, her gaze straight and captivating.Byul stood fixedly on her spot bathing in the moment. She might have made a greeting but her hands felt too heavy to wave and her tongue felt too thick to form words. She continued to watch and realised with each step Hyejin took. . . she moved two spaces back. Hyejin noticed this too and she started to run. But the faster she ran the further she moved away. Byul became rooted on her spot, her feet only twitched when she willed them to move. She saw Hyejin's lips opening yet no sound came out.Jinie. She wanted to shout but her voice failed her. In rapid fire the voices in her head all shouted at once, panicking.She's getting away. Follow her.Move.Moon Byulyi!Do something!"Jinie!" Screamed Byul, sitting up on her bed.Darkness filled her room, the only sound in it is her shallow breaths, frantic eyes searching. Towards her left she saw light seeping between the curtains and reality caught up to her. It is morning, it's Sunday, and she's on her bed, realising she woke from another dream.A product of last nights waiting game. She bit her lip and look down at the soiled clothes she slept on, a heavy feeling on her chess came creeping in, along with the voices on her head. They are awake too, more active and alert than Byul. They were all speaking on top of one another.She's never going to show up. It was all an act. Hyejin was never real.She was a product of your imagination.Byul did not believe them. At first. Hyejin looked genuine, her eyes said it all, those lingering looks and flirty gestures seemed real, she felt real. Then days went by without a single call or text, it was fine, she must have been busy from moving. Byul let herself be swept by her own moving and buried herself in work to keep the voices away. And so a week passed by, confident she will see her coffee fuelled lioness on the free way cafe, she went there and waited. And waited. And waited.On the back of her mind, she felt that something must have really gone wrong, still she tried to tell herself it was ok. Hyejin is real. She'll turn up. Byul told herself. Eventually.The next Saturday Byul found herself in the free way cafe once again, at 6 o'clock in the evening, the branch she managed left to Yooa's leadership. She waited there for one, two, three hours. . . up until midnight but still, there was no sign. She was exhausted, and empty handed driving back to Seoul. As one month passed by the voices became harder to ignore, then two months pass, and they finally found a crack.Moonbyul's resolve started to give in, the voices reasons started to make sense. Hyejin is an actress. She was never real. She's only a fig-Byul's train of thought is broken by the sound of her alarm. She took a sharp breath in, the loud ringing, ironic it may be, instilled order in her head. It's five o'clock. She had to get ready. She forced herself out of bed, stripping out of the soiled clothes she slept on and forced herself under a cold shower."Moon Byulyi, wake up!" She said slapping herself awake and blinking rapidly. Whatever Hyejin is or was, it's not good to dwell on her too early in the morning when she have a cafe to run.After taking a shower, she quickly dressed in her work clothes, gathered her keys, wallet and laptop and was out the door by 5:30. She lived in a condo now, so she had to take the elevator down towards the parking lot on the third floor, and drive for only 10 minutes to the branch of Moonbeans in Seoul.When her grandad took her there she was ecstatic. Her first thought was of Hyejin and how she didn't need to drive so far away to get to the free way. Byul imagined their Sundays being as interesting as each visit Hyejin have made so far."Focus!" She got on her car and started the drive.~~~~~As she turned to the cafe ten minutes later, she saw her employees waiting by the back door."Good morning miss!" They greeted one by one. There was Somi, Yul, the cooks, Ricky, the two trainee baristas and Yooa.Byul greeted them back and opened the door. They filed in a line, clocking in and then going about their job. Byul headed straight to her office to drop of her things, put her pin on, and then got down to business.All morning she kept herself busy, helping Ricky pull up the blinds, checked the coffee making machines in the bar with the trainees, counted the cakes available for sale, chatted with the cooks as they heated up water and would have even done inventory if Yooa didn't stop her."Miss we checked last night" Yooa sighed, and got the checklist clipboard, she clutched it on her chest and looked at Byul uncertainly."What?""Did you stay up all night again?" She hesitated "W-waiting at the free way cafe?""How did you know?""Well, miss," Yooa looked at her, worried. "no offence, but you look like crap" Byul chuckled, weakly. "I do, don't I?" She shrugged. "Well, it can't be help""I wish I could do something to help"Byul bit the inside of her lip.Yooa took this as a sign of anger. "I- I didn't mean to intrude miss" frantically waving her hands .Byul nodded, not wanting to discuss the matter further. "Just place the clipboard on my desk. I'll go open up."Byul went through the kitchen door. She could see a few customers already in front of the store. Then her sight locked onto one, someone in an orange summer dress with a long black hair that draped on her bare shoulder, her back towards Byul. Byul closed her eyes tightly and opened them again. Could it be?"Miss is there something wrong?" One of the trainees asked."No" Byul shook her head, eyes still on the person outside. "Ricky, open up, please."Byul blinked her eyes slowly to make sure they were not deceiving her. The person had her back on the door. Ricky opened the it and she turned. From afar Byul could not see her features well, but the way she smooth her long black hair to the side of her face seemed familiar. Ricky held the door for the woman, she walked in, with utmost confidence and feet in front of the other making her way towards Byul. As she neared, Byul could see the mole on the side of her cheek.She blinked her tired eyes again to really make sure. And her breath hitched on her throat."Miss?" The older of her two trainees was shaking her. "Are you sick? Why are you crying?"Byul felt the wetness of her tears in her cheek and blinked her eyes again. One moment the woman was Hyejin, the next it was not. Without a word she turned and went back into the kitchen and turned right to her office, wiping her tears.She sat in her chair completely dazed. She expected the voices to attack, but for once they were quiet, and now she felt alone. At least once in her day she sees Hyejin, in the faces she meets, the pain opens up her wounds each time. But today she felt an extra punch in the gut. She was so sure, for a minuscule second, she believed."Miss Moon?" Yooa burst in to her office with a worried look on her face. "Irene said. . ."She trailed off as Byul covered her eyes."Can I do anything to help?" Yooa approached in a frantic voice."No, forget it""Miss" Yooa was now right in front of her. "If you would allow me. I can wait for her next Saturday at the cafe. That way-""No, I will not allow you"Yooa opened her mouth to argue but Byul was shaking her head."Besides, I don't plan on ever going back there again.""But miss how will you ever see miss Hyejin again?""I'm not going to see her again""Miss moon""Do you think she was genuine?" cut Byul sharply."Miss?""I knew something was wrong, she was too good to be true." she said firmly, trying her best to filter her emotions. "Do you think someone sent her to prank me? That she was an actress and making me like her was only a sick joke? Do you think she was playing me this whole time?!"She shouted the last question, finally voicing out the things that had been haunting her waking hours. Each question squeezing her heart tightly in her chest."No miss!" Exclaimed Yooa. She stared at her boss in surprise. Of course that was wrong, from the moment she met Hyejin, Yooa knew she was a good person. And she might have only observed Byul and Hyejin's meetings from afar yet she knows the latter likes her boss like that. "You sound sure of yourself""Because I am" she firmly pointed.There was conviction in her voice. Byul wanted to believe her."You need sleep, miss, you should rest to clear your mind"Byul wanted to argue. She should stop with this whole Hyejin business. But she can't, Hyejin made a mark in her memory that even forgetting her was out of the question."I suppose""She's real don't doubt that""I'll try" Byul chuckled, biting her lip. "If she's real. If all of it was real, I'll ask her out the first chance I get. I'm not wasting any time again""Please do" Yooa is relieved, nodding in approval. "If you asked me, its overdue""You're right" Byul smiled a little. She got the clipboard on her desk, shaking off her thoughts. "You should get back in front, I left the trainees there they might need help."Yooa left her boss there scanning the checklist with eyes drooping. Byul had always been that friendly and cheerful existence, Yooa never saw her being sad and down for too long, until now. Over the course of two months her boss became increasingly depressed. She felt sorry for her yet she knows she can do nothing to help, unless Batgirl turns up. The sooner the better.~~~~~Service is steady as per usual on a Sunday morning, Yooa stood in front of the register beside one of the trainees, Seulgi, who was struggling on punching orders in. Seulgi had been tasked to man the register today switching with Irene who is tasked to make orders. Seulgi is great at making drinks but it would be better if she knows how to take orders as well so Yooa was training her. She was still clumsy but getting better."If you make a mistake just reset the order and try again, work quickly but surely, ok?" Yooa instructed, removing her apron, as she noticed the ice delivery truck and look at the time. "It's past nine already, If you need help, call Somi in the kitchen. I'll be out in the back for awhile."Yooa made her way to the back. Seulgi focused on the computer but heard Yooa when she peered again from the kitchen door. "Please, don't forget to tell me if someone orders as batgirl"Seulgi only nodded resetting the machine.A few moments later a woman walked up to the register. Seulgi greeted as per standard and took the customers order, noticing a cute mole on the woman's left cheek. Then almost laughed when the woman ordered a gotham cake."Oh, I'm sorry ma'am. We don't have that" she put on an apologetic face."Ok, I'll have the cheesecake then"Seulgi entered the orders on the computer but missed clicked. So she followed Yooa's advice. She reset the system, slowly reading the labels first, she tapped the vanilla latte for the drinks, then the cheesecake icon, then pressed enter and finally the printer worked. The receipt came out and she got the grande cup."Can I have your name?" She smiled expectantly at the now grumpy looking woman across her."It's Hyejin"H-Y-E-J-I-N she wrote on the cup and passed it on to Irene, then she got the payments and handed the receipt."Please wait at the side for your order. Thank you!""Oh wait, can I have an additional order?" Hyejin asked. "Can I have all the cheesecake that you have?""Miss? I- I can't sell you that much" Seulgi looked at Irene for help. Then she heard the woman laughing."Just kidding" she waved her hand amused. "Thanks"Seulgi's gaze followed the woman thinking she was weird, why did she order a gotham cake? And why does the name Hyejin sound so familiar?Irene prepared the order as Seulgi tried to remember where she heard the name."Vanilla latte and cheesecake for Hyejin!" Irene exclaimed in a singsong voice."I forgot to tell you, can I take the cheesecake to go?" "Sure miss" Irene got a box and swiftly got the cake into it.Seulgi is repeating Hyejin's name on her head as she watched her friend work."Here you go" Irene handed her order, the woman got the paper bag and her drink and made her way towards the door."Hyejin" Irene approached Seulgi with wonder in her voice."Yeah I know, it rings a bell" Seulgi scratched her head. "She's weird, she ordered a gotham cake""She must have mix us up with another shop" Irene chuckled. "Wait, Gotham? Like from batman?" And realisation hit them both at same time. Their jaw dropped."She can't be the woman miss Yooa is looking for right?!" Seulgi squeaked in panic."She might" Irene look at the front door but there was no sign of the woman."We are so dead""Not yet" Irene shouted and ran towards the kitchen, eyes frantically searching for Yooa, she found Somi. "Where's Yooa?"Somi looked at her confused. "She's at the back" Irene opened the back door, out of breath, she saw Yooa talking with the delivery guys."You alright?" Yooa asked on her approach."We just served a woman named Hyejin." She confessed immediately. "Seulgi said she tried to order a gotham cake." "Where is she?!" Yooa yelled in excitement.Irene looked scared. "She just left""No!" Yooa sprinted. Into the back door, carefully inched through the kitchen, and out in the cafe. Seulgi jumped at the loud door opening and was shocked it was the senior barista."Where's the girl who ordered a gotham cake?"Seulgi stared at her."Answer me!""Sh-she just left, a minute ago" she stuttered in fear. What have they done?Yooa cursed. She ran in the front of the store, her eyes searching the parking lot, and there at the right end, she could see the back of a familiar blue car backing into the highway."Ricky, chase that blue car. Do not let the driver leave no matter what!" She shouted, not caring about the disturbance she was causing. Ricky quickly went as told. Yooa turned around and almost collided with Irene."Go tell Miss Moon she's here.""Who?""Batgirl! Quick!" She said with glee. The two ladies went on opposite directions. Yooa to the parking lot and Irene back into the kitchen.When Irene opened the door in Byul's office, she hesitated, her boss head is on the table, clearly asleep."Miss Moon?!" She cautiously called out."Hmm?""Yooa sent me to tell you" Byul rose, groggily."Someone named batgirl is here"~~~~~~~~Byul rushed out of her office, her whole body feeling like it was dunked in ice cold water from the news. She's here. The words rang in her mind and her heart gave a leap. She opened the kitchen door and surveyed the cafe."Where?""Outside" Irene replied.Byul almost stumbled on her feet as she run towards the front of her cafe. Through the glass wall towards the left, she saw a woman in a yellow sundress, that her security guard was dragging across the parking lot, horrified, Byul quickly went out."Is this how you treat your customers?!" Screamed the tiny woman hitting Ricky on all surface she can reach."Ricky stop that, let go of her" Byul shouted with authority.Ricky let go and stood by the side. "Ma'am Yooa said-""I got it from here" Byul turned to the customer who was clearly not Hyejin. Her body bending to a full bow."I am deeply sorry miss"The woman looked at Byul with disdain. "Who are you? I want to speak with the manager!" "It's me ma'am" Byul addressed the pavement, keeping her posture. "My guard have made a grave mistake.""I could sue you!" She threatened.Byul closed her eyes and bit her lip. Not that, anything but that."Please ma'am, I ask for your full understanding, let's not make this into a bigger ordeal.""Well, I'm in a good mood today" The woman's voice change into a sweet tone that made Byul frown. "I'm a simple girl, I can settle with a cheesecake""Ok ma'am" "A whole box""Yes ma'am" Byul stiffly rose from her bow and turned. She saw Yooa standing in front of the cafe white as snow."Hey stop" the woman exclaimed. "Tell your guard to fetch it for me."Byul turned and told Ricky to go. She noticed the woman eyeing her up and down. Byul also noticed her soft flawless and innocent face. She shifted on her spot."What's your name?""Moon Byulyi" she answered passively."And you said you are the manager?" The woman said delicately and fished her phone from her purse and pointed the camera towards Byul. "Can laugh for me?""Miss?""Hurry up" The woman's voice had a threat to it even though she was smiling. Byul had no idea what was going on but the woman's tone told her to do it or else.Byul faked a laugh the best she could, the woman took a picture and smirked."Miss, here's the cheesecake." Ricky came up to her holding a whole box of cake. Byul knows she would never hear the end of it from her mom but she was not going to let Ricky go in trouble because of her. She got the box, approach the woman and handed it to her."Do you know someone named Kim Yongsun?" The woman asked eyeing her."No" Byul was not sure where this was going."We'll see" the woman said and turned. Byul bowed once again."Please accept our deepest apologies, miss, I promise, it won't happen again."She heard the woman laugh as she walked away.Byul did not rise from her bow until the sound of the woman's footsteps were replaced by the sound of a car starting."Miss" Yooa called cautiously behind her."Ma'am Yooa asked me to stop her" The guard interjected."I know" came the short and stiff reply."Ricky chased the wrong car." Yooa explained."No shit" Byul's voice faltered."Did she look like Hyejin to you?" She growled, feeling empty. One moment her soul was soaring in the skies and now. . . Now it descended lower than where it was in the first place. She hurriedly wiped the tears that welled up in her eyes and kept her back to her staff."No, miss, I didn't see her but-""You didn't see her? Then why tell me?!" Byul shouted burying her head on her hands. "You guys are lucky that woman did not file a complaint.""I'm so sor-""You can't give me any more false hopes, Yooa""Yes miss, but hear me out, please, Ricky chased the wrong car""You've. Told. Me. That. Go back to your duties" She sniffled, shaking her head. "I'll just go out for a walk""Miss-" Yooa started but stopped when someone cleared their throat."Can I join you?" A familiar husky, and seductive voice came next.Byul made a tiny squeak and turned around. Her eyes catching Yooa, smiling. "I chased the right one."Byul's eyes travelled to the woman slowly approaching her."Hey" Hyejin waved her hand shyly.Byul's jaw dropped in surprise. Her heart was hurting as it skipped a beat."We're just gonna go. . ." Yooa mumbled motioning for the guard to go, her eyes wandering between Byul and Hyejin. Both now clearly unaware of anything else except for each other.Byul could not believe her eyes. All the tension on her body eased. Fresh tears fell on her cheeks and onto her lopsided smile.Her greeting came out in a whisper. "Hey"The look of relief on Byul's face tugged at Hyejin's heart. Her body jerked wanting to give the older woman the biggest hug.As if reading her mind Byul motioned for her."Well come on" she urged with a calm and cool tone. "I know you missed me"In a flash Hyejin had jumped on her like a lion with its prey, only theirs had a happy ending. Byul had to steady herself from falling as both of Hyejin's arms and legs wrapped around her."Easy there tiger" she whispered as she buried her face on Hyejin's neck."It's lion" Hyejin cried."What?""I'm a lion" Hyejin replied in between sobs.Byul's head pulled back in laughter, the sound of utter bliss ringing with it. Her heart is beating, like she just drunk a hundred shots of espresso at once. Hyejin is crying uncontrollably next to her ear as she felt droplets of tears on her shoulder. The sound of it stung, in a painful yet sweet way."It's alright" Byul whispered reassuring her lion. "I'm here.""You're here" she whispered again, reassuring herself.~~~~~"You missed me that much huh" Byul's smugness was dripping as she placed a cup of water in front of Hyejin.They are inside the cafe, and have claimed the corner both near the service area, Hyejin is wiping her tears and Byul sat opposite her with the most annoying grin known to man."A bit""Wow, a world where a bit means crying for 30 minutes straight and refusing to let go off me, may I live in that reality forever?"Byul chuckled, and reached out to a piece of tissue stuck under Hyejin's nose."Who said I was crying" Hyejin insisted stubbornly "You were the one crying""I only shed tears, Miss Ahn. You on the other hand was bawling." Byul bit her lip not believing someone, would do that because they missed her, and the fact that it was Hyejin made it a million times more special."Shut up, you don't know what I went through to find you."Byul settled on her seat. "Ok let's hear it.""It's a long story." She smiled. "Jinie, I don't think you realise it yet. But we have all day""We do now, don't we?" Hyejin sniffled.Hyejin began to tell her story, Byul listened, and as it unfolded she felt like an idiot. The fact that she even thought Hyejin played her was hammering in her mind. You are one lucky idiot Moon Byulyi."I went to the cafe in the free way, every Saturday, hoping you might be there" she explained her side.Hyejin scoffed. "I would have if that sleaze ball didn't ban me""Who did? No one has the power to ban anyone but my family.""His name was Charlie"Moon Byulyi's eyes look murderous. "When did you go back?""The very next Wednesday on our way back to Seoul" Byul's mind went off. It was experiencing rapid fire picturing different scenarios on how she could fire Charlie."I tried to go back there that Saturday because I didn't believe him but the guard literally shooed me away"Byul remembered the first Saturday she went back. "That Saturday Charlie was there early for his shift trying to keep me on his office""He must have known""He must have known" Byul repeated, clenching her fist tightly.Hyejin's hand covered it. "It is no use focusing on men now." "You're right" she nodded but made a mental note to fire Charlie as soon as possible. "You're here"Hyejin squeezed her hand and laid back on her chair. Each settling down their racing heart beats.Hyejin look at Byul in the silence."You've lost weight Moon Byulyi" Being able to focus on her features now, the already thin barista looked even more skeletal, her eyes were swollen and her complexion look deathly pale."So did you" Byul smirked. "But I'm still strong"Hyejin scoffed."I carried your crying ass from outside up to here" Hyejin rolled her eyes. "Want to see?" Byul flexed her right arm and placed her elbow on the table.Hyejin had to laugh. "You're boasting that?""Yeah" Byul insisted without irony. And suddenly, it felt like 2 months have not gone by, they were back on their routine. The whole world only meant the space they occupied in that corner both at Moon Beans cafe."Ok. . . Let's see" Hyejin mimicked Byul's stance, ready for an arm wrestle. "If I win, you have to give me your number."Byul laughed mockingly. "You will never win against me" she flexed her arm and went to position. "When I win, you will come here everyday for the whole week and order Soy latte for your coffee.""That's mean!" Hyejin's arm twitched."Scared I'll beat you?" "No" there's a slight hesitation on her voice that she could not hide. What have you gotten yourself into Hyejin-ah?"Ok then, deal""OK" Hyejin grabbed Byul's hand. Her fingers felt bony and warm, but to Hyejin it felt like she was holding the world."In three" Byul nodded. "One. . . Two. . .""Hey look at that, we're holding hands" Hyejin announced at the last second and slammed Byul's hand into oblivion. . . Or thats what she imagined because Byul's hand did not budge an inch. She saw the smug smirk on Byul's lips before she watch as her hand gets forced on its back."Miss Ahn, were you trying to a make me nervous?" "No" Hyejin denied, feeling like a fool having made herself feel flustered."You lost"Hyejin tried to pull her hand back but Byul held on to it."Don't back down now Jinie""Who said I was backing down?" She glared at Byul."You're not?""I'll come here everyday, I'll drink that soy latte" she stated stubbornly."Promise?""Yes"Byul slackened her hold, Hyejin's hand however did not retreat. So she held on again, tighter this time."I missed you" Hyejin whispered. Byul squeezed her hand."I missed you too, Jinie" "Oh hold on" Hyejin waved, pulled her hand back and search for her phone. "Come here"Hyejin shifted on her seat to accommodate Byul, the barista went to sit beside her cautiously."What's this?""I promised I'd take lots of photos if I see you again"She hooked her right arm around Byul's shoulder and pulled her face close. Byul responded by placing her hand around Hyejin's waist and pulled their bodies closer. Moon Byulyi turned to the camera, oblivious at how huge this is affecting the woman next to her. The thumb slightly circling at her side is making Hyejin lose focus."Come on, Jinie, take the pic"Hyejin shifted, trying to look as normal as possible and not like a lion in heat. She raised her phone and clicked, but not before a pair of lips landed on her cheek."Moonbyul!" she pulled back, a hand feeling where Byul's lips touch."What?" "You kissed me""I know" Byul gave her signature hamster smile, biting her lip. Then stood up. "Come on, let's go someplace else for lunch" Hyejin sat dumbfounded not believing Byul was acting like that huge thing she just did was an everyday action. If that's how it is. . . Hyejin thought, then two can play at that game."Where?" Hyejin stood up as well, looking up slightly."Anywhere you want, my treat""Are you asking me out on a date?""Yeah" Byul answered, not missing a beat "I promised I'd ask you out on a date if I see you again."Hyejin froze. Seriously, what has gotten to this hamster?The same question is on Byul's mind but like a bullet train it became hard to stop."I like you" she confessed, eyes fixed on Hyejin's shocked stare."Oh?""Don't 'oh' me, Jinie" Byul leaned in, her voice dripping with confidence. "This is the part where you say I like you too."Hyejin narrowed her eyes and her ears burned. How come Moon Byulyi is dominating her at every step? Why is she liking it? And more importantly, Ahn Hyejin, why are you letting this happen?"Ilikeyoutoo" she muttered quickly, looking away."Youlikemetoo?" Byul copied her, teasingly. "I'll take that for now Jinie. But mark my words, I'm going to make you say that properly"Byul turned, pulling Hyejin's hand along with her."What's the matter?" She turned back when Hyejin didn't move.Hyejin rolled her eyes and look Byul straight in the eye. "I like you too"Byul chuckled. "It's hard not to"•••••••••           (A/N: thank you all for everyone who are still reading my fic. Tbh this chapter was so hard to write I had to reconstruct it a dozen of times. I hope you enjoyed T TT. If not, please tell me why so I can improve. Thanks again :))