Night (1/1)
We eventually ended up on the floor. I pushed him awayfuriously leading us to falling down while he kept holding ontome. He looks at me with sad eyes. I thought that he will yell orask me why i did that in a rage, but instead he says sorry. "'s not you who should be sorry." He gives me a confused look."Don't be sad," i whisper. "I'll start cleaning," but he grabs my arm."No, it's okay you don't need to. I think that i already gave you toomuch work." Thank god i was really exhausted actually. "Tommorowmy mates said that they are comming here. Come with me to thegrocery store to buy some snacks. There's some kind ofbasketball game and they said they are going to meet at my house."He pulls me downstairs. Grocery? With him?!?!?!! "Don't youneed a disguise?" "Like i said. No one knows that i'm here. AtJapan actually," he smirks. Smart idea of what he told me yesterday.At least he gets a break. Seeing him with overload work a coupleyears ago we dated; seeing him work and his eyes having darkcircles made me worried. "We're walking?" He nodded. Past thegate and we're finally out. In a couple minutes we walk in a storewith barely anyone in here. There were even some creepy peopleand gangs inside here. ~~~~~~~~~~Taemins POV~~~~~~~~~I was happy to not make her work, but bring her with me to thegrocery store. Smart! I already had plenty of food and snacks, buti still wanted to come here with Byul. I see her seem a littleterrified by these people. And i saw some people checking herout! I clenched my fists. "Stay by my side," i grab her waist and pullher next to me. "Lets buy this," she suggested. "Cupcakes? Isn'tthat your favorite?" She rubs her head and puts it back. It wascute. I grab the cupcakes and put it in our cart. "Lets go," i grabbedher hand. My heart was pounding hard from just her touch.But she lets go and blushes. A bit hurt, but we were also notdating. Or why did she break up? There had to be a reason, andshe came tomy concert! Or did she even still have the ring i gaveher? My brain was having millions of thought until i saw 3 boyssurrounding her. ~~~~~~~Byuls POV~~~~~~~~~Oh! They were selling dobbokki! I ate some from the young boyand 2 more people came. "Are you here alone?" "No," i calmlysay. "Have a boyfriend?" I stop eating and look at them. Are theyhitting on me? "I'm single," i mumble and move back. "She's withme," Taemin comes in, and grabs me. They grunt and walkaway. "Are you okay?" he asks me worried. "Yeah.......and thankyou," i say shyly. Back at his place we put the bags in the kitchen."Byul, can i ask you something?" I nodd my head. "Did you byany chance find a boyfriend?" I shake my head. I saw a smilein his face. We go back to our rooms. I shut the door and turnof the lights. I already think i know why he asked me that. Hewants to get back with me? If it is...i already know that can't happen.I promised myself to never get back with him. Never. I sleepand wonder what'll happen tommorow.