~~~ (1/1)
I was so exhausted yesterday. I wake up openeing my eyes slowly.Strange. The background was different. And why was i feelingstiff? I look to see beside me. "T-taemin?" I remember that igot a job here! Did he carry me upstairs? And was this his room?Omo...his face. It hasn't change much. I gently pull his arms downmy waist, and slowly get out of bed. I sighed in relief that he isreally an heavy sleeper. I found my socks and apron on thefloor. I folded his shirt and placed it neatly on his bed. I tip toeddownstairs the house. Whoa. There were 2 stairs and i hoped thatthis stair lead to the kitchen. Around the stairs, and it was right.The kitchen. I looked at the time, and it was 8:30am. Doesn'the have work or something? I quickly made breakfast for him.A simple scrambled eggs, potato cubes, and some fruits. Okay,so i ain't the best cook, but i also wasn't the one who fired theother two maids meant to be. "Byul," i hear my name. I turn aroundto see him already washed up wearing a mickey mouse shirt.Just like a little kid. "Don't do that again," he said and sat in themini dinner table. "What?" "Get out of bed. I nearly freaked out thatyou ran off again, but i smelled food, so i didn't rage." Eeesh.So protective. "Eat. Aren't you hungry?" I shook my head. Mystomache then had to growl. I turned red in embarassment as helaughed. "What do you want to eat. I probably have it." I hesitatedfor a moment then shyly asked him. "Cereal?" He pointed at thebottom shelf next to me. I bend down and found many types ofcereal. I just ate frosted flakes. It was awkward eating in his house,and especially because i don't feel like an maid. I feel like his...i paused. That word that i forgot and didn't use to myself. I closemy eyes and shiver. The word girlfriend. Once a couple, brokeup, and now we are here together. Didn't he feel weird? "So whatdo i exactly need to do?" i ask him. "I always have my bandmatesalways barging in here, and other people. You need to make a lotof food, and cleaning up. I also am taking over my uncles shoppingmall for a year, so i am going to call you in my office upstairs,and assist me. Clear?" I gulped. So i had to see Donghae andJonghyun again? I couldn't. Not those two, and i am a terriblecook. And assist him? "And i don't want you going out much, orlate. Especially if one of my bandmates or any of them touchesyou tell me okay?" I nodded, but in my head i was freaking outalready. He was done and ate everything! "And your room isright over there," he pointed behind me. He smirks at me. "Cometo my office in an hour okay?" and he walks upstairs. I blink twiceand stare at him. Is it too late to resign now? I cleaned the dishesand went inside my room. It was first big, and had a bed against the wall.A purple bed, and everything else white. My two favorite colors.My stuff! I opened it and it really did have everything inside. Iput away my clothes, notebook, and books. Lastly, my jewlery box.A small box with only 5 things. 3 necklaces that i got, and onebraclet from Taemin. At the carnival. Memories began to fillmy brain. Lastly, the ring. I look at it, and shed a tear. We wereso innocent back then and happy. But i ruined it. Not innocent,but dirty. Thinking about it more would hurt me, so i hid it away.I washed up and dressed wearing the apron. I look at the clockon the wall. 10:00am. 10:00...10:00...10:00...Oh crap! I ran upstairsand opened everydoor. I was late by 30 minutes! Where was it?His office? Open, close, open, close, open. I see him workingon papers. I sighed in relief. "You're late," he says. Damn henoticed. I walked in closing the door. He got up and startedwalking towards me. "Here," he hands me a paper. It had manychores to do and mostly repeating it. "Your punishment," hesays and goes back to work. "Sit down here, and you just need tostamp it on a small box." 'Scrub the floor downstairs with a smallcloth,' 'Clean the office,' and clean the outside windows in myroom 3 times.' What was this? It's only my second day and hegives me this? This isn't the Taemin that i knew. I was furiouswith anger and now wanted to actually strangle him. "Mad?"I nodded. He chuckles. "Then add clean the kitchen." I widenmy eyes and this was unfair! I growled and stamled these dumbpapers angrily. He just laughs and looks at me. I washed the floorwith a cloth, which took me 2 hours. Lunch break. Cleaned theoutside windows in the balcony the back of his office 3 freakingtimes. He kept spilling the waters over makimg me go back allthe way inside. I cleaned the kitchen which took 2 hours of thesmall places and areas with tough shapes. I mostly cleaned for theentire day and was already dinner time. I burnt his food purposly."You did this on purpose huh?" he held up the chicken peice. "N-no,"i stuttered. He still ate it. "Whatever you make, i trust you," and hekept eating the burnt food. At first i was overjoyed but it wasbad. I grabbed his plate and switched it with mine. "Just eat mine,"i said. He ruffled my hair. "So you do care?" I pout pissed ofat him. He was right. Now was just his office, but he told me towait until he was done. I go inside my room, and stay there. Jerk,meanie, conceited. What happened to the old him? But right nowi just wanted to think of how to get out of here. No...what if thatgirl comes here again? I didn't want that or remember my past.I cover my ears and put my head between my thighs. That night.The cruelity that i can't ever forget. And now i have to see Taeminwith guilt. "...yul? Byul? Byul?" i hear my name called out. I lookup and see Taemin Looking at me. "Y-you're crying?" I brush myface with my hand. "Why am i crying?" i yell. "What do you meanthat you don't know?" I grunt and run upstairs. Why am i crying?I run to his office and started cleaning. "Eeesh. Whatever," i mumbled.He comes in and closes the door. Don't make eye contact, don't makeeye contact, i think to myself. He grabs my arm, and pulls mein his chest wrapping his arms around me. We stay there for likethat a moment...Should i push him of or should i not?