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Shy Innocence PierrotLuv 29750K 2023-11-03

Now about those bullies. I immediately told all the girls that whoeverbullies Byul and i find out again, then she will be kicked out ofhere. It was harsh, but bullying someone is also not right. So meand the girls were on the same line. I see that Byuls elbowwas getting better. "Taemin oppa!" she yelled next to me. plShe said it again. "When is your concert. I'm really curious aboutyou and your bandmates and friends. Probably all like you withbeautiful eyes and smile," she said in her fantasy land. Aish. Shereally can't meet them, since there only going to flirt and try to stealher from me. "Yah, you better not be there for other guys."She stuck her toungue out. "I heard that Korean stars are reallygood looking. I'm actually looking forward to hear your songs, andyour friends." It's Byul of course. "Only look at me," i mumbledShe looked at me in confusion. "Only look at me!" i yelled.My face turned red, and embarassed. She just laughed. "Ofcourse! You're my Lee Taemin!" she yelled.~~~~~~~~~~Byuls POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I think that he might have been jealous? I was excited and giggled.He pulled me in a alley down the street where it was quiet. He pinnedme against the wall, and sucked on my neck. "Y-yah...not here,"i struggled embarassed. He was still sucking onto my neck inthe same spot for a minute. I felt weak and felt the great pain.He finally lets go, and looks at me. He smiled, and coveredit with my hair. "Idiot! It's probably all red now," i touched it andit stinged. "You deserved it," he said and pulled me along withhim holding onto his hand. "Lee Taemin," i muttered under my lips."Taemin, you do know that in 2 months is summer vacation right?""Yeah, then we'll only have an year left," he said. But i alsoneed to do something right? I did have one dream, and that's tooown a small flower shop with pastries. I loved flowers and theresmell. "Byul, you want to go somewhere? Tommorowand the rest of this week and mabey the next next week me andmy mates need to start rehearsing, and dancing." I was sad now.He's going to be gone for almost 3 weeks. I didn't know why buti felt sad. But this is what it feels like to have an idol as yourboyfriend. "The park, and show me some of your dancing skills,"i asked. He hesitated a lot. Trying to avoid it. My smile turned toa sad one. "You don't have to if you want," i said. He sprung upstraight at me and blushed. "I want to, but i'm kinda shy, and iwant to show it to you live." "Nah, it's okay. Then let's just goto the park!" i said linking arms with him. It was our first and reallyembarassing for me, but i went along with it. We walked out of thegate, but i realized. "You need a disguise!" i said. "No, the parkis near here and everyone that goes here, goes there. It's okay,"he said. Omo! Our first time seen publically without any hat,sunglasses, or an coat. But i didn't want the papparazzi tocatch my face. "But what about those camera people? I heard theyalways stalk idols?" He chuckled to himself. "It's okay. My uncleowns this college, and including the whole neighborhood. So thepark is his, and if there are any papparazzi's then that person willbe sued very high. Nothing to worry. But mabey the students here,but there prohibited from posting online." I sighed a really bigone. He was an idol and i was...an ordinary girl. "Anything onyour mind?" I shook my head. "No, just excited" i said, and wewalked in the park. The sky was so pretty, and the birds andbutterflies flying around. I decided to take the lead today, andpulled him everywhere. We never once left our hands linkingtogether, and walked around. All the girls were starring at us, andseemed to be gossiping. I didn't really feel comfortable. I let goof his hand and walked a little distance away from him. He grabbedmy waist and pulled me next to him gripping onto me tight. I lookedat him blankly. "Be closer to me, and you let go of my hand.Those girls right?" I shook my hand. This attractrd morepeople. Omo, i turned shy, and buried and covered my face withhis chest. I could hear his heart beat. "Taemin...your heart beat isamazing!" He chuckled and gripped onto me even tighter.~~~~~~~~Taemins POV~~,,,,,,~~~~~~~~Her body close to mine. I felt anxious and erotic. I know that we justslept with each other last week, but i more. A never lasting nightjust with Byul. I drove her to here place as it got dark. We wentinside her dorm, and it was really small. Similiar to an apartment,but a bit smaller i think. "I still have that bracelet you gave me beforeyou left," she showed me a silver braclet with her name on it in thecolor of aqua blue. "You still have it?" She nodded. She showedme her wrist. Her bracelet from last week and the ring i gave her!I forgot about those. Some reason my lips curled to an smile, andhugged her. "I'm so thankful for you in my life!" She also wrappedher arms around me. I felt myself getting hard again. "Byul, iwhispered in her ear. "I love you," i whispered. She didn't sayanything. I kissed her forcefully and stripped her down. I kissed herneck and sucked on her breasts and massaging them. Her moangave me even more pleasure. The more she denies, the more i wantto fuck her. I slowly fingered her, and she put her legs togethertelling me to stop. I forcefully spread them and i could feel herwet. So warm inside, and it was all mine. "T-taemin," he grabbedonto me. "it hurt!" she moaned as i slowly pushed it in. I flipped herbackwards and held her waist. She kept falling down on her faceand breast. Her crying face and deny made me even more hornierand bigger. I thrusted her inside hard and fast. She tried escapingbut she knew she can't but she still tried. "Something feels weirdin my stomache," she said. She was going to cum for the first time!But i wanted to see her lustful face. I stopped and she cried outloud. "Ahh! Taemin! I feel weird since you stopped," she saidshaking her legs beding them. I smirked. She was going to cumfor real. I lifted her up and her face leaning against my chest andlegs around my body. She held onto my back tight and moaned.I hardened and got bigger. "No," she moaned and kept leaningher waist back of trying not to go in deep. She couldn't let go sincei was holding her and i don't think that she wants to fall. I grabbedher butt and pushed it in forcefully against mine going inside deep."Aaahhh~" she moaned loudly next to my ear. I bounced her up anddown fast. I could feel that she was ready, and so was i. I tookthis type of pill if you eat it, then you can not get someonepregnant. ( medicen exist in my story xD) I stopped again. Shewas going insane moving around. "Say my name and Oppa."Nothing. I teased her by moving slowly then stopping. "Mmmnnghnnnghmm. T-taemin O-oppa," she said shyly. I smirked. Goodenough. I thrusted her fast and we both came. She stopped but iwas still cumming. "T-taemin. You can't," she kept leaning back.I pushed her butt into mine again and squirted everylast bit ofmy cum inside her. She nearly fainted onto my chest, and wasbreathing hard. I layed her and me down onto her bed."You're amazing," i told her. "Never...having sex...again," shesaid still breathing hard. I smirked and closed my eyes. I feltsorry now since a lot more was comming her way.