Byuls Secret (1/1)

Shy Innocence PierrotLuv 18130K 2023-11-03

"What? Since you have an idol as your boyfriend you thinkyou're all high and mighty?" She pushed me onto the floorand i scratched my elbow. I didn't say anything. "What didyou do? Sell your body? Money? Threat?" they kept asking mequestions. "I was his friend," i replied. I heard her laugh. "Youprobably even slept with him. He's probably going to throwyou away later on," she said and left. "Slut!" "Bitch!" "Whore!""Orphan!" "Gold digger!" "Prostitute!" "Player," was all i heard fromthe rest in the crowd. I just laughed it off with a tear drippingdown. It wasn't there fault. Of course any girl would do this whenTaemin was an idol. If i liked him then probably a whole bunch ofoyher girls too. There bias or something. "Byul!" It wasHaejin again. He's been keeping this bullying problem of minea secret. He picked me up. "Idiot..." he muttered. I was. A realybig idiot. "Are you sure you don't want to tell Taemin?" he askedme. "About what?" We both looked back and saw Taeminstanding there. "About what?" he asked me again. "N-nothing.It's nothing." i said looking away. "You," he pointed at Haejin."Meet me at the cafe. I think that we need to talk." Haejin passed meto Taemins arms. I think that i was in trouble now. Everyone waslooking at us. We went somewhere quiet and alone. He put medown. I winced in pain of my elbow. "What's wrong?" "Nothing,"i said covering it. He grabbed my arm where the scratch was, andtwisted it. "Who did this!" he practically yelled at me. "No one. Ijust fell, and Haejin just came to help me. So don't be mad at him...please." He just starred at me. He got his shirt and tapped it onmy elbow. There was a bit of blood. "Don't your shirt will get dirty,"i said. "Stay stil. Your injury is much more important." He kept tappingon it ajd took me to the restroom. We washed it and luckily itwasn't that bad. He kissed my forehead and left. "Watch yourselfmore. Don't get me worried like that again," he said and left. I hope thathe wasn't mad on the look of his face, but his tone seemed tobe okay. ~~~~~~~~~~Taemins POV~~~~~~~~~~~I already knew that something was going on. I didn't expect thosetwo dating knowing that both of them aren't like that, but i canfeel that there's a secret that they know. Or it's just Byul that doesn'twant to tell me. I went to the cafe and i saw Haejin sitting therelooking out the window. I sat down. "Haejin. Right." "Yes. Andyou're Taemin? Byul's boyfriend?" "So you know about me and her.""Look, there's nothing going on between us," he said. I smirked."I know. But i feel like she's hiding something. Mind telling me?"He hesitated a lot. So was there really something going on? I wasmore anxious now. "But you have to promise not to tell Byul,"he said. "Fine. Promise." He breathed in and out hesitating a bit,and opened his mouth. "Y-you see. Byul's been getting..." and hestopped. "What?" "Bad grades?" i asked. He shook his head. Hehad a weak face. "Bullied." That word. It pierced through my heart.Since i was once bullied and i was so ashamed of not knowing.Of course i shook my head. She's a normal girl when i'm an idol.She would get lots of anti's and i didn't know??? "By who?""Random girls everyday mostly and the older ones." "But she'stoo nice!" he blurted. I gave him a confused look. "She never fightsback and takes the push. And i help her, but she's just alwayslaughing and smiling like an complete idiot." That idiot. Really?I sighed. "I understand and won't say anything but protect her and i willfind a resolution to this." He seemed relieved. "But," i said makinghim shiver a bit. "Why is my Byul always around you?" He blushed.Why did he? Were they really in a relationship or something?"This, you have to swear you won't tell her and go alony with it."I knodded and he came closer. "She's been asking me aboutboyfriend/girlfriend relationships. Advices." I turned red. She's beenasking advices for me? "Shh. She's actually doing good though," hesaid. I nodded. We got up as it the sun completely setted, and was nowdark. "Thanks," i patted his shoulder. "You too, and don't worry.I already have a girl on my mind," he said. So he wasn't a bad guyafter all. It actually made me happy, that Byul found a friend likethat. I texted her, 'Thanks for everything; and i love you <3.'In a few minutes she texted back. 'What? Something happened?'I laughed and went home. Now about those bullies.