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I was still embarassed from what Haejin told me.~~~~~~~~2 Days ago.~~~~~~~~~"Okay, you seem to he doing well, but don't you ever say 'Oppa,'to him? A guy would go crazy if he says that and to other peoplelike me." "O-oppa?" He knodded. sounded to weird."O-oppa," i said it again. He smiled. "Okay, then just say thatonce or twice.". I went home and practiced my aegyos. Shouldi playfully hit him and say it, or hissing, or cutely? "Oppa."I never really said to anyone. Actually now thinking about it i'vebeen rude! I never adressed someone older as an oppa.~~~~~~~Back to date~~~~~~~~~Okay, then anytime i could just say it. Fighting! i said to myself.He drove to the movies. "Since it's kinda dark, wanna see a scarymovie?" he asked. "If you want to," i said. We went inside andtold the person in the counter to see a random movie. "Taemin,why are you still wearing your hat and your sunglasses, and especiallythat coat in a hot day?" "Feel like it. Come on, let's go," he saidpulling me. I shrugged it of. 'Paranormal Activity 3?' Seemsinteresting. I came out of the room terrified linking ontoTaemins arm. "So you've never saw a scary movie before that wasr rated?" he asked. "Yeah." He tapped on my hair and we walkedout. I looked at the time. 8:49pm. "I want to take you somewhere,"he said. We walked down a alley and turned 2 left turns. "Thecarnival!!!" It's been years since i've been here with Taemin.I forgot about the whole movie. We walked by a some games."Wanna see my basketball skills?" he said. "Sure." He shot thebasketball in all straight 10 rows with even missing a singleshoot. I clapped my hands. "You're so cool!" i said putting my thumbup. "Pick a prize," he told me. "I don't want anything." He pouted.He came up to me with two matching bracelets. Black and whitewith a heart. He put on the white one for me. "Wear it at all times,"he said. I admired it with the ring he gave me. "Can you get mea cotton candy?" i asked him. "Mmm mabey." He smirked.Ah he always does this whenever we go to the carnival backthen. Mabey it was time to say it. I breathed in and out. I blushedand was red by now. I put on a smiled holding onto his hand, andsaid, "P-please Taemin Oppa~," i said shyly.~~~~~Taemins POV~~~~~~~~Oppa? Wasn't this the first time she said that? I didn't know if ishould freak out now in happiness. My lips curled into ansmile and i had to kiss her. "Okay, i'll buy you the biggest one."My heart was beating really fast. I felt a little arousy again. I'vebeen feeling like for a couple of days. But i knew that i couldn'tsince it'll be to much for her, but i couldn't take it any more. Iwalked back to her and gave her the cotton candy. She happilyate it little by little. ~~~~~~~Byuls POV~~~~~~~~I wasn't embarassed at all. Just a bit shy though. "Lets go on thatcarnival," i said dragging him. "Yes, we can go." We got in andin a bit it was slowly going up. "Wah~" Outside was really prettywith the lights on during night. "Byul. Are you happy?" "Yeah.""Even if we take our relationship a little further?" "Yeah," i keptsaying. I was so mesmorized outside that all i said was yeah.~~~~~~Taemins POV~~~~~~~~She feels the same way! "So today i can take a big step furtherright?" "Yeah," she said again. I was relieved and sighed. I alsolooked outside and it was beautiful. But not as beautiful asByul. Even her name means star.~~~~~Byuls POV~~~~~,~~~~~~~~~,~~~~"Can i have a piece?" "Sure." I plucked a piece of. He leaned overto me and took it. He put it in his mouth but grabbed my neck andkissed me!!! We shared it as the cotton melted. Should i pushback? I mean, if he likes it then i'm okay with it, but i kindafelt awkward. The cotton candy completed melted and heput his toungue out. "Sorry, wanted to do that." I blushed andso did he. We both looked out the windows as it turned awkward.