Cry Wolf chpt: 8 (1/1)
Snarling and growling menacingly as they flew through the air, towards each other, Kyungsoo and Kai watched as the other came nearer. Feeling each others sharp claws clash into each others chests before hitting the side of each others faces, they both turned their heads sharply to the side, hoping they could sink their teeth into their opponents neck.
Being slightly bigger than Kyungsoo, Kai had the upper hand in the fight. Missing his neck by mere inches, Kai then set his sight for Kyungsoo's left shoulder. Successfully biting down on his target, Kyungsoo let out a yelp of pain as he felt Kai's strong jaws crush down on him before turning his head towards his foe and clamping his jaws down just beyond Kai's ribcage causing Kai to yelp loudly.
Feeling themselves land harshly on the Forrest floor, another yelp escaped from Kai as he felt Kyungsoo's sharp teeth clamp further into his side as they landed. Kai snapped furiously at Kyungsoo but failed with each attempt to bite down on him as the smaller wolf pounced just out of reach every time but successfully kept his hold of Kai with his mouth. Attempting to rid himself of Kyungsoo, Kai then rammed him into a nearby tree repeatedly, mercilessly, until a low hanging branch speared itself into the side of Kyungsoo's abdomen therefore causing him to release Kai from his grasp as the branch snapped, causing part of it to hang from his side as the majority of it stuck inside him causing him great discomfort and pain. Kai took this opportunity to pounce at Kyungsoo and attack him furiously with his claws and fangs. Biting down upon his spine, Kai could taste Kyungsoo's fur and blood within his mouth. They both knew attacking the spine was the best spot to attack on a wolf because the possibility of escaping from this hold was nearly impossible, however, that didn't stop Kyungsoo from attempting to flee as searing pain rushed through his body .
Yelping repeatedly, Kyungsoo stumbled as it became unbearable, causing his feet to give out from underneath him. Laying on his side, Kyungsoo felt unimaginable pain as he was attacked by Kai's claws and fangs mercilessly.
Feeling the blood flow rapidly through his open wounds where Kai had bit and clawed at him, all Kyungsoo could do was cry out before he felt himself fading. Becoming suddenly numb, Kyungsoo could no longer fell Kai attacking him.
Blurred vision and a raging headache swept through Kyungsoo as his eyes slowly began to close. Laying his head upon the fallen leaves on the Forrest floor, Kyungsoo fell silent as his eyes closed slowly.
Before falling into complete darkness Kyungsoo imagined seeing a figure in the distance racing towards him. "There's no one there" he told himself "no one knows you're out here. This is how you're going to dye, attacked by a fellow wolf in the middle of the forest. You're going to dye." something inside Kyungsoo felt disheartened at the thought before another thought raced through his mind... "but what if it's true. What if I really did see something coming towards us?" Kyungsoo then faded into the darkness before his question could be answered, his mind slowly beginning to shut down, his hearing no longer functioning just as a loud growl sounded itself from a creature that had just appeared at the fight scene.