Cry Wolf ***( HIATUS)***
Kyungsoo is a complete lone wolf, living in an old house in the mild of the Forrest by himself and no friends. At first he thinks hes the only werewolf in town until a large group of them appear and tell him they want him to join the clan. Will he join the clan of werewolves or will he refuse? ForewordKyungsoo could feel the change begin. A sharp pain ran up through his spine and spread through his entire body. He cried out in pain hysterically as his body began twisting and contorting itself in ways no human could ever imagine. Grabbing ahold of his chest, above his heart, he could feel it pounding against his chest harder and faster. Kyungsoo dropped to his knees, panting as his breathing became shorter and harder. His screams filled the nearly empty house he was living in as his spine and nails began protruding from his skin, tearing the flesh from his body in an excruciating manner. Tearing at his fresh, blood and skin flew across the room as Kyungsoos inner beast released itself. Tears dropped to the floor as Kyungsoo cried, no longer able to scream as a long, black snout fought its way out off Kyungsoos mouth forcing His jaw to pop and twist before being torn off completely, falling to the floor. A deep and menacing growl escaped from the creature as it released itself. His huge eyes bulged from his head, hanging near his cheeks as the creature within fought harder for its release. The palms of Kyungsoos hands hardened as the skin tore itself apart, showing the bloodied, black paws that had been locked away inside for so long. The transformation was nearly complete as the every body part became the beasts. All that was left was the part that Kyungsoo hated the most, eating the flesh that was strewn across the room from his human form. He hated it but, he knew that in order to become his human self again after this night, eating his own flesh was required.