EP16 (1/1)
Ep16: "Yoogeun, you're fast." krystal said."Yup, omma so faster let's go to see appa.""Ok. But after visit appas you want to go shopping with omma?""Ok.""Omma buy you new clothes want?""Yes! Yoogeun have new clothes to wear..." Yoogeun said while jumping up and down."Ok. Let's go to visit appas."They went to the set of photograghy for elle magazine. When krystal and yoogeun went in to the set, the first one who see them is key. Then key shout scare other members of shinee."Yah, Key! Don't shout so loud." Onew shout to key."Hyung, my ear going to burst!" Taemin said too."Yoogeun.... Do you miss key appa?" Key didn't bother them and went to krystal and yoogeun. He carry yoogeun on his arm. Then minho and his other members also went to them and want to carry yoogeun too."Yoogeun, do you miss Jonghyun appa?" Jonghyun said."Yoogeun, do you miss Taemin appa? Appa miss you..." Taemin said to yoogeun."How about me? Yoogeun do you miss me? I'm your Onew appa..." Onew said cutely to yoogeun."Yoogeun miss all of you." Krystal help yoogeun to answer."Yoogeun, how much you miss appas?" Taemin ask yoogeun who is still in key's hands."This much...." Yoogeun said while show his hand to his appas with a big circle."Ah.... Kyeopta!" Key said while pinch yoogeun softly. "Soojung, did you eat?" Jonghyun ask krystal."Yes, oppa. Just eat with yoogeun at home before coming visit you all..." Krystal answer jonghyun."Soojung, you and yoogeun wait for a while, we almost finish our shoot." Minho tell krystal."Ok oppa." Krystal said and carry back yoogeun from key."Yoogeun wait for appa ok?" Key said to yoogeun."Ok. Yoogeun wait for appas..." Yoogeun said to key. Shinee continue their photo shoot, while krystal and yoogeun wait for them.After finish shooting, Shinee went to yoogeun and krystal. The first one who carry yoogeun now is jonghyun. "Oppa, tomorrow you all will come right?" Krystal ask."Of course. We haven't visit your house, we should go once. Aren't?" Onew answer."Yup." Krystal said to..."Soojung, we will have schedule later at MBC. Want to come too? You and yoogeun can wait us in the waiting room." Key ask."No, thanks. Yoogeun and I will go shopping later.""Shopping? Why I didn't know?" Minho ask."Just decide this morning.""Ok, must be careful ok?""What will happen oppa? We just shopping.""Who knows? Know many criminal outside.""Minho, you too worried. they won't be so lucky... Hahaha...." Key said. Taemin and Onew also laughing. They stop laughing when they see minho glare to them."Is ok oppa, we just shopping.""If you said so. But must be careful ok?""Ok."