EP15 (1/1)

WE GOT BABY girl98 14380K 2023-11-03

Ep15: "Oppa, finish shower?" krystal ask."Yes, you should go shower now. I will company yoogeun.""Ok." Krystal said and went upstairs to shower.Krystal went to shower. While krystal is showering, minho and yoogeun is watching tv. After 20 minutes later, krystal finish shower. She blow her hair until is dry. Then she went downstairs and sit behind minho. Minho notice krystal is sitting beside him and he ask krystal if she want to watch other tv programs cause yoogeun is already fallen asleep.Krystal and minho watch a while tv programs, and is tired. So krystal ask minho to shut off the tv and carry yoogeun up to his own bedroom. Minho carry yoogeun to his bedroom and let him lay down softly. Before he leave the room, minho confirm that yoogeun is fully asleep peacefully. Then he went back to his bedroom. Krystal is already fallen asleep. He smile when watching krystal sleeping face. He went to kiss krystal cheek. Then he went to the washroom brush his teeth and he went for bed.The next day, Minho left home early in the morning, while krystal and yoogeun sleeping soundly. When krystal awakes, she clean herself. after cleaning she went to yoogeun's room see that yoogeun still asleep. she didn't wakes yoogeun up, she went downstairs to prepare breakfast. Krystal cooks some porridge for herself and yoogeun. after she cook porridge, she went again to yoogeun's room to see whether yoogeun still asleep. She sees yoogeun sleep soundly so she went downstairs and eat herself watching tv.  After 30 minutes, yoogeun went downstairs himself and he sees krystal watching tv so yoogeun went to krystal and sit beside her on the sofa."Yoogeun, just wakes?" krystal ask yoogeun when she saw yoogeun sit beside her."Yes, omma.""Want to eat? Omma cooked porridge for you.""Yes, yoogeun is hungry.""Then you clean yourselves first. After clean, come down then you can eat your porridge already.""Can I eat now?""You should clean yourselves first. And also the porridge is cold now, omma must hot it first before you eat."Yoogeun nodded and went upstair and clean himself. After cleaning, yoogeun went down. He went to the kitchen and see his omma is putting the hot porridge inside the bowl. Krystal is taking the bowl of porridge to the dining table. Yoogeun is already sitting on the chair waiting for krystal to take the bowl of porridge to him."Thanks omma." Yoogeun said to krystal."Eat now. Be careful of hot." Krystal said to yoogeun.Yoogeun is eating the porridge, he notice krystal didn't eat so he ask krystal."Omma, why you didn't eat?""Omma have eat already just now." Yoogeun nod his head and continue eating his porridge. Krystal eyes is paying attention at yoogeun although yoogeun is eating. Krystal is thinking yoogeun is cute when he eating,playing even sleeping. "Omma, where's appa?" yoogeun ask krystal when he finish his porridge."Appa is working with your other appas." krystal answer yoogeun and bring him a glass of water.Yoogeun drink finish the water that krystal give him and continue asking."You mean key appa, taemin appa, jonghyun appa aand onew appa?""Yes. Yoogeun want to visit appa?""Yes! Yes! Yes!" yoogeun said and jumping up and down to the living room with krystal."Ok. Ok. Go change your clothes first. And also bring one jacket with you." krystal said to yoogeun.Yoogeun faster when to his room and change his clothes. Then yoogeun take his jacket that is putting on his bed and went down to his omma.