one day. (1/1)
The tension in the air was suffocating and the pair walked around in a haze."I…" the boy started but fumbled with his words.She looked at him with wide eyes."I'm just going to say…Imnogoodwiththesekindofthings," he rushed causing her to jump."JongHyun, it's okay. Don't worry.""But we need to have the draft by class tomorrow and we can't use the ones from before, it wouldn't be fair."She gave an understanding nod. "We'll think of something. Don't worry."He grabbed her wrist and spun himself to face her. "I'm telling you, I'm no good! I'm already failing this class and we're only a month into the semester."She smirked and patted his cheek. "I said don't worry. You're getting too worked up.""But I-"She covered his mouth with her free hand. "What did I say? I know you usually do things different with MinHo, but I won't let you fail either. We will do this to-geth-er."He titled his head to the side. "Why did he give up on you?" he muttered softly.Blood shot to SooMi's face. "Maybe we…should start talking it over."The boy turned away from her but kept his fingers wrapped around her slender wrist.'If I had a girl like SooMi, I never would have acted like that…' he thought to himself. -- "So this is your room?" MinHo asked trying to navigate his way across JaeHye's floor.She picked a few things up and moved them aside. "Sorry for the mess, Oppa's been telling me to clean it up for a while.""Oppa?""JongHyun.""Ahh~" he looked around a little and noticed a cover peaking out from underneath her bed. Crouching down, he pulled out the book and turned it to the front."How to be Organized." He looked to her. "You never actually read this, did you?"She laughed uneasily. "So that's where that was…""You know, I was with Jjong when he picked this out. He gave it to you didn't he?"She bent down to take the book from him. "So what if he did? He's always nagging me." She tried to snatch it from him but he moved the book away too fast and she fell over pulling at his arm until he was leaning overtop of her.Their eyes looked at each other's and he felt his body weighing him down more and more by the second."MinHo?" she breathed."…JaeHye?""We need to work on the project."Her words had punched him out of his daze and back to reality. "We. Should."He searched for something to break the serious air and then he found it. "After we put this away!" He said snatching a teddy bear from the floor."Hey give it back!" she whined trying to reach around him."Not unless you're going to put him where he belongs."She pouted and muttered a "Fine," before putting the bear on a shelf."And this," he said picking up a belt."Cut it out!" She chased him around her room until it was practically spotless."Look, you're all cleaned up," he smiled cheekily proud of himself."But we still don't have our outline done," she frowned. "That was pointless.""It's an English class right?"She rolled her eyes. "Duh.""Then lets do our project on keeping one's self organized.""LAME~" she groaned taking a seat on her stool and picking up her pallet."What are you working on?" he asked peering over her shoulder." art assignment while we figure out our English one. I was sick for a month so I've got piles of homework.""A whole month?"She nodded."I've got an idea," he smiled resting his chin on her shoulder.She swallowed. Her heart began to race, either out of fear for his plot, or his closeness…which ever it was, she couldn't tell. -- Homeroom began and was a repeat of the day before, except when it was time to leave DongHae called JaeHye to the side. "I gotta ask you something," he prefaced his question. "Would you go out with me?""DongHae, I don't know you," she laughed.He spun on his feet and leaned his weight on one arm which he rested on the lockers near the head. "But we can still have fun.""How about this," she smiled. "Give me a day and I'll reply back to you."He grinned bitting his bottom lip. "Should I give you my number?""That would be great," she said pulling out her phone. "And let's just keep this between the two of us, okay? I know how your friends are and I wouldn't want them to hassle you." -- "JaeHye," SooMi said pulling at her sleeve. "He's here again."The new girl instantly stood up and looked to the other girl. "SiWon is the one who was wrong," she smiled to the girl before leaving to meet up with the boy.SooMi sat in wonder. Did she know about SiWon's behavior to her? Leading her on only to tell her she wasn't what he'd expected, wasn't what he was looking for."Hey," JaeHye rushed to look flushed. Her eyes fell on a single flower and then back to him. "Is that for me?""A beautiful flower for a beautiful girl."She took it and pressed it to her nose. "Shouldn't you be in class?"He smirked pulling his shoulders forward. "What can I say? there are perks to being the class president.""Really? I didn't know you were the president!"He waved his hand like it was no big deal."Impressive," she gasped."Do you think I could impress you once more?"She bit at her index finger. "Give me a day.""One day?""Yes, and you're number." She winked before handing him the phone. --
"With DongHae be fun. The other needs flattery."________________________________________________A/N: Onoes...she's getting smart. :3@fishflame: glad you like it! :)