The bet. {ShortFic}
requested by FishFlame in my Oneshot Collection / Requests ...if you are/have ever been an art student (visaul arts), you may enjoy this even more. Foreword"Why are you doing this JaeHye?" the boy asked his long time friend."Why what? Im walking to school with my best friend…how does that not make sense." She linked arms with him and took deeper strides to make it uncomfortable for the boy."Aniyo, dont do that."She furrowed her brow and pursed her lips. "Why cant I?""Just dont do that at school. Just…dont.""Oppa," she whined making the boy uneasy. "Why not?""Just dont.""Oppa!""JaeHye-ya, its your first day at this new school. Just…gah, why did you even decide to transfer? its the middle of the year."She laughed to herself pulling her friend tighter into the link."Jae~Hye."A warm smile crept across her face and she hid it beneath her scarf. "You know, this school is closer."He snorted. "By a meter, at most.""Yah! that meter makes all the difference." she swat at the boy who was becoming all too aware of their surroundings."Its pretty close.""Yup, gonna make lots of friends," she smiled."JaeHye, I have something to tell you.""What is it?" she mused only half paying attention."Dont take this the wrong way…but you have to pretend you dont know me."She stopped dead in her tracks and looked at the boy. "Pretend?""Yes, its for your own good.""But…why?"He unlatched himself from his friend and held her face in his hands. "I bet that you cant pretend longer than me."She grabbed his wrists and leaned her forehead against his. "Bet I can.""Youre on."