Chapter 2 (1/1)
"Hey! You said we were going to the adoption center, why are we at the pet shop? I said I wanted a child not a-OH MY GAWD LOOK AT THAT TURTLE!" Luhan shrieked as he ran over to the turtle tanks, took the turtle out of the tank and started caressing the turtle. Sehun sighed as he had to hold Luhan back from squeezing the turtle to death. "Pick any turtle you want just don't kill them.", Sehun warned. "REALLLLYYY?! THANKS HUNNIE!" Luhan shouted as he pecked Sehun on the cheek. "I'm gonna name you...LETUCE" said Luhan totally forgetting about wanting to go to the adoption center. "Look, Luhan..." Sehun started. "I know we were supposed to go to the adoption center but both of us have never raised a child so why don't we just start off with a turtle." "I understand..." Luhan replied, he really did understand and agreed to Sehun's decision. "let's go home, Lettuce." When they got home, Luhan went to change Lettuce's tank. "BOO!" Screamed Baekhyun as he popped out of the top cabinets. "BOO!" Screamed Chanyeol as he popped from the bottom cabinets. "YOU GUYS SCARED ME!" "WHAT HAPPENED?!" Sehun screamed as he ran from his bedroom in only his underwear. Chanyeol quickly covered both his and Baekhyun's eyes. Luhan mentally facepalmed as he put Lettuce back into the container. Sehun quickly ran into his and Luhan's room and came back out fully clothed."What are you guys doing here and how did Chanyeol even fit in the cabinet?" Luhan asked as he poured a little turtle food into the container. "Well we just came back from the states because......" Baekhyun paused as he raised his left hand up to Luhan's face. "BECAUSE WERE GETTING MARRIED!" "OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG" Luhan was literally spazzing whiling repeating the same words over and over again. ______________________________________________________________________________________ A/N: HEY!!!!! ITS BEEN AWHILEEEEE!!!!!! SORRY FOR NOT UPADTING FOR A YEAR, IM THE WORST AUTHOR EVER. WELL SORRY FOR THE HORRIBLE CHAPTER BUT ILL UPDATE AGAIN TONIGHT. I STILL LUB U GUYS....IF UR STILL THERE LOL. HOPE U ENJOYED THE CHAPTER ^_^ SOWIE FOR THE SHORT UPDATE