Together Forever (Sequel to Opposites Attract)
Its four years later and Luhan and Sehun have graduated from college. They are currently living in a cozy apartment. All their friends have moved away to the states or somewhere in Korea. They have builded a small cafe and actually made a fortune from it. Their mothers didnt help them at all in their small cafe. All they did was eat their porridge and watch sappy dramas together. Luhan and Sehun are hoping to soon adopt a child. But they know that taking care of a child isnt as easy as it seems, you have to feed, change, and bathe him/her. Plus, Luhan also wants a dog, golden retriever, to be exact. Will Luhan and Sehun be able to survive?"Luhan? How many children do you want?"Nine." "One it is." ForewordA/N: IM STILL ALIVE!!!!!! THIS IS THE SEQUEL TO OPPOSITES ATTRACT!!!!!!!!!SO, I HAVE GOOD NEWS AND BAD NEWS. BAD NEWS ALWAYS COMES FIRST: I WILL NOT BE UPDATING EVERY DAY BECAUSE IM TRYING TO GET A SCHOLARSHIP PLUS I STILL HAVE TO FINISH MY SUMMER READING. SORRY:( GOOD NEWS: I WILL BE TRYING THIS NEW THING CALLED UPDATE MV. ITS PRACTICALLY A BOX YOU WILL GET AT THE END OF EVERY CHAPTER. INSIDE THE BOX, WILL BE A MUSIC VIDEO OF MY CHOICE. YOU DONT HAVE TO LISTEN TO THE SONGS IF YOU DONT WANT TO......SO! HERES AN EXAMPLE: CLICK THE BOX AND TELL ME IF IT WORKS^_^ BAI BAI, LUB YOU!!!!!! DONT FORGET TO COMMENT!!!!!!!!!! GOODNIGHT!!!!!!