Talking it Out (1/1)
I decided to not tell anyone one the time I’d be back, I’ve been dropped off just in time to head to class. I walk to class alone and quickly, taking my seat next to Jongin just in time.“Hey, I thought you were coming back tomorrow.” He says right away while frowning down at his paper. “You should communicate these things Jihyo.” My best friend says in a mocking way, though as my friend looks up from his paper he kind of just gapes at me.“My dad let me come back early, something about my sister being a crazy bat.” I say smirking to my friend happily. “How was your break?” I ask curiously, I smile at Sehun and Tao who both stare at me kind of shocked. “Something on my face?” I tease, though I know why they’re all staring at me.Sehun is the first to recover and rather amused with me. “You know Jihyo; the guys are all going to be shocked; you changed your hair completely, Miyoung too.”I glance down at my now blonde hair, not only that but I got it cut. My hair had been fairly long is now just past my shoulders. “I wanted something different, besides it is just hair.” I say nudging Jongin. “Hey, say something.” I tease my friend.“It looks good on you, it’s just really different from when you left, and Chanyeol didn’t say anything about this.” My best friend says while touching it. “Jeez, this is what money can do.”I roll my eyes but nod my head. “I got it done after Chanyeol left; it was my dad’s idea actually.” I say chuckling.“He never was very conservative with this kind of thing,” Jongin says smirking right back at me. “I like it, it suits you.” He compliments me. “Tao, you should go blonde too, Sehun and Kris have already.”Tao and I look at Sehun who is happily focusing on twirling a pen between his fingers. “I don’t know, it’s a pretty bold statement.” Tao says while eyeing Sehun warily.“I think you’d look great.” Sehun says smirking, looking but at me he winks. “Jihyo and I can now strut our stuff around campus.” He jokes while grinning happily.Tao and Sehun turn around as the door opens, our teacher coming in, standing we all greet him. On our way to lunch Sehun and I are attempting to convince Tao come around to being blonde, Jongin finally speaks up rather pleased with his statement too. “Look, Tao, you could dye it any color after if you don’t like it that much.”“I don’t know, you guys are kinda like the bad influences, I rather have Miyoung give me her opinion.” He says eyeing me in particular. “Though Jihyo, it really does suit you.”“Yeah, all you need is this.” Sehun says placing his hat on my head. “Now you look perfect.” He says with a rather accomplished look on his face. “Don’t you think so Kai?”Jongin smile and nods his head. “I do, Jihyo looks good.” My best friend says casually while throwing an arm around me. “Aigo, you look a bit like a delinquent.”I shove my friend playfully as we get in line. “No more than you or any of the other guys.” I tease. The four of us continue to joke around until we take our seats next to Chen, Suho and Lay.“Oh my god, is that you Jihyo?” Miyoung says completely shocked as she sits down with Luhan and Kris on either side of her. “You look so fantastic!” She says leaning down to look at me.“Thanks Unnie,” I say smiling at her happily. “I like your hair cut too!” I say equally excited, she’s changed her hairstyle, she has bangs and letting it out in her natural waves. “I’ve always liked your hair best like that.” I tell her happily.“I know; I should have listened to you a long time ago about this.” She says messing with it before she elbows Kris. “Stop saying that.” She mutters blushing.“Jihyo,” Baekhyun says completely shocked as he takes a seat next to Kyungsoo, with Chanyeol next to him, both sporting similar looks. “Your hair,” He says smiling at me rather impressed now. “It looks really good.”“I’ll say,” Chanyeol says kind of gaping at me. “It looks really nice.”“Thanks, you should have seen Heejin when she saw my dad and me when we got back from the salon.” I say smirking at this.Chanyeol chuckles as he sits down. “I can only imagine; she must have been upset you one-upped engagement announcement.” He says with a smirk. “Kai you were totally right by the way she is kinda…” He says leaving off trying to find the right word.“Crazy?” Jongin and I offer with similar smirks.Chanyeol nods his head, “Exactly.”We continue to joke around, as I get up with my bag Chanyeol and Baekhyun both join me right away. “We need to all talk.” Baekhyun says with a sigh.I nod my head heading towards my tree with both boys trailing after me. “I told him as soon as I got back.” Chanyeol says when I set my bag down. “It kind of fell out of my mouth,” He says with a heavy sigh.“Not that it was a big surprise,” Baekhyun says mimicking Chanyeol, I glance at them both feeling a bit better about all this. “I agree with Yeolie, that we should let you choose and not push it. We also agree that we wouldn’t let it get in the way of us all being friends.”“And I’m glad you both feel that way.” I say feeling a bit at ease with all this. “I’ve had a lot of time to think about this and well a lot of things really.”Chanyeol smiles at me. “Like?” He asks curiously.I smirk to Chanyeol; my thoughts of him have definitely changed the most. I mean I was terrified of this guy! “Like instead of going to the affiliate school I’ll go to art school,” I start off happily. “My parents are pretty supportive of this.”“That’s fantastic,” Baek says grinning at me excitedly. “You’ll be an artist, I’m glad you’ve finally come around to it.” He jokes with me.I chuckle and nod my head at them. “I’ve also thought a lot about the two of you.” I say letting out a nervous sigh. “I’ve thought about Jongin too,” I say while shaking my head.“Jongin?” Baekhyun asks curiously, “Did something happen over break?” He asks worriedly.I shake my head to this to calm him down. “Just, how I treat him and how he treats me, it should be like friends.” I say seriously. “And it’s something Jongin and I need to talk about.” I say glancing at Chanyeol, and then Baekhyun. “But I guess what I should get to is how I feel about the two of you.” I say finally.Baekhyun and Chanyeol both visibly stiffen. “My relationship with Jongin made deciphering my feelings a bit difficult,” I say slowly again.“Should you talk to Jongin first?” Chanyeol asks hesitantly. “It sounds like you have a lot to talk about.” He says gently.I nod my head letting out a sigh. “I should probably talk to him first,” I say agreeing with the gentle push. It’s the conversation I’ve been dreading a bit more than the one with these two. “I’m sorry; I’ll talk to him during our off period.” I say picking my bag up. “I’ll see you guys later.” I promise grabbing their hands and giving them a squeeze before I run off towards the lunch table.Though by the time I get there everyone has either gone to their next class or someplace else to enjoy their free time. I check the usual places, finding Jongin, Tao, and Sehun all practicing some new dance.“Oh hey, I thought you were with hyungs.” Tao says spotting me first. “Jihyo?”I smile at them and nod my head. “I just need to talk to Jongin,” I say smiling at them. “Mind if I steal you away for a little?” I say directing my attention to my best friend; he looks back at Sehun and Tao before nodding his head. “Thanks,”“I’ll see you guys in class probably,” He says as he picks his jacket up. “And as for you, no thanks needed to talk.” He says happily, though he plucks the hat off my head and tosses it back to Sehun. “I don’t want people getting ideas.” He says to me.I shrug my shoulders; Jongin and I head towards a shady spot near the sports grounds. For a moment I watch the soccer teams do warm ups before Jongin taps my shoulder. “Right, sorry.”“You know, I’m a bit worried, you usually tell me everything, like if you’re going to randomly change your hair or that you’re coming home a day early.” He says quietly. “I’m a bit worried.”I nod my head agreeing with him. “It’s just, lately I’ve noticed something,” I say while sighing. “I’ve noticed how we treat each other.” When Jongin doesn’t say anything I look over at him to see him watching me carefully. “We don’t always act like friends.”“Well we’re best friends,” Jongin says slowly. “But I guess you mean something else.”I nod my head and smile at him. “We should act like best friends or siblings, but we don’t even always do that.” I say slightly frustrated. “We shouldn’t try to kiss each other like we have; we shouldn’t throw each other under the bus as often.” I say while frowning.“What brought this up? You weren’t complaining about this stuff before.” Jongin says seriously while taking a seat on the ground. “I get the first one, I do.”“I like someone Jongin, and I thought that I liked two people, but the more I think about it, the more I feel the same way about one of them as I do you.” I say trying to be discreet. “How am I supposed to tell my feelings apart about if you confuse me sometimes?” I ask feeling slightly frustrated.My best friend lets out a long sigh. “I’ve always dreaded having to talk about something like this.” He says seriously. “For a while and I guess a little bit still, I’ve liked you, and not in the best friend kind of way, that’s why I get so upset with you dressing nicely, looking nicely, when guys like you. I know you don’t feel like that, obviously,” Jongin says a bit bitterly. “I’ve been really jealous lately too.”“Baekhyun and Chanyeol,” I say nodding my head for him to go on.Jongin nods his head, leaning back in the shade. “Jihyo, you’ve always been my best friend, I’ve never had to share you like I’ve had to these last few weeks. I’m angry that you like them both so much, I always knew you’d get along hands down with Chanyeol, but Baekhyun was the only one who made me hesitant about introducing you to everyone.” My best friend explains slowly. “He’s charming and a lot of girls like him, he’s talented and funny…”After Jongin leads off I smile at him. “Chanyeol is all those things too,” I point out fondly. “I liked you at one point too,” I confess, Jongin looks at me surprised. “But I moved on from that, I like that we’re best friends, I just miss how things had been simpler when we were kids, I want that kind of relationship back. No more mixed signals, no more kissing each other on the lips, and we need to keep jealous snaps to a minimum.” I say seriously. “I also think it’s time I stop calling you Jongin all the time.”This last bit caught him off guard the most. “What? Why?” He asks clearly alarmed.I smile at him and pat his shoulder. “Because I’m the only person who calls you Jongin, even our teachers have come around to addressing you as ‘Kai’. Besides ‘Jongin’ is a bit too affectionate most of the time,” I state easily. “We’ve known each other for a long time, I think you’ll be able to tell when I’m seriously angry with you and I won’t always call you ‘Kai’.”“Fine, but I want to be Jongin when it’s just us. When we’re around others I’ll live with it, but when it’s just like this me and you, I want to be Jongin.” Before I can question it or agree he explains his reasoning. “When we met we were Kim Jihyo and Kim Jongin, back then we were five, we became best friends nearly instantly.”“Fine, when it’s just me and you, you’re Jongin.” I say feeling more at ease. The nervous feelings I was having about this talk seem to melt away and things seem even clearer. “We should talk like this more, it’s nice.” I say slowly.“Yeah, yeah, I know.” Jongin says waving one of his hands up dismissively. “So who is it that you like, Chanyeol or Baekhyun?” My friend asks me seriously. I smirk at him and let out a sigh. “Which one is just a friend?”“I think I should tell them before you, after all news between the twelve of you travels fast.” I say while smirking at Jongin. “I’m thinking about going to an Art School for university instead of the affiliated school.” I say randomly.Jongin grins at me excitedly. “I’m happy for you, how do your parents feel about it?”I let out a long sigh. “My mother isn’t exactly excited, but Heejin is the older sibling and more likely to take control of all that kind of stuff, and dad as you know has never been very conservative or pushy.” I say smiling. “He’s pretty much all for it. We talked about visiting some campuses over summer break after the wedding.”“So then it’s pretty much official.” Jongin says letting out a long sigh. “You know, these are going to be our last two years together then, I’ll be dancing, and you’ll be on your way to becoming a great artist!”I glance at him feeling a bit sad. “Jongin, we’ll still be best friends after we graduate right?” I ask quietly, the look on my friend’s face eases me and makes me feel less anxious about the two years we have left like this.Jongin sends me a smile, one of his happy and carefree smiles. “Of course, we’ll have to text and meet up whenever we can, but even if we can’t really see each other I’m sure we’ll be best friends still.” He says confidently. “Besides, two years is a long time.”I nod my head agreeing with him, though I feel that two years really isn’t that long of a time. For the rest of our off period Jongin and I make plans for this summer, planning to get the other guys in on a trip to my home, staying in one of the guests houses all together and enjoying a week or two together before we all get swamped with our other plans. ~~~I smile at Chanyeol and Baekhyun, both waiting at the library for me. “We both kind of figured you’d be getting a head start on your classwork.” Chanyeol says with a smile. “We can wait until you finish.”I nod my head chuckling slightly. Walking in ahead of them and taking my seat at the usual table I fight off laughing as they take seats three tables away from me, though I am nervous about talking with them now that it’s getting so close.Getting up after only finishing part of my work I smile to myself as they get up together walking over to me. “Are you done Jihyo?” Baekhyun asks worriedly.I shake my head and let out a sigh. “It’ll be fine; I’d rather just talk than prolong it.” I explain as I head back to the commons, the area being mostly empty of other students. I smile as they both glance at each other worriedly.“You’ve made your mind up then?” Baekhyun asks apprehensively, his anxious look only worsens when I nod my head. “I think we’d both prefer if you just said who.”“Yeah, it’s kind of like one of those dating shows.” Chanyeol says frowning at the sentence. “Kind of nerve wrecking.”I nod my head agreeing with the statement. I glance between the two friends, both of them watching me nervously and with a hopeful looks directed at me. “Baekhyun, I’m sorry.” I say finally I glance to Chanyeol and send him a small smile. “I really got to know Chanyeol while we were at my house.” I say carefully.Baekhyun lets out a shaky breath but nods his head. “I understand.” He says frowning. “I’ll leave you guys alone, I’ll see you tomorrow Jihyo.” Chanyeol and I both watch as he gets up to leave, Chanyeol looks at me and then his best friend. “Don’t mess this up Yeolie.” Baekhyun says encouragingly then to me he gives me the same smile. “Chanyeol is my best friend, so I’ll leave it at you better cherish him too.”I nod my head smiling at him sincerely, I watch as Baekhyun walks away confidently. “I thought you were going to pick Baekhyun.”“After we started seeing each other you kept sneaking up on me,” I tell him gently. “I found myself liking you bit by bit, and then when we spent that last night at my house and we spent all the time together I just realized with Baekhyun it felt like being around Kai.”“Kai?”I chuckle and nod my head. “He’s still Jongin to me, but if he and I are going to be best friends and stop with the more than friends stuff he needs to be Kai.” I say trying to explain it. “Why, would you rather me call him Jongin?” I ask curiously.Chanyeol shakes his head, smiling at me rather pleased. “No, but I’d like it if you’d call me ‘Oppa’ once and a while.” He says teasingly. I roll my eyes at Chanyeol. “Jihyo, if you call me ‘Oppa’ I’ll take you on a date.”“So to get a date I have to call you ‘Oppa’?” I ask curiously, I smile at him. “Oppa I like you too.” I say feeling a huge weight taken off me, the confession feeling good to come out. “I don’t want to be just friends with you Oppa.”“I don’t want to be just friends either.” Chanyeol murmurs, then grinning at me rather happily, getting up he walks around to me, pulling me into a hug. “Aigo, Jihyo this Friday will you go on a date with me?” He asks looking down at me affectionately.I nod my head while wrapping my arms around his waist hesitantly. “That sounds very nice Chanyeol.” I mumble blushing. As we pull away Chanyeol takes my hand and sits back down pulling me to sit next to him. “This summer is going to be really different.” I say randomly.“How so?” Chanyeol asks contently while holding my hand. “Do you mean you sister getting married or spending it with thirteen of your closest friends?”I chuckle nodding my head to both. “Not just that though, my dad is going to take me to several campuses to look around and start getting ideas about what I want to do.”“In Korea?” Chanyeol asks hopefully, I glance up at him and let out a sigh. “Hey, let me dream a little.” He says chuckling.“We’re looking at a couple, but there are a ton in Europe my dad wants me to look at going to.” I say with a sigh. “Besides that’s two years away.” I say quietly.“That’s true, you still have two years.” Chanyeol mumbles gently. “It’ll be four or six years tops right?” He says while rubbing his thumb over the top of my hand in soothing motions. “Then you’ll be back here in Seoul.”“Right, only for or six years,” I mutter slightly put off by this, but at the same time I feel at ease. I’ve been a bit worried about what I would do, my older sister is the obvious choice to handle the family business, while I’m not even sure what they do and don’t do. “I’ll come home and visit.”“Exactly, plus you can always call when you get homesick.” Chanyeol says comfortingly. “We’ll all miss you, and well I mean it’s not like you’re going away now, that’s Miyoung.”I nod my head. “She’s so excited to go to France, though the only thing France doesn’t have is Kris.” I say while rolling my eyes. “Miyoung is set on coming back too though.”“Yeah, I’m pretty sure Kris told her that.” Chanyeol says jokingly. “Come on, let’s go meet the guys for dinner, I’m pretty sure that Miyoung and Kai are having a fit with you coming back unannounced.”“Just thought I’d surprise everyone, plus my sister really was driving me crazy.” I say seriously. Chanyeol takes me back to the girls’ dorm so I can change; with it being Friday we’re all eating together, Kris and Miyoung included. As soon as I enter the room, Miyoung is throwing her arms around me. “I missed you all week long!” She coos, “How was it? I know you, Kai, and Chanyeol have called your sister crazy, but it must have been nice to go home.”I nod my head smiling at her. “It was really nice, Kai and I are planning on a huge trip for all of us, my parents are all for it, plus Heejin will be away with Jonghyun’s family for last minute details or something.” I tell her excitedly as I pull out a pair of skinny jeans and a grey tank that says ‘Let them eat cake’, I glance over at Miyoung and smile; she’s all ready to go, just waiting on me. “I confessed to someone.” I tell her casually, and rather excitedly.Miyoung walks over to me calmly, grabbing my shoulders and turning me to face her; she has the biggest smile on. “Baekhyun?” I shake my head and let out a small smile. Her eyes widen, still smiling at me. “Chanyeol?”I nod my head and grin at her. “The week along plus all the times he’s just appeared, just felt different. I like him.” I say happily. Miyoung pulls me into a tight hug. “We better go meet everyone.” I say patting her back.“Shush, I’m hugging you.” She says jokingly while rocking us from side to side for a minute. “Alright, now we’ll leave.” She says pulling away happily. “So then you and Kai?”“Are just friends,” I say easily. “Everything is changing, but I think things will work out.” I say happily. I hope you guys aren't too disappointed with who I picked.
I've been pretty torn about picking between Chanyeol and Baekhyun.
I usually have who I want picked out previously, but I kinda switched in this.
(Considering doing a epilogue)
Like I've said before, I'm thinking of doing another EXO fic
^^Thank you guys for reading, subscribing, commenting and upvoting~!