Just Friends

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Author: DokiTokki
Latest: Epilogue
Time: 2023-11-02

Teenage years are a period of growth, discovery, mistakes, friendship, youth, fun, heartbreak, confusion and finding the beginnings of who you are and who you will become.Jihyo and Jongin have been inseparable since they met in kindergarten, theyve been through everything together, and have hoped to remain as friends till the end. As the pair matures lines that seemed definite no longer seem so clear-cut. Just friends doesnt seem to quite mean the same thing as when they were five as it does now.  ForewordJust Friends. That’s what Jongin and I are. Nothing less, but I suppose we’re a bit more than just friends. We do a lot of things that friends don’t really do, well, what friends shouldn’t do. I know this because I’m going crazy trying to justify everything. Friends don’t use friends, they don’t get crazy territorial, they don’t kiss you randomly and say it was nothing; they especially don’t kiss you then say it was something, but nothing more than just friends.So as you can probably imagine, our relationship is kinda complicated and frustrating, but Jongin is my best friend. Jongin to me isn’t always cold, isn’t always indifferent, and most definitely is always demanding. But I’m okay with all that because he’s my best friend.I really am okay with Jongin and his temperamental attitude or disposition or whatever you want to call it. That is until someone points out a few things and I notice those things and suddenly everything isnt so black and white like Id thought it was, I start to notice all the blurred lines, the grey areas and all the things that are really wrong with how Jongin and I are. So if we really are just friends, shouldnt we act like it?  Because I just cant help myself.Another story, but a more work in progress kind of thing. But umm...yeah c: UPDATES:GUYS. The very amazing Poster and Background are from:callipygian` graphics shopby -asterisk (Plus my EXO shirt came today ; u ; ) 9/23/2013
