Breakfast .....!! (1/1)

Seungho went upstairs to change

his wet shirt and when he return to the kitchen he found every body already set on their chairs and start eating their break fast he set on his chair while talking to byunghee who was still roaming in the fridge.      " c'mon byunghee just set now ,joon and jihoon hyung will eat every thing " he said with mocking tone.

"Yah !!!dont compare me to him  at least I still eat like human " said jihoon defending him self before laughing when he see the honey abs adorable reaction .

Joon hold his hand to his chest in a dramatic way that he was stap  in his heart while his eyes where so big emaciating a hurt puppy eyes and so he was successful in making his freinds laughing non stop till they heard a loud painful groin.byunghee accidentally cut his fingers while he was slicing some Fruits. Jihoon had already stand ready to reach his lover when seungho  and mir already push him aside rushing to the cooker side, seungho take byunghee's finger and examined it for second ,while mir was asking him if is he okay and how much it hurt ,mir suddenly trail off when he witnessed  seungho bring byunghee's  finger up to his lips to suck on the blood while dragging byunghee gently with him till he reach the first Aid shelf and took it ,he took the antiseptic and smear it on byunghee small cut which result in the younger hissing in pain " ouch .!!!! gentle seungho !!! It hurts " said byunghee scolding seungho while biting his lip to endure  the pain.  "Sorry ,,,,I just want to clean it fast " answer seungho flashing byunghee an apologizing smile that byunghee reply with ashy one ,they stare at each other for merely seconds before they both notice that mir become unusually quite ,and that when they both remember they where still in the kitchen .byunghee look to jihoon direction and he didn't like his facial expression at all ,he pull his hand harshly from seungho's hands before take the aid box and direct his talk to Mir " mirue c_can u..u help me to put the plaster on my wound" said byunghee stuttering a bit , " o_okay  h_hyung " replay Mir stuttering the same , he work in his hyung wound while steeling glance over jihoon darkening feature .

they all know how possessive is their mentor towerd byunghee and how many misunderstands events had raised before ,especially with seungho ,and since it was their last day with their mentor he pray for the day to end in peace , Mir look at seungho direction and found him already return to his seat chewing his lip in a clear nervous gesture ,he sigh a little and decide Its time for his interaction to change this unpleasant Aura  , " so joonei hyung   I heard u have a kiss scene in ur drama " ..

.."what ,,,!!!! I didn't know that ,,how did u know " said joon in surprise tone while looking to chendung , in the other hand chendong knew exactly what is Mir trying to do so he decide to play a long faking a shock gasp " OMO ,,,,,joonie !!!!how cloud u hide somthing like that from me "

"No no ,,!! I never know about that ,,,I will never accept scene like that ,,,,not before tilling u at least " said joon clearly panic ,he move to chendong side hugging him tightly while still defending him self "baby please believe me ,,I would never hide any thing from u " said joon before start to shower his boyfriend with smudgy wety kisses in his cheek , " okay okay ,,!! I believe u hyung ,,,just stop it " said chendong attempting to push joon away while glaring at Mir who was muffling his chuckle first before bursting in ahalerious laugh along with seungho who was holding his tummy from the excessive laugh  byunghee was laughing a little , he glance over at jihoon direction and smile upon seeing his hyung smile , he stand up and bring the fruit pasket  to serve it to his freinds .

"Hyung ~ " whine joon like a child when byunghee give every one apple except him ,   "thanks to someone who forget to do the grocery I ask him for yesterday we only had five apple now and we are six , so joonie the math" said byunghee scolding the younger who lower his red face but he rise it with a confuse look when byunghee handle him his own apple ," but since u have a hectic schedule  today I will give u mine " said byunghee with a motherly smile , joon smile in gratitude but he felt guilty so he try to return it back before cutt off by seungho talk " byunghee is right joon , we need to take care of your health since u h