Morning in the dorm (1/1)

Byunghee was moving around in the kitchen preparing breakfast for his band members as usual  ,  but today he wasn't humming happily or sing like he usually do, instead he was cooking with heavy heart , tomorrow at this hour, his mentor as well as his boyfriend jung jihoon will leave to the airport, he will be away for six monthes for army Services ,Byunghee heart sting in sadness every time he remember the long period he will be separated from his older lover, but what options he really have,the only choice he can make since jihoon already asked him to hang out together , is to make this day the best goodby day , so jihoon will have a lot of happy memories when he is far away , and that is what the main singer determine to do .

While he was in his deep thoughts , he suddenly gasp in surprise when he feel two arms wrapping around his waist, he let out a big breath to calm him self down before scolding the attacker , known it wouldn't be other than the rebellious maknae  "mirue !!!! How many time I worn you not to startle me like that in the kitchen !! I may hold a knife or a boiling water and hurt you accidentally  "

" I just couldn't resist you hyung~~ " coed Mir cutely before add  , " and you look cute with this bunny apron and your messy hair, beside , I know you are super careful umma and will not hurt your favorite baby  " , byunghee put the spatula that he was holding down, then turn in youngster arms only to find him putting his most adorable face , byunghee chuckle for a little before ruffle the others hair motherly then speake to him " I am making a flapjack , and if you wake up the heavy sleep leader I will let you be the responsible of spreading the syrup to every one" , it took only   five seconds for Mir to disappear from byunghee sight, which make the later laugh softly at the child who was living with them at the same dorm .

Main while joon and thunder were already waked up and sitting in the living room waiting for byunghee usual call to have their breakfast, they were sitting in the couch watching TV, thunder was gently caressing joon hair who was leaning in his lap, when they both hear Mir screaming for help, joon rise himself from thunder lap and was about to set up when the younger stop him by hugging him from behind " don't leave hyung,it's comfortable to stay like that ,  let byunghee hyung check what going on " plea thunder .

"Byunghee hyung is busy making the breakfast , we can't let him handle every thing " reply joon before peck his lover cutely in his lips then sit up and give his hand to the younger , thunder sigh but took joon hand any way and they both went upstairs to check the maknae.

They hear the maknae screams coming from the leader bedroom, they both look to each other the " he bring it to him self " look , then they rush to the room .Seungho was walking toward