1 - As Usual. (1/1)
Side note: I changed her surname to Lee. You'll see why. /gives derp smile 8D-----------------------------------------------------------The morning sun shone dimly into Hyejin’s room, through the blinds of the curtain. Hyejin woke up and squinted her eyes, before looking at her alarm clock. *Another new year. Another typical first day of school. Another normal day for me. No big deal.* Hyejin groggily crawled out of bed and prepared herself for school. She made toast, left one on the kitchen table, grabbed hers and gobbled down the toast while she made her way across her unkempt home, careful not to step on magazines and empty cans of beer scattered across the floor.She got to a room with door closed and gingerly pushed open the door. Reek of alcohol filled her nostrils as her face scrunched up in disgust. Her brother was sprawled carelessly across the floor, with a half full beer can in his hands. She carefully took the beer can away from his hands, and nudged him to wake up and have breakfast. School starts in an hour’s time and her home was quite a far way from school, so she had to wake her brother up and get him ready first in order to be in time for school.Her brother- no, her ELDER brother, was one of the most disgusting male in the human population. At least, she thought so. He seems to have split personalities, being all so kempt and popular with ladies in school, but once he reaches his so-called ‘happy hours’, he turns into an obnoxious flirt and goes to clubs around Seoul, every time a different one, and hook up ladies, drink, and does goodness-knows-what. He gets home drunk, sometimes with a lady, sometimes not.Hyejin kind of wished he’d come home all the time with a lady in hand, because that would at least keep him busy for the night. But what she fears is when he doesn’t. Whenever he isn’t with a female when he gets home, he’d be in fury. And then, he takes his anger on her. Hyejin would then have to bear with all the beatings her brother gives her, and then goes to school the next day like nothing happened.Hyejin shuddered at recalling what happened last night. She faced the mirror and inspected the punch she took on her cheek, which is now turning into an ugly shade of green. She gave her injury a last glance, made sure that her brother was at least sober enough to prepare himself for school, and left home. *Who knows? School might turn for a better this new year. I may actually look forward to going to school everyday.* Filling herself with optimistic thoughts, she gave herself a little smile and walked on. Hyejin stepped into Tae Sung High School and took a short glance at the girls gathering at one corner of the schoolyard, surrounding a few guys, sucking up to them and throwing them with their most flirtatious looks. *As usual. What was I actually hoping for? Nothing would change in this school; nothing.* She continued walking on and spotted her ex-classmates, all in cliques, chatting merrily and having fun. At the other corner, she saw a few students sitting at the bleachers, watching some students having a game of basketball. From far away, an ex-classmate, Doyong shouted over at her, “Hey look, it’s Miss Grudgy with a new decoration on her face!” He menacingly approached her. “Or should I say, Grudge AHJUMMA. Oh look. Such a pretty addition to your face. You should really get more of these nice green stuff! They’ll certainly get some attention for this terrible face of yours.” Doyong smirked as his friends burst into heaps of laughter. He spun around and walked back to his friends, holding out a ‘loser’ sign at Hyejin. Hyejin looked back to the floor and trudged on. All of a sudden, she wasn’t really looking forward to school. Not anymore. Hyejin stopped outside her classroom and looked up to verify her classroom number again. *Yeah it’s here. My new homeroom for the rest of the year.* She took a breath and walked into class. As usual, no one was affected or noticed her entrance. She walked to an empty seat at the back corner of the class, near the window, and sat down. She pulled out her black lacy notebook from her bag and started doodling to pass time.Suddenly, the class shushed for a split second, then was filled with resonating shrieks and loud gossips from the next second. Hyejin looked up briefly and saw a good-looking- (no, good-looking is an understatement) male walking into the classroom. What was his name again? Daehoon? Daehong? Daewhat? *Just the school hotshot. The one from the school’s basketball team. The one that all girls in our school likes. And he must be in my homeroom. Great. Now everytime he enters, he’ll probably take around fifteen minutes to actually get to walk to his seat and sit down.* Hyejin took in her classmates reactions to his entrance and mentally compared it to her own. She stared at him for a short second, and continued with her doodling.Hyejin couldn’t be bothered with chasing all these popular males of the school. She doesn’t get why fangirls like to chase them around with those retarded letters in their hands and with their long messy hair flopping around. She doesn’t get why girls do not want to tie up their hair. “Makes me look pretty,” one said before. She shook these thoughts out of her mind and decided to not be bothered by the scene happening at the entrance of the classroom. She took note of how the Dae-something guy was putting on a polite smile, shunning away all the gifts briefly, and making a tremendous effort to just walk to a seat but to no avail. She felt like helping him out a bit but she figured it would do no good to him nor her. Hyejin shrugged and stared out of the window.A while later, the bell rang. *New year of school. And a typical start. I always hope for change but am always disappointed. It’s still the same. School.* Hyejin made a mental note never to hope for a better year at school again. She blocked all thoughts from her head, from the injury on her cheek by her brother, to the bunch of rude words Doyong used to mock her that morning, and including the Dae dude that was still being bombarded at the entrance, and got ready for class.-------------------------------------------First chapter is up! I hope it didn't disappoint. Kay maybe it did but as usual, new fanfics always start lame and drabby. I promise it'll get better after a few chapters!And I'm really thankful to those who subscribed and friended me. Yay. :)Okay. Do continue reading and share! And for those that are new to this fic, do subscribe and give my wall some love. :)