Versatile Meets Vulnerable.
I am really horrible at descriptions. I really hate this. But.HAAAAAI. This is thewhale (this is a stupid name. i wonder why i used it in the first place.) with her first fanfic! Kay Im not going to expect much responses since I am not really a fanfic writer so. But Ill do my best, dont worry.This story goes about with a versatile guy meeting a vulnerable girl. Like any other typical fanfics. Yay.KAY BACK TO THE POINT. This male, is the most desired male of the school. Hes freaking versatile (the word freaking is really appropriate) and hes all rounded. NO one has ever found something he COULD NOT do, and some around in school even suspects that hes supernatural. No one can be perfect like this. No one.Until he meets this girl. This girl, has always been a typical school drag. Its not that no one likes her, yes, they do work with her, theyre willing to do projects with her, theyre willing to talk to her for school matters. But thats the limit. No one invites her for lunch, no one would talk to her for non-school stuff, and no one would accept her as part of their cliques. When asked, no one could find the reason for it. No one just found her befriendable, no one would like to stick to her as her best friend or just someone to always be there for her. Shes just another normal schoolgirl, more towards the studious side, nerdy, no fanciful clothing. To put into simpler words, shes just another member of the school.However, theres just something, something about her. Thats so mysterious. That she goes about in school, sometimes with ragged clothes, sometimes without shoes, sometimes with a black eye. She never smiles. Never. She hardly talks. She doesnt join in gossips, nor does she go about noticing males. She hardly has money to even go about buying lunch in school. Shes skinny, but not necessarily to the extent that shes rags and bones. Shes really accident prone, and tends to always hurt herself accidently or on purpose. And when the perfect meets the utterly imperfect, what will happen? Will the versatile, for the vulnerable, shows his vulnerable side? And will this girl ever be happy?Read on to find out. :) And so after much horrible contemplating, Ive decided this utterly perfect male to be the one and only. Jung. Daehyun. TADAH /applauds like a sealAnd the girl is just a made up name so I hope you guys will be fine with it. :) Jung Daehyun: 18, most desired male, in the schools basketball team. (kay i know daehyun dont really look basketball-y but it was the only cool sport i could come up with, with this cranked up brain of mine.)And I just have to add another picture because he looks freaking sexy. Lee Hyejin: 17, wallflower, in the schools gardening club. (im just so lame like this. gardening. wheeeee.)She doesnt really look so moody in this picture. Kay but just imagine this same girl with a black eye and tattered clothes and ragged hair. And youll just know. Other characters: B.A.P. And those bitches, sluts, and horrible people in school. And others that will appear on the way. (note: bap isnt bap in this story. theyre just a bunch of boys that are friends with daehyun. and theyre all highly desired. but daehyuns still the most wanted. thats how im going to craft daehyun out.) Look forward to this story! Foreword"Because youre like that, Im like this; if you werent like that, would I be like this? Out of everyone from this world, I choose to love you.And if these all have to repeat,Ill STILL choose to love you. Because youre you.Thats what makes you different."