[M] HaeHyuk - Fix It (1/1)

Collection dbsj0001 76030K 2023-11-02

A/N: Soo...I sort-of had a plot for this a month ago but...then I had writer's block and so that's how this semi-pwp was born....mian ^^;"Fuck!" Hyukjae cursed out loud after he saw the smoke in front of his car and pulled over the side of the freeway. He took his sunglasses off and frustratingly got out of his vehicle after he popped the hood of his car to see what was wrong with it. As soon as the hood was lifted, he was immediately met with a fog of smoke and the feel of the heat of his engine against his skin. "Agh! Damn it!" He backed away from the car and promptly let go of the hood causing it to slam back shut on the car. He took his phone out and scowled as the heat of the sun further added to his frustrations and discomfort. "Hello, Hyukjae? Where are you? The show's about to start.""I don't think I'm gonna make it, Hyung." Hyukjae told the other while glancing at his broken down car with mild contempt. "My car broke down. It won't start and I'm stuck in the freeway.""What?! Hyukjae-ah, you're the last walk! You can't just not show up!" Leeteuk scolded. "I know, Leeteuk hyung." Hyukjae sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Unless you can get a car to pick me up I just don't see how I'm gonna make it there on time.""Have you called for help? How bad is it?""Well, my car's smoking so whatever's wrong with it must be bad." Hyukjae heard Leeteuk sigh on the other line and felt bad to put his manager/friend in such a difficult position. "Look, I'm gonna call for a tow truck and see what I can arrange, okay? But worse comes to worst, just have Siwon walk the runway twice.""You realize if you don't show up here you could potentially be blowing off sponsors for yourself, right?"Hyukjae rolled his eyes, annoyed at the reminder. "It's not like I planned this, Hyung. I'll figure something out, okay?"Leeteuk grumbled something back to him which Hyukjae didn't care to comment on before hanging up on the other. Hyukjae took another look at his car and pursed his lips together as he thought of what he should do next. It wasn't smoking as much anymore which is a good thing, he supposed, but then the question on whether it's safe to drive came next. Shaking his head at the idea, Hyukjae dialed for his car's road side maintenance instead so that a professional could come take a look on it instead. Two hours later, after waiting inside his scorching hot car and soaking himself with his own sweat, a truck that had "Maserati Towing" attached on the side came rolling forward. Annoyed at the long wait and the heat of the sun, Hyukjae was not in the mood to be accomodating or polite. "Are you Lee Hyukjae?" The man asked him which only made him roll his eyes. "How many maserati cars do you see stranded on the side of the road like this?"The other blinked for a second at Hyukjae's sarcasm before he showed him a tightlipped side smile. "You'll be surprised. I'm Lee Donghae. The company sent me to check your car.""About fucking time. What the hell took you so long?"Donghae ignored his tone and just went to the driver side of Hyukjae's car and popped the hood open. Before he went to check inside, Donghae started the vehicle to check if all the warning lights were working fine. It would be easier for him to narrow down what was wrong with the car once he sees which of the warning lights was on. As he suspected the coolant and water sign of the car were flashing bright red on the screen. He got out of the car and gave Hyukjae a confounded look as to how he was able to get here this far without getting  his car checked. "When was the last time you got your car checked for maintenance?"Hyukjae crossed his arms against his chest and watched Donghae closely. "I don't. My assistant does it for me.""Well, you need to find a better assistant because your car might be in worse shape than you think." Donghae ignored the scowl Hyukjae made and propped his hood open. The first thing Donghae checked on the car was the radiator cap. He put on his gloves and twisted it open to check the liquid level of Hyukjae's car and was not at all surprised to see the stick come up dry. Shaking his head disappointingly, he then moved to the car's radiator and pulled it out. It was extremely dirty and filled with dust. Hyukjae, who was trying to look over his shoulder, saw it and even though he wasn't quite sure what Donghae was holding, he could tell by the look on his face that it was not good.Donghae then looked further inside the car and felt around the serpentine belt of Hyukjae's car with his hand and he could clearly feel the cracks and wear on it. He finally pulled away from inspecting Hyukjae's car just to give him a look of disbelief. The other's earlier annoyed attitude was replaced by an shy embarrased one as he could clearly tell from Donghae that the other thought he was a bad car owner. "What?""I don't know how else to say this but your car is hopeless." Donghae said and then laughed when he saw Hyukjae's eyes widened. "Kidding! No one ever laughs at that joke."Hyukjae tensed and tightened his jaw when Donghae continued to laugh at his own joke. "Maybe it's cause it's not funny! What the hell's wrong with my car?!""Relax." Donghae told him and softly put the hood of the car down. "There's some parts I need to replace and the inside of your car definitely needs to be cleaned. Your radiator is dirty as hell, I can't imagine your AC would have worked that well.""Okay, well can you fix it now?"Donghae looked at him like he just asked him to perform a miracle. "Of course not."Hyukjae groaned and wanted to pull his hair out. "Why not?!""I have to bring this back to the shop and give it a proper assessment. The things I told you are just things I saw with my eyes but unless you want your car to break down in the middle of the road again then I need to make sure I look at this baby inside out." Donghae patted the hood of Hyukjae's car and winked at him before going back to his truck to set get his towing equipment out. Hyukjae was taken aback when Donghae had winked at him and scoffed at the other in disbelief after he walked away. His eyes then landed back on his broken down car and grimaced knowing there was absolutely no way he would make it to the show now. He pulled his phone back out but instead of calling Leeteuk, he decided to just send him a quick message to go ahead and proceed with plan B. This way, it'd be easier for him to avoid the scolding and whining that he was sure would come after his cancelation.  Donghae walked back to him with the hook for his car and asked, "Do you have a ride or do you need one?"Hyukjae raised a brow and thought about possibly calling an uber or a taxi but then remembered that the last time he did so, he got stuck with a fan which resulted in him almost getting kidnapped. That was not a pleasant experience and dreaded taking the risk of possibly repeating it so he nervously looked at Donghae, now fully remorseful of his earlier bratty attitude, and said, "Is-Is it alright if I hitch a ride with you?""Sure." Donghae answered profesionally before he hooked Hyukjae's car to his truck. The other had expected Donghae to make a snide remark but he just smiled and got to work. Hyukjae wondered if Donghae either really didn't know who he was or maybe he just wasn't a fan of him. He pursed his lips together in thought until the other patted his back and grinned at him again. "Ready to go?""Uhh...y-yeah." Hyukjae nodded and walked to the other side of the truck to get on the passenger seat. It's been so long since he last encountered someone normally who didn't want to ask him for a picture and autograph that Hyukjae wasn't sure if he was acting weird or if Donghae was. "Is there a place you want me to drop you off to?" "Uhh...do you know where Label SJ Building is in?""I think so. I've seen it on my way to the shop.""Oh good." Hyukjae smiled relieved. "You can just drop me off there.""Okay." Donghae agreed and started the car. Just as he was pulling off the road to head to Hyukjae's destination. They were on the road for all of two minutes before Hyukjae received a text message from Leeteuk. Leeteuk Hyung

Hey, you on your way?Hyukjae frowned and thought he made it perfectly clear to the other that he would not be able to make it at all. With a small frown on his face, Hyukjae typed in his reply. No, hyung. I really won't be able to. I'm on my way back to the office. I'll explain it there. It wasn't long until Hyukjae received a response from Leeteuk. Leeteuk Hyung

Yah! Are you insane!? The boss will kill you >.< Don't go to the office!!!!Hyukjae had a bad feeling that he might be in deeper trouble than he thought. Are they mad?Leeteuk Hyung

THEY'RE PISSED - like I thought they would be Leeteuk Hyung

Do me a favor and lay low for a bitLeeteuk Hyung

Don't go to the office or where fans can see youHyukjae scoffed annoyingly and scowled at the message. Where the hell was he supposed to go then!? He semi-angrily typed back, Are you serious??Leeteuk Hyung

Dead serious. Leeteuk Hyung

Don't cause trouble. Text me where you're at and I'll pick you up after the showLeeteuk Hyung

I'm serious, Lee Hyukjae. LAY LOW. Hyukjae sighed and replied back with a very platonic sounding 'Fine,' before clearing his throat and awkwardly calling for Donghae's attention. "Um, Donghae-ssi?" He called softly and after hearing the acknowledged hum of the other, cleared his throat again and tried to make his voice as casual as he can. "I was just texting with my handler right now-""Handler?" Donghae cut him off and repeated it to him with a surprised tone of inflection. Hyukjae paused and tried to think of a way to explain Leeteuk to him without him finding out the truth about what he does or who he is to the other. "He's...sort of my manager at work." Hyukjae ended up explaining and ignored the brief questioning glance Donghae sent his way. "Anyways, he said he'd pick me up at the shop instead so just go straight there.""At my shop?" Donghae asked to confirm while he kept his eyes on the road. "Are you sure?""Yes. The office is closed due to some event so I won't be able to wait there.""Alright." Donghae shrugged uncaringly. "I'm just warning you though. My shop is meant for cars. There's really no waiting area there but I suppose you could use my office. I have a mini airconditioning there so it shouldn't be too bad."Hyukjae rolled his eyes at Donghae's comment and propped his elbow up by the window while massaging the side of his forehead with his fingers. "I'm not a fucking princess. Just give me a chair to sit on and I'll be fine."Donghae laughed at Hyukjae's comment and when they stopped at a red light, turned to face him with an amused smirk on his face. "You sure do act like it thought.""Act like what?" Hyukjae asked annoyingly. Donghae sniggered and turned his eyes back on the road. "A princess." ~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~True to his words, when they arrived to Donghae's shop there really was nothing there but propped open cars and sweaty mechanic workers. It looked like his shop was full too with each garage filled with a car and the parking space adjacent to it was also filled with about a dozen cars expertly lined up. Whether or not those were cars Donghae had worked on or need to work on, Hyukjae doesn't know, but he seriously hope it was the former because there was no way he was going to wait too long for his car to get fixed. "So how long will my car be here?"Donghae was pulling up the driveway  when he heard Hyukjae's question. "Well, I'm not sure. It depends.""Depends on what?" Hyukjae snapped trying to remain intimidating. Donghae parked the car and turned to the other slightly irritated that he has not let up the entire ride. "I told you, I need to make a full assessment. Besides, you're not the only car I'm working on. It would probably be here for a couple of weeks. Maybe a few months."Hyukjae's eyes bulged out of his eyes. "Months!?" Donghae ignored his outburst and got out of the car to avoid hearing Hyukjae nag at him more. The other quickly got out of the vehicle as well and walked to where Donghae was carefully working on untowing his car and repeated his question with the same indignant tone. "Months!?" Donghae rolled his eyes at Hyukjae and pressed the button on his hand that slowly lowered the elevation of the car. "Yes, Hyukjae-ssi. Months. I have 15 other cars who were here ahead of you and they all have their own problems. Some are even worst than yours cause these people actually do know how to to take care of their vehincles.""Are you insulting me right now?!"Donghae smirked and let the button go as soon as he heard the clad of the metal touch the ground. "What does it look like?"Hyukjae felt even more offended and was rendered speechless for a second as he watched Donghae move from his vehicle to one of his workers with his eyes. When his mind finally processed Donghae's words and realized that the other was indeed insulting him, he yelled at him from where he stood despite Donghae already being several feet away from him and was now busy getting consulted by his workers. "YAH! How dare you!?"Hyukjae was too busy fuming and glaring at Donghae to care about the few pairs of confused eyes that stared at him for screaming at their boss. Donghae stared back at Hyukjae, his hand frozen midair a little taken aback by his outburst of rage, but when he saw his expression, Donghae smirked knowing that Hyukjae was only angry out of embarrassment and not really out of anger. He quickly signed the release form one of his employees handed him before walking back to his previous spot where he spoke to Hyukjae earlier. "Do you need something from me?" He asked genty and Hyukjae wanted to punch the grin out of his face so bad. "I'm paying you to fix my car not to take jabs at me for being a bad car owner.""Having a car is like having a kid." Donghae explained to him while placing a hand over the extrerior of Hyukjae's car and gently stroking it. "If you don't bring it regulary for a check up and give it the proper cleaning and oil it needs or gas to run, then your car will truly be a goner." "It's a piece of crap." Hyukjae mumbled and crossed his brows together when Donghae only laughed louder. "Some of them are, but it's really up to the owner whether or not they're going to ride a beauty or not." Donghae took his eyes from Hyukjae's maseratti and stared into his own while still smiling toothlessly. "It works the same way with parents. Shitty parents equals shitty kids, so," Donghae dawdled and chortled when he saw Hyukjae start pouting his lips as he caught on to his drift. "If you're a piece of crap car owner, then you'll have a piece of crap car."Hyukjae pursed his lips together and was upset at the fact that Donghae's words made sense to him. He didn't even want the car in the first place but the company thought it would be good for his image if he was caught driving a really cool and exotic car. To help boost his popularity and make him look more alluring to people. Unfortunately for them, he's not a very good driver and had zero interest in keeping the car which is the reason why he always lets his assistant borrow it. If only the little twerp brought it to the shop like he said he would then he wouldn't be in this miss right now."Can you just give me an approximate time of how long you're going to keep my car for?"Donghae chuckled and shook his head at Hyukjae's stubborness. "Why don't you go to my office and I'll meet you."Hyukjae looked around and found no door that would even lead to anything close to an office in the place. "Well, where is it?"Donghae nodded his head over somewhere Hyukjae didn't really know but the former had already moved on to check other cars. Hyukjae pouted at the indirect way he was just ignored before slowly stalking off to the direction he thinks Donghae pointed him at. He wasn't really sure if he was going the right away and the constant sounds of drilling and occasional clattering of tools and tires made Hyukjae uncomfortable. He was used to the lights and the occasional weird shoots, but everything around him right now was overwhelming him. Luckily for him, there was a small friendly looking man drinking a soda that passed him. "U-Uh Excuse me!" The man stopped walking and looked at him curiously. "Hmm? Did you call me?""Y-Yes." Hyukjae answered. "I was just gonna ask if you maybe knew where Donghae's office is?""His office?" The man sounded surprised. "Sure. It's right behind that blue car. It's a little camouflage so just feel around for a small knob. You'll feel the cold air too so you can't miss it."Hyukjae smiled gratefully and bowed a 90-degree in thanks before following his instructions. The worker was left behind to watch after him, amused and interested at Hyukjae's retreating figure. "Ryeowook-ah!" Donghae's faint voice called for him and he quickly turned around with a mischievous grin on his face. His mind already racing where Donghae found his next target. ~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~Hyukjae did manage to find Donghae's office and just like what the other said, his office was nothing much compared to what he was used to. His meetings were usually conducted in groups and around a table that could fit 16 people but Donghae's desk inside his cramped office was already too big. It was practically touching from wall to wall. There was one chair available in front of his desk but Hyukjae had to move a couple of things off of it just so he could sit on it uncomfortably. The good news is, the room was indeed very refresshing with the airconditioning turned on full blast. At least inside his office he didn't have to sweat and suffere the heat of the sun or the smell of the many vehicle exhausts. Hyukjae took out his phone and checked to see if there were any messages from Leeteuk and frowned when he didn't find any. Either the other was still busy or was still upset at him for not showing up. 'Hyung, are you on your way?'Hyukjae didn't expect for him to answer right away so he decided to leave his phone on top of Donghae's desk for now and shift his focus on what he can. There was a bunch of paper on top of his desk and several stacked on the the floor. He's never seen a place so disorganized and wondered exactly what kind of filing work Donghae had if he even had any. The urge to clean up and organize was starting to itch Hyukjae's brain but he didn't want to touch the other's stuff without asking him first. If there was som