
Hanchul 100K Active
Author: dbsj0001
Time: 2023-11-02

All of my one-shot, mini series, and drabble(s) work as an author compiled in one story link so youll always be updated of new HaeHyuk and other SJ/DBSK pairings. :D ForewordAnnyeong~ So, Ive been thinking of transferring all my work in here but I dont want to clutter it all up into different stories, so, Im putting it all in one set. It will mostly consist of HaeHyuk stories (I know, what a surprise, right? xP) but there are a couple of others here and there. I had some b-day stories that Ill probably post first because it wont make sense but just imagine it on the timeline :p I hope you guys like it ^_^  Oh, and uhm, I forgot to add. I did used to write smut (more often than I would like to admit) so uhm...I will be transferring that here too...just to see what you guys think. If any of you are uncomfortable on that kind of thing just skip it but uhm...just for future reference I would like to know what you guys think of that kind of thing. :) So uhm...if you can comment and tell me what you guys think so far. I put this subscribers only just to gauge how many people are interested but its also always fun and a good encouragement to read your comments. ^_^
