Arranged with You

Arrangedmarriage 160K Active
Author: Bbfairline
Time: 2023-11-03

She loved HIM But because Of HIM ,She dont want to fall in love again,She Changed because of HIM.   "You are FAT and UGLY,Because of you FAT and UGLY , I bet you are WEAK"Because of the words,She changed from a DUCKLING into a SWAN.  Arranged With You starring :Lee JiYoung (Original Character) ► Appareantly,A normal girl with a SMART BRAIN,PERFECT FIGURE and A STRONG BODY. Maybe,A PERFECT girl. ► Got Married when her ages was 17 ► Was FAT,UGLY and WEAK girl ► Sweet bubbly girl. Luhan ► Normal boy? Nope, everyone think hes not a normal boy because of his MANLY attitude with CUTE and HANDSOME figure. He been called MALE GOD.► Love to Sing and Dance► Got Married when 17 ► Was a SWEET and LOYAL boy► Turned into a PLAYBOY because of his FIRST LOVE EXO ( OT12 >,<) ► Luhans friends ► Chanyeol,Kris,Baekhyun,Lay,Kai,D.O,Sehun,Suho,Xiumin,Chen and Tao.► Going to be a SINGER.  Foreword At first, The TITTLE of this story is Arranged Marriage but I changed it. I changed because I think the Tittle is too simple so I changed it into Arranged With You. Originally, This Poster is the Poster of my story. This poster was PRETTILY and NICELY made by CRAZY CANDIES SHOP. I will put the link of the shop so feel free to visit the shop. Now,Im using this Poster that prettily made by Nekogami from NEKO IN WONDERLAND. Visit the shop. The poster is really nice. Ths is another poster for this story. This was made by SMHY from Bitter Chocolate . They was so creative. Visit Them ^^  This is another poster that beautiufully made by twistingallegoried from SPOTLIGHT POSTER. Feel free to request from them. They are so good in making poster.   I want to say that THIS is my FIRST story that I made. Since this is my first story, I should introduce myself. My name is BbfAirline and Im born on 2000. Im from Malaysia. The story may have many grammars error but please consider it because english is not my first language. Hope you like it. Kamsahamnida ^^ ©All rights from me. The character are from the owner but Lee Jiyoung is mine. If you found any story that have similarity to my story. It just a concidence. Dont plagarize it. If you want to post it to another website. PM me ^^
