Music in our heart.
Its about a young lady working as a specialist field in Geriatic Nursing.A special companion that attends her patients or guest with medical needs and personal attentions .A sassy old lady ,Madame Choi who is quite active and healthy, planning an arrange married for her precious grandson .Her grandson who is a bit cautious with his love life is a famous rapper in a famous group.He unknowingly fall to his scheming grandmothers cheeky plan. Sheann Park is Park Shin HyeSheann is a beautiful girl who graduated as a nurse and she just started working in a Posh Geriatric Home only caters for the rich.Each guest has their own apartment which is geriatric friendly. Nursing this guest is a full time job and stay in companion.Her only free time would be 2 days a month and when emergency arises. Choi Seung Hyun as TOPTOP paternal grandmother stays in this type of facillities. He loves his grandmother and visits her as often as he can.He knew grandmother is getting a new nurse as the previous nurse is getting married so her contracts ends.Normally he would interview the nurse but this time round grandmother insisted she find whom she wants. Grandmother Choi She refused to stay with her children and family so she decides to stay in Posh Geriatic Nursing Home with single nurse to one patient.The nurse will be her caretaker and companion attends to her every needs..She just accepted one beautiful nurse Sheann Park. She was getting bored so got someone she likes with a purpose play match making for her eligible grandson. Hanam Geriatic Home is a resort like apartments where guest will be attended 24 hours by a personal private nurse. The guest are free to go anywhere as they wishes but they could stay in like a home itself.Most of the guest owned the units and Doctors on call to attend their medical need and treatments.The commmunity home have swimming pool,tennis court, gymnasium and game room where they can meet up and have recreational activities.The meals and menu are prepared at their own apartment by their companion. The companions will make sure their patients have they proper meals & exercise. ForewordI am trying to write a one shot while writing another story of same bias but different celebrities that I am a bit partial toward..I will only write about my bias Park Shin Hye..but she will be portrayed to my dream job hahaha.I know I have one story under MinShin it was a dream story .. hahahaha. I have another but it is not publish...I am in the midst of writing my new idol craze which is Kwon Jiyong post military.Which in reality very unlikely its going to happen ever hahahaNow I am writing a oneshot story with TOP.Its purely fiction and has nothing to do in real life. Do kindly forgive me with my poor command in English and grammar.Whatever I write its solely my story, if any similarities, its unintentionally.Some of the scene is something I might have experience. A/N~I do not know if these kind of homes and facilities existed but it would be wonderful for the rich and busy children to have a place such as these.A companion for your aging parents when you are too busy with life...hahahaha